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Ahh there it is you revealing that you are a racist opportunistic. Such a proud moment in your life.
Please go forth and continue celebrating my age. I am secure in the fact that I am still older, wiser, and wealthier than you and let me add retired.

BOOMER GAMING. Did your grandson buy you a gaming wheelchair?



-bZ- Member
How did he reveal he is a rascist? What are you on?
All of Slick's message have a tendency towards racial overtones and innuendos.

Take this sentence: "Okay- if you lived in New Orleans, then you must be excited for the month of June. I’m happy for you! Were you friends with Andrew Jackson?"
New Orleans = deep south city with a race demographic of black at 58.14% vs. white at 32.69%. Cite: US Census Bureau 2023
Month of June = the innuendo, Juneteenth holiday. Cite American History
Andrew Jackson = the overtone, His policies led to the forced removal of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, resulting in the Trail of Tears. Plus, he was a slaveholder. Used his position to lead a genocidal military force against the Seminole people. Cite Andrew Jackson biography.

Is this too much for your Nihilism brain? Oh, by the way the word rascist in your sentence is spelled racist.
All of Slick's message have a tendency towards racial overtones and innuendos.

Take this sentence: "Okay- if you lived in New Orleans, then you must be excited for the month of June. I’m happy for you! Were you friends with Andrew Jackson?"
New Orleans = deep south city with a race demographic of black at 58.14% vs. white at 32.69%. Cite: US Census Bureau 2023
Month of June = the innuendo, Juneteenth holiday. Cite American History
Andrew Jackson = the overtone, His policies led to the forced removal of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, resulting in the Trail of Tears. Plus, he was a slaveholder. Used his position to lead a genocidal military force against the Seminole people. Cite Andrew Jackson biography.

Is this too much for your Nihilism brain? Oh, by the way the word rascist in your sentence is spelled racist.


-bZ- Recruit
All of Slick's message have a tendency towards racial overtones and innuendos.

Take this sentence: "Okay- if you lived in New Orleans, then you must be excited for the month of June. I’m happy for you! Were you friends with Andrew Jackson?"
New Orleans = deep south city with a race demographic of black at 58.14% vs. white at 32.69%. Cite: US Census Bureau 2023
Month of June = the innuendo, Juneteenth holiday. Cite American History
Andrew Jackson = the overtone, His policies led to the forced removal of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, resulting in the Trail of Tears. Plus, he was a slaveholder. Used his position to lead a genocidal military force against the Seminole people. Cite Andrew Jackson biography.

Is this too much for your Nihilism brain? Oh, by the way the word rascist in your sentence is spelled racist.
That’s a generalization. First famous figure of ancient times from New Orleans that pops to mind. Jackson Square? The big fuckin statue? Fort Jean Philippe and Fort Livingston?

I think what’s happened here, is you got a case of the grumpy old dude. A case of the “get off my lawn.” A case of the “young people these days.”

See, the way I woulda handled it, is to just call someone gay. Or tell them that you want to have sex with their mom (or in your case, their grandma.)

I know technology is scary, but it’s gonna be okay buddy.

Do you want me to admit that I’m racist? Fine. I hate NASCAR. It’s my least favorite race BY FAR. All the circles, and old people drive me nuts.


-bZ- Member
That’s a generalization. First famous figure of ancient times from New Orleans that pops to mind. Jackson Square? The big fuckin statue? Fort Jean Philippe and Fort Livingston?

I think what’s happened here, is you got a case of the grumpy old dude. A case of the “get off my lawn.” A case of the “young people these days.”

See, the way I woulda handled it, is to just call someone gay. Or tell them that you want to have sex with their mom (or in your case, their grandma.)

I know technology is scary, but it’s gonna be okay buddy.

Do you want me to admit that I’m racist? Fine. I hate NASCAR. It’s my least favorite race BY FAR. All the circles, and old people drive me nuts.
No, the first famous figure in New Orleans that pops in mind is Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne.

And your prejudice is showing, and it's called Ageism: a bias against, discrimination towards, or bullying of individuals and groups on the basis of their age, younger or older.


-bZ- Recruit
No, the first famous figure in New Orleans that pops in mind is Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne.

And your prejudice is showing, and it's called Ageism: a bias against, discrimination towards, or bullying of individuals and groups on the basis of their age, younger penis penis penis penis
All of Slick's message have a tendency towards racial overtones and innuendos.

Take this sentence: "Okay- if you lived in New Orleans, then you must be excited for the month of June. I’m happy for you! Were you friends with Andrew Jackson?"
New Orleans = deep south city with a race demographic of black at 58.14% vs. white at 32.69%. Cite: US Census Bureau 2023
Month of June = the innuendo, Juneteenth holiday. Cite American History
Andrew Jackson = the overtone, His policies led to the forced removal of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands, resulting in the Trail of Tears. Plus, he was a slaveholder. Used his position to lead a genocidal military force against the Seminole people. Cite Andrew Jackson biography.

Is this too much for your Nihilism brain? Oh, by the way the word rascist in your sentence is spelled racist.
Dude, you are waaaay off. He was calling you gay and it has nothing to do with race. And you're nitpicking about thr andrew jackson thing. You should have ask for clarification about Jackson instead of assuming that was a reference to race. Ugh. You should know better. Grow a sense of humor...you still can.


-bZ- Member
Dude, you are waaaay off. He was calling you gay and it has nothing to do with race. And you're nitpicking about thr andrew jackson thing. You should have ask for clarification about Jackson instead of assuming that was a reference to race. Ugh. You should know better. Grow a sense of humor...you still can.
Do you always verse your wording in supposition Superman?
So where in all his postings did, he refer to me as gay? I re-read them, and I quote: "It’s less a joke about being PC, and more a joke about you being old." I believe he was calling me old not gay.
It is precious that you need to defend your racist friend. Birds of a feather flock together.