Getting this message/error (BAN??)

I was banned a few days ago under my MTHRFCKINVTRN name by Kratos. We talked/typed it out & everything was good. He lifted the ban & I have been able to play for the past couple days just fine. I just went to try & play about a half hr ago & I get this:


Hawx said it shows my ban was lifted, but I keep getting this. Any ideas?
I'm leaving for work for a few days. My kid knows more than me about this stuff & he'll be playing my game a lot. It will be under my name, last time he changed my name to his Batmna name I had to wait 72 hours thru Origin to change it back. So he's no longer allowed to change my name LOL! Anyway, he'll check in on this when & if he can join.
It's fixed.

Metabans is simply an avenue by which banlists can be shared. In this case, our own metabans banlist still had you listed as banned. This has been corrected.

Metabans itself is simply a service, not a banlist thus posting with them won't do any good.