Guess who is BACK!


Ive been in jail.. and now I am back and better then ever, NEW graphics card, NEW memory, NEW house, NEW car, NEW state, and GOOD NET, so ive been gone.. but I am back... and bz is about to see some extreme gaming, sorry I vanished you guys! but ive been in jail for 5 months, all for defending myself from that crazy roommate I was living with, but its all good now... and hope you all remember me, all be on teamspeak soon,

-K2- aka joe
ya no shit! lol he stabbed me in my hand and tried to sneak into my room with a butcher knife at night, so I got 3 domestic violence charges on me that I had to fight off.. but its all good the judge knew him well and let me go and sent him to prison! but that's where ive been guys, being trustee in jail all this time! haaaaa
my real family I had never met are all wealthy people and own condo's and stuff and live in Bristol TN and all have been together looking for me for over 10 years wanting to meet me, and they finaly found me on facebook and so I am up here to see them and I will be moving up here now and starting my own pc repair place with my real sisters husband!  lunch today was 122$ for 3 people that's how wealthy these people are... my shoes were freaking 90$ DC shoes they got me.. nice nice people and I am happy to finaly have some real family in my shitty adopted life... I am back tho.. and in about 2 weeks I will be fully moved up here and online with my gaming pc, and back plaing dayz! and with my new graphics card I can now play bf4 online with you guys more since it wont be so laggy anymore on that hd 6850, its a new msi radeon hd 7970 lightning boost edition, so its ripping thru ANYTHING, all be on teamspeak soon you guys... and hope everyone oldschool still remembers me, its been awhile and sorry I just vanished.. life dishes out some hard moments sometimes....
Welcome back!!!

Nice to see you have found someone who cares, DON'T LET IT GO TO WASTE. Work hard for them and enjoy this second chance at life. 

Can we have a welcome back night where we turn metro into knifes only?

Bing Zam Pow
K2, just don't let your PC and gaming cause any rift between you and your family.  I'm sure you know this more than any of us here, but this is a HUGE deal, and we're all happy for you.  We'd much rather only see you on occasionally knowing you're handling your business than seeing you often knowing you're disconnected from the ones you love.  It's easy to blind yourself from reality when interacting socially online.  You're a big boy and don't need someone to tell you what to do.  That's not what I'm trying to do.  I just want you to ensure you have your priorities in line.  It's great to see things are looking up.  Make sure they stay that way.

See you on the battlefield.
nothing of the story adds all... where the FUCK YOU LIVE?! and what is in the water. no one spends that time for something that you are saying what happens. Either where you live your cops are all fucked up or fibs are being told, that and you have been gone way more than 5 months. That being said I remember last time I talked to you, apparently you are not able to get a job but not able to get disability, yet you just got a new system from spending time in jail? That being said glad you are out and everything is fine. 
hah i had never come back on forums to much and noticed you posted that a few years ago, ya jackason it might not all be perfectly what i am saying because there big time gap's when the stuff was happening and i cannot be perfect explaining things to detail, but yes. the matter of the fact is, i had to quit drinking, i dissapeared from bZ because of that, i returned a year later or so after i had finished with stopping drinking and moving to a halfway house and the salvation army half that time doing there rehab program "reconnect" and so i went back to my parents land, but they had turned into drinkers, so i could not stay there, so i only have a few few friends and one told me i should move to NC to get away from my drunk parents and off the property i was stuck on, so he helped me do that, but he was a drinker it turned out, and was having a child soon, so it did not work out living with him long more then a month, so after a few issues up there with a place to stay i returned to texas. then as soon as possible left again to my other friend roberts house in midland texas, but he by that time was a drug user and a jerk and i hadnt seen him in a long time, so it did not work out long, and i called my last friend i knew and he had moved to alabama, but sed i could come stay with him, so i did. but i had not seen him for over a year as well, and he had turned into a drug user as well, i stayed there a little bit of time but after he had attacked me in my bedroom one morning with a butcher knife and on drugs and drinking all night, i came back to texas. but it still was not good with my family and there drinking and anger, in all this time i speak of i was in my room and not getting out, not doing much, and mostley had no internet, so i had to do something, at that time it was just a odd thing that happend, my mother came to me and told me my biological sister had found me on facebook and posted a comment to her trying to locate me, never met any of my biological family i am adopted, and so i contacted her back, we spoke, and she came to find out what was happening at my parents house and where i lived and what was happening in that town and not having the ability to get out much because it was 2 miles from town, and 55acrs of depression, so she asked if i would come to TS to meet her and get away for a week, i did, and things went well and i met my grandma and my sister and my aunt, etc. i knew of them but had never spoken to them, anyway they asked me to stay and to move there and not return to my parents, and i needed help with getting my life going seriously badly, i have had seizures/black outs since 1999 and all my jobs like DQ or places in town, i have lost because of that, having a seizure as im working. so i have become real secluded person, because i just dont like having to explain all this to everyone that ask's like you jackson, and so people assume i am a liar and not speaking truth. lol and that is not the case. but. i returned to texas, because they wanted me to cut off connections between my family and them, and they were not my family, obvously. they just were biological family, but had not been in my life for 30 years. so i could not do that, and they disliked it so i returned to texas finaly, came to kerrville texas this time not back to my parents land, and got a job at sonic, got my apartment, and returned to banzore finaly after a length of time, so i am sorry if its been awhile, but ya. thats the story, hope all of you are happy to finaly get to know what all went down and where i went, but i could not keep internet and stay with banzore 24/7 i had things happen. but i speak truth. and i am a friend in banzore and ts. so everything is going alright with me, i have been sober 4 years in sept, and havent even smoked some week since christmas, and that was to much stress with living where i do and my landlord, so i just stay clean, stay gaming, and stay with banzore, you guys are my friends, and ive had a confusing 5 years, so oops? but at least i have the balls to explain it. and yes jackson i do not have money to continue to see a doctor to put on a peace of paper that i have seizures, they do the visit, they give there opinion but it is not a you have seizures and go to medicaid, it is a well thats what it sounds like get money and go to a dr, and i never have cash to go to dr's i have to pay my rent and get food. and sinze i have been on and off working, i just get help from my mom and that friend robert, because they understand the seizures, they have seen me have them, so i have went to medicaid and disability the past 10 years for god sake. but its always a ya? you have seizures huh, well go get it on paper and i have tried to do that, but it never has happend because of money, and brain scans and things they want to have to say i have seizures/or black outs, luckely i havent had one in over a year now, so working, family, friends, stopping drinking, getting my own place, staying away from issues and problems like drug users and mean family, that is what i do, and i continue to have a nice day and game hard, and explain it to years later because i never noticed this comment you left and hey jackson im not a liar, lol its just been a confusing and stressfull 5 years, so sorry? later