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It's all about the timing, and a little luck.

Seems bZ dont give a fuck no more what people post in the forums anymore, Dad what ever the fuck your name is how about you come to discord and talk to me you little rat instead of hiding behind your 50dollar monitor, and next time post something better than a shitty 30sec clip you fag retard noddle of a penis fuck, ever had a blacks guys penis inside of you? come..

Excuse me... did you just presume the price of his monitor? How dare you!

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Racism is not allowed bro. Apologize to all black men right now.
The woke are masters of racism.

Not even the Klan could’ve come up with such a masterful plan. The Klan was doing it all backwards. They shouldve Convinced the general public that they care sooooooo much about minorities. while simultaneously creating the perception that some races are inferior to others and in need of more help from the gov/corps. label any discussion on real issues within minority communities as racist to prevent them from being solved. Then make sure the desperate minorities turn to gov programs designed to help the “oppressed lesser classes” (minorities). Blame the problem of failed program or failed DEI opportunity on some nefarious Strawman such as systemic racism. Repeat.
The woke are masters of racism.

Not even the Klan could’ve come up with such a masterful plan. The Klan was doing it all backwards. They shouldve Convinced the general public that they care sooooooo much about minorities. while simultaneously creating the perception that some races are inferior to others and in need of more help from the gov/corps. label any discussion on real issues within minority communities as racist to prevent them from being solved. Then make sure the desperate minorities turn to gov programs designed to help the “oppressed lesser classes” (minorities). Blame the problem of failed program or failed DEI opportunity on some nefarious Strawman such as systemic racism. Repeat.

WELLLLL BRUDDERR you know the DEMOCRATTTSSS started the CIVILLL WARRR brothwerrrr they from the soutthhhh They Got SLAVERRYYY,


-bZ- Recruit
I'm constantly amazed at how fast these threads fall down the stairs. Fuck, that's an understatement. These bitches implode faster than Oceangate.


-bZ- Member
The woke are masters of racism.

Not even the Klan could’ve come up with such a masterful plan. The Klan was doing it all backwards. They shouldve Convinced the general public that they care sooooooo much about minorities. while simultaneously creating the perception that some races are inferior to others and in need of more help from the gov/corps. label any discussion on real issues within minority communities as racist to prevent them from being solved. Then make sure the desperate minorities turn to gov programs designed to help the “oppressed lesser classes” (minorities). Blame the problem of failed program or failed DEI opportunity on some nefarious Strawman such as systemic racism. Repeat.

For a long time now I've pointed out that the dreaded KKK is attributed with killing roughly 4500 people from 1866 to today. And much of those killings weren't even the Klan, just other retard racists.

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood since 1972 has killed roughly sixty three million unborn Americans and almost all various statistics say the plurality of those abortions are black people or about thirty million.

So to bolster your point even if we assume everyone killed by the Klan was black then...

KKK = 4500 black people dead
Planned Parenthood = 30,000,000 black people dead.

But Planned Parenthood cares about minorities so it's okay. :rolleyes:

Which brings me to this:

If the KKK really hated black people they'd hold a bake sale for Planned Parenthood.

100% correct you are Sir!! It takes just one fuckwit interjecting their negativity to get the shit rolling downhill.
No Razz this is on you and your boyfriends... you created this little by little, endless sad unfunny jokes about moms and report complaints. Being a camper... This is your Karma bud. Enjoy!
JEEZ then there must be salt all over the forum because I see a lot of ppl talking trash to you and your boyfriends... lmao