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Are you stalking Superman? Should we be worried about your mental health? Literally ALL of those videos you posted show nothing against the rules. Why are you trying to get him banned by stalking him and finding the one time every other game where may have shot at a car heading straight towards him and him thinking it was a C4 car? Are you just mad he is better than you? I do appreciate you spectating potential cheaters, but what bug up your ass about Superman_Prime do you have? Can you guys just kiss and make up please its kind of sad now.


-bZ- Recruit
Are you stalking Superman? Should we be worried about your mental health? Literally none of those videos you posted show nothing against the rules. Why are you trying to get him banned by stalking him and finding the one time every other game where may have shot at a car heading straight towards him and him thinking it was a C4 car? Are you just mad he is better than you? I do appreciate you spectating potential cheaters, but what bug up your ass about Superman_Prime do you have? Can you guys just kiss and make up please it’s kind of sad now.

When it’s 1:00AM, I also love to hop on battlefield 4, and spectate Superman Prime. Especially on a Saturday or Sunday, when BZ1.5 is full. I don’t wanna play. I just wanna watch Superman. And touch myself.
Superman will be gone for awhile.
? why, He does less shit than 99% of the people including BZ members on here. I dont get why so many people get mad at him. Is it because hes so good? Im really trying to figure out why because its truly a mystery to me. He gets mad when he accidently roadkills a teammate that walks in front of him. like who else thinks like that.
Superman will be gone for awhile.
He has less teamkills per kill than you do firedoc. He gets 42 kills per teamkill and you get 39 kills per teamkill. idk why people hate on him so much besides him being good lol.


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? why, He does less shit than 99% of the people including BZ members on here. I dont get why so many people get mad at him. Is it because hes so good? Im really trying to figure out why because its truly a mystery to me. He gets mad when he accidently roadkills a teammate that walks in front of him. like who else thinks like that.
Jeez .. got milk? lol. Though I personally don't like the "strategy" of Mr. Prime, (he often arrives last after other tanks have died trying to kill you to deliver the final blow, he sometimes don't push objectives.) But a team killer? He is not, the guy is legit. I've played with him often as he is on the same discord as I am. Prime is not "That guy". I know cuz I am that guy. =)
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Jeez .. got milk? lol. Tho I personally don't like the "strategy" of Mr. Prime, he often arrives last after other tanks have died trying to kill you to deliver the final blow, he sometimes don't push objectives. But a cheater? and a team killer? He is not, the guy is legit. I've played with him often as he is on the same discord as I am. Prime is not "That guy". I know cuz I am that guy. =)
Hold up. While appreciate the defense and the like, it is not accurate to say I "sometimes don't push objectives". I'm ALWAYS pushing objectives...I just don't push too hard if I know it will be futile (infantry and other vehicle support is important). Tanks take a while to spawn and losing one or two can cost one a game.
Also, "my" main objective is to kill other tanks. I literally drive around looking for 'em. This is what gives me a hard-on for bf4...I love "one-versus-oneing" tanks, and sometimes multiple at the same time. I have bragging rights in this area. Having said this, I can brag on everyone I play with, as every pro is good at something or multiple things. This is actually one of the reasons JL1984 hates me so much. I have memories of him fleeing in terror when he sees me in a tank, legit. The other reason he hates me is cause I called him out in farming kills in a tank, on infantry, near his spawn: it costs his team loss most of the time.


-bZ- Recruit
WTF Prime is a dick but he shouldn't be perma-banned?? He's not toxic or a cheater and plus it's fun to kill him hehe
He is hilarious to kill, and as someone who plays with him on discord all the time I promise if you kill him he bitches.

I love competitiveness on this server all day. I’m here for playing ball, and trash talking for the funnies, but trying to get someone banned you don’t like is major “you can only play with my ball if we play the game I want” energy. Which, coincidentally, I get from someone who hops on this game at 1 in the morning, with the sole intent of spectating Superman to catch him making a mistake or two THAT WE ALL MAKE, to then report him.

Shits cringe yo


sitting in the back farming infantry is not pushing objectives superman is a farmer by definition and so is JL the only difference is that JL admits to it while superman thinks he's pushing objectives and helping the team i seen enough of how he plays and dude is 20-0 while we don't have a single flag he will only capture a flag wen everyone is there capturing it even tho he's in a tank dude is scared for his KD all the time

but of coarse his discord simps will defend his gameplay i don't like the dude don't like how he plays and on top of that he was calling me out while i was in the AA the other night dude is just a goof honestly, dude thinks he's good by farming and running away constantly lol get a grip


-bZ- Recruit
sitting in the back farming infantry is not pushing objectives superman is a farmer by definition and so is JL the only difference is that JL admits to it while superman thinks he's pushing objectives and helping the team i seen enough of how he plays and dude is 20-0 while we don't have a single flag he will only capture a flag wen everyone is there capturing it even tho he's in a tank dude is scared for his KD all the time

but of coarse his discord simps will defend his gameplay i don't like the dude don't like how he plays and on top of that he was calling me out while i was in the AA the other night dude is just a goof honestly, dude thinks he's good by farming and running away constantly lol get a grip
Oh fair, good points you’re right. So he should get bant then, ban me too while your at it.

Discord simps? Or friends. Not that you would know anything about them
sitting in the back farming infantry is not pushing objectives superman is a farmer by definition and so is JL the only difference is that JL admits to it while superman thinks he's pushing objectives and helping the team i seen enough of how he plays and dude is 20-0 while we don't have a single flag he will only capture a flag wen everyone is there capturing it even tho he's in a tank dude is scared for his KD all the time

but of coarse his discord simps will defend his gameplay i don't like the dude don't like how he plays and on top of that he was calling me out while i was in the AA the other night dude is just a goof honestly, dude thinks he's good by farming and running away constantly lol get a grip
Oh look, it's another of the farmers that is afraid to engage me.
You shouldn't be talking...you do the same thing but just not as bad as JL1984. Maybe.
At the time, I didn't know it was you in the AA, and I wasn't the only one complaining. It wasn't till I saw the kill feed up in the top right that I realized it was you. You 70% of the time sit behind me or near the back when I'm with or against you.
And you couldn't be more wrong: my "simps" will actually call me out when they think I am wrong and have so recently. Retreating when it is two or three against one isn't "farming and running away", it's called surviving. I try not to do suicide missions.
You have no argument.
sitting in the back farming infantry is not pushing objectives superman is a farmer by definition and so is JL the only difference is that JL admits to it while superman thinks he's pushing objectives and helping the team i seen enough of how he plays and dude is 20-0 while we don't have a single flag he will only capture a flag wen everyone is there capturing it even tho he's in a tank dude is scared for his KD all the time

but of coarse his discord simps will defend his gameplay i don't like the dude don't like how he plays and on top of that he was calling me out while i was in the AA the other night dude is just a goof honestly, dude thinks he's good by farming and running away constantly lol get a grip
More on the AA issue, I called you out because you were too busy looking for infantry and not killing the aircraft right above your head. Maybe it was just a bad coincidence and you didn't see them, I don't know. All I know is there were several enemy aircraft destroying armor that you weren't dealing with.
sitting in the back farming infantry is not pushing objectives superman is a farmer by definition and so is JL the only difference is that JL admits to it while superman thinks he's pushing objectives and helping the team i seen enough of how he plays and dude is 20-0 while we don't have a single flag he will only capture a flag wen everyone is there capturing it even tho he's in a tank dude is scared for his KD all the time

but of coarse his discord simps will defend his gameplay i don't like the dude don't like how he plays and on top of that he was calling me out while i was in the AA the other night dude is just a goof honestly, dude thinks he's good by farming and running away constantly lol get a grip
And JL1984 NEVER admitted to it.


-bZ- Recruit
[e621]HazmatFatCat [C4 EXPLOSIVE] Superman_Prime_1
[e621]HazmatFatCat [C4 EXPLOSIVE] Joel803
[e621]HazmatFatCat [C4 EXPLOSIVE] [JUPE]Slicknicklol
[e621]HazmatFatCat [C4 EXPLOSIVE] [e621]HazmatFatCat
You can’t C4 me, I c4 myself!