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-bZ- Recruit
Ah, Superman Prime.. When I first came across the dude, I thought he was some new douchebag in bZ. People would chirp at him, I found it a little amusing, I’d throw a few jabs as well. I thought he had the same tactic as JL, and as others have mentioned, sit back, wait for the team to do the work and steal the kills and retreat back.. Now, he was never as aggressive at retreating and farming like JL.. Prime has since improved, not sure if it was from people bitching or what.. He plays in our discord recently, and it went from hate to I don’t mind him around. If he tries to sing, that’s maybe only time I’m good to boot him lol..

As for the videos JL posted, you really just a shit disturber to people you can’t beat lol?. C’mon JL go record and chase the actual hackers, make use of your time and the admins. You’re better at going after them, so keep that up. Either than that, fuck off kindly and see you both in game!
This is literally the point I’m trying to make.

Bro spectated Superman for HOURS. I was playing with Superman when he did it one time, literally making fun of him for sitting there watching Superman play from about 2300 to 0200 on a Saturday night, just to catch Superman doing something wrong. He didn’t answer much to my constant heckling, but all he did say was “I want Superman gone.”

Bro that’s some cringe tier shit, call me a dick rider all you want I’m sticking up for one of the bros, and calling out someone for some grade A autism.

I don’t wanna hear anything about farming, or retreating in armor or picking on low levels. This post has nothing to do with any of that.

A few of you made fun of me for my report of 1BestPilot (which was submitted to BD4DB and he got banned for hacking, nerds), for watching him for two games. JL1834cx has watched Superman play for HOURS UPON HOURS, MULTIPLE TIMES.


This is literally the point I’m trying to make.

Bro spectated Superman for HOURS. I was playing with Superman when he did it one time, literally making fun of him for sitting there watching Superman play from about 2300 to 0200 on a Saturday night, just to catch Superman doing something wrong. He didn’t answer much to my constant heckling, but all he did say was “I want Superman gone.”

Bro that’s some cringe tier shit, call me a dick rider all you want I’m sticking up for one of the bros, and calling out someone for some grade A autism.

I don’t wanna hear anything about farming, or retreating in armor or picking on low levels. This post has nothing to do with any of that.

A few of you made fun of me for my report of 1BestPilot (which was submitted to BD4DB and he got banned for hacking, nerds), for watching him for two games. JL1834cx has watched Superman play for HOURS UPON HOURS, MULTIPLE TIMES.
And where is ylohx now? Oh yeah…. Fucking gone
these video's JL posted shows he's a dirty player i mean who the fk circle around in a jet near their spawn like that ? or tk for an AA ? it shows that wen there is no admin around or some regulars its a free for all for him dude does whatever he wants

another thing is just because he joined discord and he is now ''frens'' lol it doesn't make him magically not a farmer or yall simply just don't understand what farming means plain and simple

im not JL fren or his lawyer but dude is #1 in a tank in the world go check the stats so i just find it hilarious some of you claim prime is better i mean really ?? all he does is running away constantly if not for Toast constantly repairing him he be toast

he's calls out some og's here and gonna get what's coming to him
The videos don't show the full picture, especially the "flying near spawn" one. If JL was being sincere, and not misleading, he would post the whole clip, or more of it. Yet, if you took two seconds to think, after watching that clip, you could figure out what is going on there...but you didn't. Use your brain. I'm still faaaar away from where the enemy jets spawn.
As for JL being #1 in stats, it really means nothing when it comes to fighting tanks, it only shows he got a lot of kills from farming. I called him out ONCE and he exploded in all caps and left for a week. He showed himself to be a big baby, and now this post brings to light that you and fishy are big babies as well.


-bZ- Member
not reading aldat but JL big gay, sits in spawn on the Rawr/Pearl Market never lifting a finger to further the ticket count in any way shape or form. then has the GALL to REEEEEE in chat and tell the team "they" are losing the round.

pretty easy to be #1 when you're a lil bitchboy