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-bZ- Member
What's funny about this is that Ireland was united under the United Kingdom.
The UK used mass immigration of UK citizens into Northern Ireland to change its loyalties and culture. Similar to what’s happening in America and Europe now.

That’s why the UN considers mass immigration as a form a genocide (under the right circumstances). Most of the time the goal to replace or breed out populations and cultures. It’s literally an ancient tactic. Just ask China’s minority populations how it feels to be replaced with Han every 2-3 decades
The UK used mass immigration of UK citizens into Northern Ireland to change its loyalties and culture. Similar to what’s happening in America and Europe now.

That’s why the UN considers mass immigration as a form a genocide (under the right circumstances). Most of the time the goal to replace or breed out populations and cultures. It’s literally an ancient tactic. Just ask China’s minority populations how it feels to be replaced with Han every 2-3 decades
The Irish have the world's biggest fucking victim complex and it pisses me off. It's even worse than the Jews because at least the Jews actually have people who actively hate them and blame them for the world's problems. No one hates the Irish ( except me - annoying whiny fucks ) and yet they still feel like they are oppressed because their insignificant green island isn't fully controlled by their Papist bullshit. The only Christians still mad at other Christians for the Reformation are in Ireland. God-forsaken Green Hell. At least they have a lot of hot redheads.

You're right about immigration but I still can't stand how the Irish bitch and moan about shit from 200 years ago.


-bZ- Member
The Irish have the world's biggest fucking victim complex and it pisses me off. It's even worse than the Jews because at least the Jews actually have people who actively hate them and blame them for the world's problems. No one hates the Irish ( except me - annoying whiny fucks ) and yet they still feel like they are oppressed because their insignificant green island isn't fully controlled by their Papist bullshit. The only Christians still mad at other Christians for the Reformation are in Ireland. God-forsaken Green Hell. At least they have a lot of hot redheads.

You're right about immigration but I still can't stand how the Irish bitch and moan about shit from 200 years ago.
Lol okay. You got it all figured out.


-bZ- Member
The UK used mass immigration of UK citizens into Northern Ireland to change its loyalties and culture. Similar to what’s happening in America and Europe now.

That’s why the UN considers mass immigration as a form a genocide (under the right circumstances). Most of the time the goal to replace or breed out populations and cultures. It’s literally an ancient tactic. Just ask China’s minority populations how it feels to be replaced with Han every 2-3 decades
Not only that but extorted poor land owners through absentee land owners, over exported crops during the famine, but hey they just had to drop the paganism and accept the church so they can have land and eat.

They spent the last 800 years tearing the country apart with proxy tactics and actual genocide.
Not only that but extorted poor land owners through absentee land owners, over exported crops during the famine, but hey they just had to drop the paganism and accept the church so they can have land and eat.
What? Ireland was thoroughly Christianized before even England was. Christianity became widespread in Ireland in the 5th century AD. It wasn't accepted by the Anglo-Saxons until the 7th century.
What? Ireland was thoroughly Christianized before even England was. Christianity became widespread in Ireland in the 5th century AD. It wasn't accepted by the Anglo-Saxons until the 7th century.
The Catholic Irish cross is a thing... Ireland is one of England’s oldest colonies. What became Ireland was where the majority of the England’s Catholics were concentrated.

TLDR for the history haters
After centuries of being religiously persecuted the Irish where ready to fight back. UK was like naaaaa. UK appeased the angry Irish by creating two additional parliaments (North and South Ireland). The Catholic Nationalists in power almost immediately decided to create an independent Ireland which remains a functioning republic. However the North which was majority Anglican, chose to Join the UK.

Now you know
What? Ireland was thoroughly Christianized before even England was. Christianity became widespread in Ireland in the 5th century AD. It wasn't accepted by the Anglo-Saxons until the 7th century.
Yeh after the Romans left the Northern Germanic groups just kinda took over the show. Then the power of the Catholic Church spread across Europe eventually the entire island until the protestant reformation. But yeh those original pagan groups didn’t have a chance against the combined power of the Roman Catholics. So I guess in a weird way Rome conquered Ireland and the UK twice.
The Catholic Irish cross is a thing... Ireland is one of England’s oldest colonies. What became Ireland was where the majority of the England’s Catholics were concentrated.

TLDR for the history haters
After centuries of being religiously persecuted the Irish where ready to fight back. UK was like naaaaa. UK appeased the angry Irish by creating two additional parliaments (North and South Ireland). The Catholic Nationalists in power almost immediately decided to create an independent Ireland which remains a functioning republic. However the North which was majority Anglican, chose to Join the UK.

Now you know
Catholics were persecuted throughout all of Britain after Henry VIII threw his bitch fit, the Irish are not special for it.

I know about the history of England and Ireland, none of this is new information to me. What pisses me off is that the Irish continue to act like they are some kind of persecuted minority in Britain. No one today in Britain cares about Catholics, and no one has cared about them in a very long time. The Irish have just taken it upon themselves to establish victimhood as part of their cultural identity because apart from leprechauns, Papistry, and quaint accents they have nothing to distinguish themselves from the English. While we are at it I also find the Scots to be irritating in their own pettiness about England. The people of the British Isles would be much stronger together as a whole nation than they would be if they all splintered into a North Atlantic version of the Balkans.

I love Britain and its history but this obnoxious infighting amongst its people is stupid. Generational trauma is a myth perpetuated by collectivist academics to undermine social cohesion. No one alive today remembers anyone who was a victim of England's past atrocities against the Irish. They need to stop with their bullshit.
Yeh after the Romans left the Northern Germanic groups just kinda took over the show. Then the power of the Catholic Church spread across Europe eventually the entire island until the protestant reformation. But yeh those original pagan groups didn’t have a chance against the combined power of the Roman Catholics. So I guess in a weird way Rome conquered Ireland and the UK twice.
Linguistically, the Anglo-Saxons were Western Germanics. It is kind of funny how Britain went from pagan to Christian to pagan to Christian again. In some parts of Northern England it even went pagan a third time under the Viking invaders until being converted one last time to Christianity in the 9th and 10th centuries. I guess you could even make an argument that some of its people have gone back to paganism again with the emergence of neo-paganism, "Heathenry", and other revivals and revisions of traditional European religions. Most of these people are probably little more than larpers but there are probably a few who are actual believers in these faiths.