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War with Russia will be great. Putin's military was laughable even before he destroyed it in Ukraine. I'm sure 90% of his nukes don't even work and the 10% that do can't hit shit anyway because the Soviets always had piss-poor missile guidance systems. Combined with the US's anti-ballistic missile technology the worst we might see are a few craters in middle-of-nowhere Montana and maybe a glancing blow to one of the Eastern Seaboard cities ; my money is on Yonkers, New York.

The destruction of Russia should have happened after the defeat of Germany in World War Two. We now have the opportunity to correct that mistake. The Euros need to pick up the slack and do some heavy lifting however because this will be another two-front war for the US. China certainly won't forsake this as its only opportunity to try ( and probably fail ) to seize Taiwan. Luckily Shinzo Abe did a lot to bulk up the Japanese military, and the South Koreans have been always been foaming at the mouth for a chance to retake the peninsula. If we are really lucky then India will sperg out and attack China too and then themselves get attacked by Pakistan, locking those two literal shitholes in a war of attrition where the winners of that war will be people calling Microsoft technical support and actually getting someone who speaks English for once. China has so many enemies around it that it might even be easier to deal with than Russia. Their only strength is their huge population.

I like the rest of the memes though.


-bZ- Member
With Russia having gutted their defenses in the Far East to support the war of conquest in Ukraine I doubt that China will attack Taiwan.

Too many downsides involved in attacking Taiwan especially given the Japanese promise to defend Taiwan. The Aussies are also saying they'll step in and the Aussie submarine forces are no fucking joke.

That said, with Siberia having been stolen from China 150 years ago this is their golden opportunity to take it back while Russia is dreadfully weak. Plus there's no downside from the West should China retake territory that arguably belongs to them anyway. No one in the West is going to sanction China for kicking Putin in the balls.
With Russia having gutted their defenses in the Far East to support the war of conquest in Ukraine I doubt that China will attack Taiwan.

Too many downsides involved in attacking Taiwan especially given the Japanese promise to defend Taiwan. The Aussies are also saying they'll step in and the Aussie submarine forces are no fucking joke.

That said, with Siberia having been stolen from China 150 years ago this is their golden opportunity to take it back while Russia is dreadfully weak. Plus there's no downside from the West should China retake territory that arguably belongs to them anyway. No one in the West is going to sanction China for kicking Putin in the balls.
I disagree about China not attacking Taiwan. Their only viable option would be to attempt to capitalize on a distracted US in an actual US versus Russia conflict. The longer they wait the less likely they will be able to take it. First, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and others in the Asia-Pacific region are, as you said, prepared to defend against a Chinese invasion. While China is continuing to increase its naval and air capabilities it is not doing so in a vacuum ; Japan is expanding its naval capabilities, as is Australia, and South Korea is making great strides in its military technology - in fact I believe I saw somewhere recently that South Korea implied that it was only a short bit away from being able to field nuclear weapons if it chose to. Taiwan is not neglecting its defenses either, and the US continues to supply them with technology, munitions, and most importantly intelligence. Given the significant advantage determined defenders have against any kind of attack I am skeptical of China's ability to expand both rapidly and large enough to overcome this advantage even without direct US intervention.

China does not have the luxury of time for another reason : politics. Taiwan and its people are becoming more and more resolute in their Taiwanese identity. With China continuing to take a hard line, antagonistic political stance with the cross-strait issue they further encourage this solidarity amongst the people of Taiwan. It is very rapidly coming to a point where no one left in Taiwan even remembers what being "China" was like. If China had taken a more delicate approach of detente between the two countries and instead attempted to welcome Taiwan more openly then perhaps Taiwan's people would be more willing to one day agree to a peaceful reunification with China. As it stands now, with China continually denouncing any attempts by any other nation to legitimize Taiwan and throwing a hissy fit any time someone mentions Taiwan as being its own independent entity, I don't see a diplomatic approach ever working.

Finally, China is facing an enormous demographic crisis. Its one-child policy accomplished its goal of slowing their rampant population growth but it also created a bottleneck which is rapidly coming to a head for them. Pretty soon their large population will entirely age out of working age - let alone fighting age - and become a significant fiscal burden on their economy. Combined with the ever-present brain drain in totalitarian regimes China does not have the demographic - and thus economic - strength to wait much longer to take "back" ( I use quotes because the communists never controlled Taiwan in the first place ) Taiwan. If the US and Russia ever do fight then China must use that as an opportunity to attack Taiwan or else they will lose any chance at doing so in any foreseeable future.

At this point I'd say that the territory belongs to Russia. It's far beyond living memory, and there is a striking level of hypocrisy in allowing China to take land from Russia but refusing to allow Russia to take land from Ukraine ( or Georgia, as Obama should have done originally ). The people in that "Chinese" part of Siberia may not see themselves as Russian but I doubt they see themselves as Chinese either. While it is possible China could attempt to capitalize on Russia's weakness I don't think they'd have much to gain from it, and they would certainly be politically ostracized if they attempted to do so. Taking this Siberian territory would probably be easy enough for China to do but the long-term cost of it is too great. They would lose access to Russia's vast gas and oil supplies and then they would have to attempt to Sinofy an already heavily Russified people. At best this process is simply a slow and cumbersome process to teach the people Chinese and change their societal identity to being that of "China" which requires large amounts of resources to accomplish. At worst they have to deal with an armed insurgency of anti-Chinese partisans - who will absolutely be supplied by both Russia and the West - who will do everything possible to resist becoming part of China. The Chinese may be arrogant but I don't think they are stupid either ; taking territory you once held 150 years ago is not a reasonable thing to attempt in the best of circumstances, let alone one where they would face significant censure from the international community.
I have never been to a Disney theme park, and my kids have asked me several times over the years to go some time and I planned on it.....not now, nor ever. I hope this lawsuit gets tons of coverage and they loose a shit ton of customers from their physical attractions over it.
What lawsuit?


40mm enthusiast
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-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I’ve been to disneyland florida, it’s so unfathomably mid, trash was everywhere, the rides were dark and gloomy and janky. Maybe if I was like, 8 again I’d have loved it, but nah it’s sooooo overhyped. You’re not missing out if you never go. Universal Orlando is pretty cool though, you’re better off going there instead since it’s next door.
Oh yes, I recall seeing this now. I can't imagine how a judge could let that argument stand. That is far too broad of an interpretation of the agreement. Had this been, say, her dying from a seizure induced by Disney+ programming then I would say that could be applicable but not something like this.

If I were Disney's lawyers I'd look into the 45 minute interval between when she ate and when she started experiencing symptoms. Did she eat another food from outside their restaurant during that time span? Time for a professional witness to come in and determine if that 45 minutes from ingestion to display of symptoms is within the realm of possibility.
I’ve been to disneyland florida, it’s so unfathomably mid, trash was everywhere, the rides were dark and gloomy and janky. Maybe if I was like, 8 again I’d have loved it, but nah it’s sooooo overhyped. You’re not missing out if you never go. Universal Orlando is pretty cool though, you’re better off going there instead since it’s next door.
I'm going to have to disagree. Are you sure you went to the right place? Every time I went there was hardly ever any trash at Disney World. What rides did you go on that were "dark, gloomy, and janky"? For many of the rides the low light levels are part of the effect. It's to keep your attention on only the lit parts so you don't notice the things around it that facilitate the ride. It's immersion.


-bZ- Member
If I were Disney's lawyers I'd look into the 45 minute interval between when she ate and when she started experiencing symptoms. Did she eat another food from outside their restaurant during that time span? Time for a professional witness to come in and determine if that 45 minutes from ingestion to display of symptoms is within the realm of possibility.

To my understanding the bill and corresponding surveillance video speaks to what she was served. Absent the Hail Mary Pass of the Disney + disclaimer then Disney would be getting cornholed pretty hard here.

I also have the impression that this wasn't just negligence but callous disregard. The woman had a special dietary request and the staff treated her like she was a fruitcake for being so serious about it. So someone just ignored her request and served her the standard version of her order.

Myself, I'm further pissed off that the Disney restaurant staff are not being investigated for negligent homicide. That this is not happening further speaks to the immense political power wielded by Disney.
To my understanding the bill and corresponding surveillance video speaks to what she was served. Absent the Hail Mary Pass of the Disney + disclaimer then Disney would be getting cornholed pretty hard here.

I also have the impression that this wasn't just negligence but callous disregard. The woman had a special dietary request and the staff treated her like she was a fruitcake for being so serious about it. So someone just ignored her request and served her the standard version of her order.

Myself, I'm further pissed off that the Disney restaurant staff are not being investigated for negligent homicide. That this is not happening further speaks to the immense political power wielded by Disney.
Oh I believe that Disney ( or at least the staff of the restaurant, who may or may not be Disney employees, I don't know ) is fully responsible. I'm just saying that if I were their lawyers I would want to see if she purchased or ate anything else after she left the restaurant that could potentially be responsible for her reaction. Considering he's only asking for $50,000 though I'd just give it to him and end the whole debacle. If Disney's claim actually gets entertained by a judge then I will have lost any faith I had left in the legal system of this country.


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I'm going to have to disagree. Are you sure you went to the right place? Every time I went there was hardly ever any trash at Disney World. What rides did you go on that were "dark, gloomy, and janky"? For many of the rides the low light levels are part of the effect. It's to keep your attention on only the lit parts so you don't notice the things around it that facilitate the ride. It's immersion.
Yep it was the right place, the Disney World in Orlando. It was probably like…approaching 10yr ago at this point, went on a cruise with a friend and his family since they had an extra ticket, but we went to Universal and Disney before we departed.
Yep it was the right place, the Disney World in Orlando. It was probably like…approaching 10yr ago at this point, went on a cruise with a friend and his family since they had an extra ticket, but we went to Universal and Disney before we departed.
Wow. I've never had a bad experience ( from Disney's doing anyway ; my own social anxiety is another issue ) in the 6 or 7 times I have been there. Stretching back to the 90s and up to two years ago.