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Monetize the Banhammer


-bZ- Member
Let people who donate a minimum amount have a least the opportunity to play an specific map, like if you donate X amount you can play an specific map once on a server of their choice, perhaps on friday or duirng the weekdays so the weekend players don't have to endure a map they don't like, because people voting always vote for the same maps.

Better yet all the people we ban can go get their money together and start their own server where they can cheat and troll and grief and TK and utter racist nonsense to their heart's content. I'm sure they'll enjoy each other's company.


-bZ- Member
Hate to say but a 'millionaire' in the US these days is pretty much anyone who owns their home and has no debts. It's not the big deal it used to be.


-bZ- Member
Only if you set aside decent funds and invested them wisely. Otherwise you'll end up being 75 and collecting bottles from the neighborhood recycle bins to supplement your income.
Decent funds and investing wisely is okay but tax shelters and tax harvesting is what got me on top as well as precious metals. And when I say metals, I mean the physical appropriation of such not paper metals which is only are merely shares of a trust that holds these precious metals.
Gold is the original currency. It is a stable investment with hardly any fluctuation. Silver on the other hand rides the full spectrum of fluctuation. Platinum and Copper are real good investment products. And if you buy up precious metals make sure you invest in mining companies. When the price index of any these metals goes up those mining companies profit which means your stock will go up. Sort of like double dipping.


-bZ- Member
So... barely anyone in the US?
From 1900-1990. that 90-year span millionaires had a standing of 1.1% of total population in the US. So being called a millionaire back then had a status symbol standing.
From 1990 to present date the US has seen a rise in that index at 18% (22.7 million) of US total population even after inflation is added to the formula. So, millionaires are more common than you might think.
Now at today's standards millionaire is a bygone status symbol today the ultra-rich are measured at the billionaire standard, which is less than 0.05% (748) of total US population. Another interesting stat is where most billionaires are found.... DC, can you say politicians, then California, then New York, and Texas in that order.


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
If anyone is ever feeling like donating to the poor, I’m accepting donations to my very empty bank account!