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Monetize the Banhammer

From 1900-1990. that 90-year span millionaires had a standing of 1.1% of total population in the US. So being called a millionaire back then had a status symbol standing.
From 1990 to present date the US has seen a rise in that index at 18% (22.7 million) of US total population even after inflation is added to the formula. So, millionaires are more common than you might think.
Now at today's standards millionaire is a bygone status symbol today the ultra-rich are measured at the billionaire standard, which is less than 0.05% (748) of total US population. Another interesting stat is where most billionaires are found.... DC, can you say politicians, then California, then New York, and Texas in that order.
It was a joke about the poor state of the working class and lower-middle class in the US.


-bZ- Member
Decent funds and investing wisely is okay but tax shelters and tax harvesting is what got me on top as well as precious metals. And when I say metals, I mean the physical appropriation of such not paper metals which is only are merely shares of a trust that holds these precious metals.
Gold is the original currency. It is a stable investment with hardly any fluctuation. Silver on the other hand rides the full spectrum of fluctuation. Platinum and Copper are real good investment products. And if you buy up precious metals make sure you invest in mining companies. When the price index of any these metals goes up those mining companies profit which means your stock will go up. Sort of like double dipping.

I'm with you on metals.

Best advice I had on that topic was this:

"Gold is what you use when you buy your neighbor's house, his car, or his daughter. But for day-to-day living you need silver and in the one-ounce quantities that will buy your groceries, your fuel, and other necessities."

To that mix I've also added a small pile of one-ounce copper coins for small purchases like bread and etc.

And if TSHTF then ammunition is always going to be a useful currency and the best will be the popular types but it's always good to have a few boxes of oddballs around just in case it comes up.

You might be able to trade a box of .45 for an alternator but in the right circumstance a box or two of German 8mm will get you the whole fucking car.

In short though, metals are not an investment. They are a hedge. A safe place to park your wealth that will be mostly unaffected by economic crashes.

Myself, I consider my metals to be like my fire extinguishers: If I need them they're irreplaceable but I sure as hell hope I never need them!


-bZ- Member
I should add that my coins are either British or American and not some oddball shit that the average person won't recognize as money. Collector coins are not going to be held in the same esteem as a US silver Eagle or a UK sovereign.


-bZ- Member
Yes, precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum are often considered a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty yet their value is not dependent on government policies or economic conditions.

So, I disagree whole heartedly that precious metals are purely a Hedge in its given definition. (a means of protection or defense (as against financial loss)). It is one of the better ways to diversify your portfolio.
See: https://capex.com/en/academy/precious-metals

If you worry about inflation and economic crisis then your best Hedge, again by the purest definition of the word, would be US Treasury I bonds. Gold has been and probably will always be an inconsistent inflation hedge. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/gold-inflation-hedge/

So, you can keep your socks full of your nickels, dimes, and pennies if that keeps you feeling safe.
You might be able to trade a box of .45 for an alternator but in the right circumstance a box or two of German 8mm will get you the whole fucking car.
Sounds like it would be cheaper to shoot it and then just take the car. It's 20 rounds in a box usually, right? I can't imagine needing more than 5 rounds of 8mm Mauser to "liberate" the car from its owner(s), and definitely no more than 10 rounds. If shit has really hit the proverbial fan then I'm not trading bullets, I'm using them. Probably on myself though.


-bZ- Member
Sounds like it would be cheaper to shoot it and then just take the car. It's 20 rounds in a box usually, right? I can't imagine needing more than 5 rounds of 8mm Mauser to "liberate" the car from its owner(s), and definitely no more than 10 rounds. If shit has really hit the proverbial fan then I'm not trading bullets, I'm using them. Probably on myself though.

1. You need more time at the range to sharpen your skills and your confidence.
2. Go hunting. Even if all you do is stalk a deer and get it in your sights without firing then you'll acquire some useful life skills. Plus confidence.
3. If you kill yourself then the bad guys are up by one. Fuck those assholes! Piss them off by living! ;)