Mute Bloodrevenge

not 95 per cent go read your own studies on this srerver about the number that are, a few bad actors like Supermanprime1 et al over and over again, as far as personal accusations and slander about age and profession stick it up your fat fluffymuffin arse!
not 95 per cent go read your own studies on this srerver about the number that are, a few bad actors like Supermanprime1 et al over and over again, as far as personal accusations and slander about age and profession stick it up your fat fluffymuffin arse!
My friend, if you want us to understand what are you trying to say, please be coherent. Use proper punctuation. Make your thoughts simple and easy to explain.
Writing a long ass statement inversely proportional to your pp size only makes you look a little bit childish.
mention arse and super slime appears
Inquiring minds still want to know Blood, if your OF page is up, of you having rage intercourse with kangaroos???
Or Roos as you Aussies like to call them..

What is the name of yours?