My Application

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1. Your In-game name: Samusaran11

2. YOUR AGE: 19

3. Location: Ohio

4. What games you play: FPS,Racing, Strategy

5. Are you currently banned from any servers? No

6. Describe your usual gameplay: (Rushing, Camping, Laidback, Sniper,) Depends on the situation I usually Rush or Defend.

7. What is the reason that you want to join -bZ- gaming club ? I wanna Join a Gaming Clan

8. PB_GUID: and/or STEAM ID: (If you do not know the PB_GUID, please ask one of us and we will be happy to give it to you) Steam ID Samusaran11

9 .Prior Clan Experience: I was part of a Clan called FLG Squad back in the day on the PS2 online games.

10. Prior League Experience: None

11.Additional Information: Not much I can think of

12.Availability for play: Any time I am awake and can play.
welcome to are club hope you stick around and we get to talk. get on team speak 3 as soon as you can
I got teamspeak but whats your server address and such.

And ill get on after Football gets over with.
Welcome to forums and also thank you for applying with us. Please check your private messages. I will be sending you Recruitment Guidelines. It explains your recruitment and the do's and dont's here at banzore.

Good luck with your recruitment
Process starts 11/2/2010 and ends on 11/16/2010

Good luck with your recruitment!
Has he been online gaming with us lately?

If so then yes he did make it into the fold :D