My Application

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1. Your In-game name: Samusaran11

2. YOUR AGE: 19

3. Location: Ohio

4. What games you play: FPS,Racing, Strategy

5. Are you currently banned from any servers? No

6. Describe your usual gameplay: (Rushing, Camping, Laidback, Sniper,) Depends on the situation I usually Rush or Defend.

7. What is the reason that you want to join -bZ- gaming club ? I wanna Join a Gaming Clan

8. PB_GUID: and/or STEAM ID: (If you do not know the PB_GUID, please ask one of us and we will be happy to give it to you) Steam ID Samusaran11

9 .Prior Clan Experience: I was part of a Clan called FLG Squad back in the day on the PS2 online games.

10. Prior League Experience: None

11.Additional Information: Not much I can think of

12.Availability for play: Any time I am awake and can play.
welcome to are club hope you stick around and we get to talk. get on team speak 3 as soon as you can
I got teamspeak but whats your server address and such.

And ill get on after Football gets over with.
do u know Cuba?
Welcome to forums and also thank you for applying with us. Please check your private messages. I will be sending you Recruitment Guidelines. It explains your recruitment and the do's and dont's here at banzore.

Good luck with your recruitment
Process starts 11/2/2010 and ends on 11/16/2010

Good luck with your recruitment!
Has he been online gaming with us lately?

If so then yes he did make it into the fold :D