my Photoshop class final exam


You're Never Right!
I thought I would share my final assessment with you all from my Photoshop class, I got 100% on the final and ended the class with a 100%. The only 2 things that are not real images in this picture are the birds and the F-14 Tomcats, but everything else is real.

Looks cool dude. However, I am naturally a constructive critic...

What makes a good picture -in my opinion- is good composition. Whether it's a computer-generated art or taken with a camera. The seagulls or gulls/birds have a weird proportion, as do the jets in comparison to the floating island and the runway. The shadows in the clouds match up to the tower's shadow so the lighting looks great. To give your stuff a bit more depth try bringing an image close-up into the foreground. Aside from the clouds, there isn't much going on in the background either. This is just my opinion... It looks like the picture has no foreground or background. I think it's a cool concept what is going on though.

Also, photography basics... Rule of thirds. Offset the focal point.
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it's ok, I am by far from perfect and I am certainly not a pro at Photoshop...any advice is welcome that will help me improve.