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Public Day Z Chenarus server on Day ST


Dear public,

As of right now, Day.ST has lost our server. Banzore's Chenarus server had moved up to #86 on the list of servers and the ip is lost. We are trying our best to regain the IP so that favorites and such will still work.

Jackson also has a back of the database that will hopefully work and gear and locations will be intact.

Please bear with us and we apologize for the inconvenience. We will do our best to get it back and running.

Look here for further updates.


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
How about a few months free server rental....

Those rat bastards....


-bZ- Member
I've noticed that my favorite for the server is now under a different server name so they must have assigned the banzore IP to a new server :/


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Did our server company get hacked? Or are they just a bunch of douche bags?

- A gift from Gawd. You're welcome.


-bZ- Member
It's definitely the old server but just a different IP, though I can't join. It gets to requesting authentication and then just says "Sorry, something went wrong please disconnect and try again" and this happens every time I join...so yeah.. :/


Alex said:
It's definitely the old server but just a different IP, though I can't join. It gets to requesting authentication and then just says "Sorry, something went wrong please disconnect and try again" and this happens every time I join...so yeah.. :/
yeah Day.ST is really fucking us good. Still battling with them.


we are really trying to get the old ip back but for now, we have a server up and Jackson moved the database over

new ip
yep the server is back up and running better than before, the database was saved so all gear and vehicles will be right as you left it...enjoy