Restriction on the number of deaths.

There is some restriction on the number of deaths, even though I was a VIP, I was playing as a helicopter gunner and I was eliminated twice. He had already done more than 50 deaths.
how did you die 50 times in a match?
I did not die 50 times in a match, I was playing top scorer, and I had already made 50 eliminations, but right after I received a message, stating that I could not play more scorer, because I had already made 50 eliminations.
It's a limit set to prevent a heli pilot/gunner to rape the server into oblivion. Pick up a tank, go infy or help the team with a transport dropping people off on objectives.
Yes I believe VIP has a slightly higher limit, but i'm not 100% sure.
Please, an administrator or moderator could tell me what the death limit is for those who play helicopters. In the case for whom and VIP.