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serious shit happening, please consider being saved if you are not already. unconfirmed reports of all US air travel being grounded at midnight est, russian nuclear subs heading towards cuba, russia shoots down Crimean 100+ million dollar plane, threats to US, and US debt clock site reading zero national debt and repeatedly being knocked out. Hopefully I'm just schizo posting, but please consider Jesus if you can open your heart to him.
serious shit happening, please consider being saved if you are not already. unconfirmed reports of all US air travel being grounded at midnight est, russian nuclear subs heading towards cuba, russia shoots down Crimean 100+ million dollar plane, threats to US, and US debt clock site reading zero national debt and repeatedly being knocked out. Hopefully I'm just schizo posting, but please consider Jesus if you can open your heart to him.

Cool your tits.

I bet some of us have been on nuclear submarines.

Jesus Christ is Lord.
ahaha, nono, godlike productions, really old message board but cant really explain further due to panda giving me the stink eye if i bring up something remotely political
USS Toledo. I was a passenger. Best damned food at sea I've ever had and I've been on a bunch of cruise ships, too.
Why as a passenger? Where did you go? Marianas?
serious shit happening, please consider being saved if you are not already. unconfirmed reports of all US air travel being grounded at midnight est, russian nuclear subs heading towards cuba, russia shoots down Crimean 100+ million dollar plane, threats to US, and US debt clock site reading zero national debt and repeatedly being knocked out. Hopefully I'm just schizo posting, but please consider Jesus if you can open your heart to him.
Grand Solar Maximum combined with our weakening magnetic field are the only things your need to worry about... ignore the spectacle put on by the media and the world powers, its all they are worried about as well, its why they work so hard to keep us distracted and worried about piddly shit. Do some research on the 1859 Carrington Event, it was at least an x40 flare and it caused profound disruptions. Telegraph wires glowed and melted, some that didn't, the operators were able to send messages with them unplugged! The rich folk of the time who had electric light, some of their housed burned down. Solar storms like that, or the 2003 Halloween solar storms, hardly brought aurora to mid latitude and below. The most recent solar storm was only an x1 and an x3 I believe, but they brought the the aurora all the way down to New Caledonia, the first time in recorded history that has happened, shit my power went out three times during the solar storm over the course of two days. You have to understand that the way flares are measured are like the Richter scale or the Enhanced Fujita scale, each step up is exponential growth, and order of magnitude. The x1 and x3 that brought the aurora down to New Caledonia were multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple orders of magnitude weaker than the Carrington event flares and the Halloween storm flares which did NOT bring aurora down to New Caledonia. Nasa has measured the magnetic field at 25% down, NOAA had it at 30% and the latest United States Air Force study has it 40% down. We are just entering Sunspot maximum, and the biggest flares and solar storms are always in the declining phase of Solar Maximum, so we have years more of profoundly elevate risk. An x40 today would absolutely bring the power grid down, at least in northern latitudes, but most likely beyond too. Imagine waking up to the whole city on fire, you go to start your car to flee but it will not start because the induced electromagnetic current has fried the coil packs. As your reaching for your cell phone, its battery explodes, maiming your hand... but there's no more hospitals, no more calling for help, no nothing. Back to the bronze age we go. This is the reality we live in, and you need to be following this and stay on your toes for the next few years. There is evidence in the magnetism of sediment layers that about every 10,000 to 13,000 years there is a magnetic excursion, which is when the magnetic poles drift together, meet, then flip and it happens very fast, not in 100,000's of years like full chron reversals. If you follow the movement of the poles, they are doing that as we speak, and the closer together they come, the weaker the magnetic field will be. There are 1,000s of ancient underground cities all over this planet, very intricate and designed for long term habitation. We didn't go underground for no reason, and they were not defensive structures. The super-charged weather events and a whole boatload of increased solar and cosmic rays are the reason. It has to do with a galactic cycle where the center of our galaxy, whatever is there, undergoes a polarity reversal of its own. This causes a rippling wave effect of reversed polarities, the wave itself is dust laden and whenever stars accumulate dust, they start going off, super flares and nova events. As our star collects this dust, its composition and out put changes, and these changes are what drives our own polarity reversal. Its the true cause of climate change, as our star accumulates this dust we are heading towards a super flare or even a nova-like outburst, remember the sediment layers I brought up earlier, well at around the time of these magnetic excursions, we find nova-level isotopes, ponder that for a while please...... what they don't tell you ( you must research and verify for yourself, verify all of what I say, it all comes from peer reviewed scientific literature, no conspiracy bullshit here boy') is that ALL the planets are undergoing massive change right now, again, real observable science, no hearsay or speculation, driven by our changing Sun. Pluto has lost 30% of its atmosphere recently, Neptune is brightening, the great red spot on Jupiter is disappearing and it also had a new equatorial jet stream, Saturn's frequency has changed which can only come from a change in its magnetic field, mars has "woken up" it is now experiencing strong mars-quakes, there's more as well but what im trying to say is that sporadic, violent weather is going to get much worse on earth, the swings, the highs and lows will all be amplified. The induced current from the weakening field will lead to more frequent and wide spread earthquakes and volcanos. We are all unequivocally and completely fucked. Have you read about the uplift and increasing quakes at the Campi Flegrei super volcano in Italy? Of course you havent, all you read about is nukes and Putin. Have you read about the uplift of the Lake Tuapo super volcano in New Zealand that is literally swallowing villages, submerging them because of the uplift induced displacement of water? No way because all you hear about is Yellowstone, which has an ongoing slow pressure release system, its not a risk, but they sure keep you distracted with it. I hope anyone who reads this verifies all of this, you will find it to be true. The Sun is the only thing that matters, not whatever filth you consume in the news and media. Ignore covid, the jabs, putin, zelenski, isreal, lebanon, trump, biden, shove it all to the back of your mind because you have much, much bigger things to worry about.
Grand Solar Maximum combined with our weakening magnetic field are the only things your need to worry about... ignore the spectacle put on by the media and the world powers, its all they are worried about as well, its why they work so hard to keep us distracted and worried about piddly shit. Do some research on the 1859 Carrington Event, it was at least an x40 flare and it caused profound disruptions. Telegraph wires glowed and melted, some that didn't, the operators were able to send messages with them unplugged! The rich folk of the time who had electric light, some of their housed burned down. Solar storms like that, or the 2003 Halloween solar storms, hardly brought aurora to mid latitude and below. The most recent solar storm was only an x1 and an x3 I believe, but they brought the the aurora all the way down to New Caledonia, the first time in recorded history that has happened, shit my power went out three times during the solar storm over the course of two days. You have to understand that the way flares are measured are like the Richter scale or the Enhanced Fujita scale, each step up is exponential growth, and order of magnitude. The x1 and x3 that brought the aurora down to New Caledonia were multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple orders of magnitude weaker than the Carrington event flares and the Halloween storm flares which did NOT bring aurora down to New Caledonia. Nasa has measured the magnetic field at 25% down, NOAA had it at 30% and the latest United States Air Force study has it 40% down. We are just entering Sunspot maximum, and the biggest flares and solar storms are always in the declining phase of Solar Maximum, so we have years more of profoundly elevate risk. An x40 today would absolutely bring the power grid down, at least in northern latitudes, but most likely beyond too. Imagine waking up to the whole city on fire, you go to start your car to flee but it will not start because the induced electromagnetic current has fried the coil packs. As your reaching for your cell phone, its battery explodes, maiming your hand... but there's no more hospitals, no more calling for help, no nothing. Back to the bronze age we go. This is the reality we live in, and you need to be following this and stay on your toes for the next few years. There is evidence in the magnetism of sediment layers that about every 10,000 to 13,000 years there is a magnetic excursion, which is when the magnetic poles drift together, meet, then flip and it happens very fast, not in 100,000's of years like full chron reversals. If you follow the movement of the poles, they are doing that as we speak, and the closer together they come, the weaker the magnetic field will be. There are 1,000s of ancient underground cities all over this planet, very intricate and designed for long term habitation. We didn't go underground for no reason, and they were not defensive structures. The super-charged weather events and a whole boatload of increased solar and cosmic rays are the reason. It has to do with a galactic cycle where the center of our galaxy, whatever is there, undergoes a polarity reversal of its own. This causes a rippling wave effect of reversed polarities, the wave itself is dust laden and whenever stars accumulate dust, they start going off, super flares and nova events. As our star collects this dust, its composition and out put changes, and these changes are what drives our own polarity reversal. Its the true cause of climate change, as our star accumulates this dust we are heading towards a super flare or even a nova-like outburst, remember the sediment layers I brought up earlier, well at around the time of these magnetic excursions, we find nova-level isotopes, ponder that for a while please...... what they don't tell you ( you must research and verify for yourself, verify all of what I say, it all comes from peer reviewed scientific literature, no conspiracy bullshit here boy') is that ALL the planets are undergoing massive change right now, again, real observable science, no hearsay or speculation, driven by our changing Sun. Pluto has lost 30% of its atmosphere recently, Neptune is brightening, the great red spot on Jupiter is disappearing and it also had a new equatorial jet stream, Saturn's frequency has changed which can only come from a change in its magnetic field, mars has "woken up" it is now experiencing strong mars-quakes, there's more as well but what im trying to say is that sporadic, violent weather is going to get much worse on earth, the swings, the highs and lows will all be amplified. The induced current from the weakening field will lead to more frequent and wide spread earthquakes and volcanos. We are all unequivocally and completely fucked. Have you read about the uplift and increasing quakes at the Campi Flegrei super volcano in Italy? Of course you havent, all you read about is nukes and Putin. Have you read about the uplift of the Lake Tuapo super volcano in New Zealand that is literally swallowing villages, submerging them because of the uplift induced displacement of water? No way because all you hear about is Yellowstone, which has an ongoing slow pressure release system, its not a risk, but they sure keep you distracted with it. I hope anyone who reads this verifies all of this, you will find it to be true. The Sun is the only thing that matters, not whatever filth you consume in the news and media. Ignore covid, the jabs, putin, zelenski, isreal, lebanon, trump, biden, shove it all to the back of your mind because you have much, much bigger things to worry about.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In felis dolor, mollis semper tortor quis, vulputate ultricies lorem. Suspendisse mollis velit in ipsum varius tincidunt. Suspendisse quis posuere massa, eu finibus magna. Nam ut ex a erat bibendum condimentum a nec libero. Integer dapibus est in interdum fermentum. Suspendisse consequat, nisi sit amet blandit dignissim, leo orci ultrices nunc, quis sollicitudin purus arcu sit amet tellus. Fusce ut odio fringilla, semper erat eget, sagittis ex. Duis non pellentesque sem. Nullam bibendum euismod felis, ut maximus leo tincidunt a. Nunc eget dui volutpat, auctor sapien in, dignissim est. Pellentesque rhoncus nisl a venenatis cursus. Vivamus enim lectus, porta non nisi at, posuere vulputate purus.

Sed tempor ante tincidunt lorem vulputate dictum. Cras eleifend odio a metus sollicitudin auctor. Nullam sit amet ante sodales, tincidunt dolor quis, pharetra ipsum. Sed imperdiet malesuada nulla non pellentesque. Nulla condimentum lacinia vulputate. Mauris sodales eros vitae diam posuere congue. Donec vehicula turpis mi, eu vulputate enim posuere eu. Integer gravida lobortis tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque diam augue, tempus sed dolor sodales, consequat egestas turpis. Duis ut nibh id ipsum consequat feugiat nec ut quam. Pellentesque malesuada augue urna, nec eleifend purus eleifend euismod. Ut ut ex gravida, placerat arcu varius, lobortis erat. Aenean ac elit ullamcorper, convallis urna et, dignissim lacus. Aenean imperdiet id purus sed ultrices. Aliquam vulputate eleifend convallis.