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Serious question for admin

So I will probably get a lot of flack for this, but oh well. I play this server every day nearly. I help seed it when it is low, and always try to keep things going fair. I have reported players for TKing,etc. I want the server to be a fun one. I try not to harass individual players too much, but when I see something that doesn't seem right, I speak up. Sometimes I get told to shut up by admin on the server. Hey, part of life.

What bothers me at the moment is that if I say something off-color in a joke to people, I get told in a private message from admin in-game to stop or risk getting kicked. And yes, once or twice I have been kicked for being rude at times. So what I want to know is why tonight, about 10 minutes ago, there were no less than FOUR other players harassing me, giving me shit, insulting me, etc, and not a DAMN THING was done to them, even after I asked an admin to step in? If you all don't like me just say the word and I will find another server to play on. I've always liked this server but if y'all don't want me, then just let me know.


-bZ- Member
Hey Shalladon, maybe you could be a little more descriptive. As far as the insults getting you removed, unless you were being overly racist (to the extreme) or disrespectful to an admin, rarely would you be told to stop. Inciting chaos or server discord would also warrant a "nudge" by an admin. The fact that there are no " facts " in your post makes it a little hard to address. Could you put names etc in here or if you would feel more comfortable pm them to me or another admin and we will look into it.


-bZ- Member
I'm not an admin, but we all get butt hurt once in a while. I think the admins here do their best. It's not an easy job, and sometimes you feel the wrath when it's really just that the crap has piled up. They get bitched at if they do their jobs and they get bitched at if they don't. I was on another server, a few years ago, and I got Tked. So I typed "WTF". I was immediately kicked from the server. I went back in and an admin said "take it up in the forums. Your case is now closed". I don't play there anymore. :) Glad we have a venue for these situations. Best, Harder.
I get it. I really do. And it wasn't like I wrote down their names or anything. It wasn't a HUGE deal. Just felt like I was getting singled out and harassed. I admit I usually do my best to laugh things off, but sometimes I take things too personal. Especially when people bring up my mom, who died of cancer recently, and they started in on that. I just couldn't understand why admin wouldn't have stepped in and said SOMETHING. But I get you all are busy.


-bZ- Member
Do you know who is the one who sent you those PMs? Typically some people get a little more punctual with getting on people about shit talking.
Understand I am not trying to sound like I am bitching at the admin. I know how hard it can be. Just was venting a little, and asking what happened in my situation. I wanted to know if it was simply not noticed, or if I just wasn't wanted on the server. I know I bitch a bit in between deaths. Especially if I feel like something was off. there are WAY too many times where I can confirm hits on an enemy, but yet they have 100 health when they kill me. Or when I see a blatant aimbot. (I was on the receiving end one time a guy spun, instantly headshotted me, spun back, and killed a different enemy. No way that could have been legit) I just want to be sure that legit hackers are caught.


-bZ- Member
ok shalladon, I have been in game with you and appreciate your gusto and playing style. however, server rule number 6 states do not accuse players of hacking " so doing that is only going to start to get you noticed on the bad end of things as it did the other day. if you use !report name offense it will drop into our laps and we will do our best to deal with it. As far as the shit talking goes its wide open out there. only admin that warned you as far as i can see was me and no one said to stop talking shit or anything like that it actually says, that you were accusing players of hacking and to stop. all of our admins can go and see what was said. if someone hurt your feelings im sorry but we try to keep an even keel in the server but lets admit shall we that all you have done ur fair share as well. I wasn't in server when the individual started picking on you but unless it was over board or racist in nature we wouldn't had said anything anyway. please do as punk suggested which is come into ts and meet the folks up close and personal.

that having been said i suggest we move on while remembering the rules etc.