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Server nuke when all cap'd

What do you guys think about an auto-nuke, or vote-nuke option when one team holds all the flags in CQ locker or Metro?

I can't be the only one who hates playing in those scenarios, regardless of which side I'm playing on.


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
I don't think this is something we'll implement. We have a vote surrender option enabled on #4 (24/7 locker) but that's it. Vote nuke is cancer.


I don't think this is something we'll implement. We have a vote surrender option enabled on #4 (24/7 locker) but that's it. Vote nuke is cancer.
OMG Vote nuke is cancer that you recovered from after chemo only to be hit by a bus while the crossing the road Nuke does my frigging Head in I'm Glad we don't have it

Try Smoke Lots of smoke and running and more smoke this is a time when smoking is Good for you!


-bZ- Member
There's plenty of games where I've either been all capped or all capped another team and they turned it around. I agree, vote nuke is toxic.


-bZ- Member
In Metro I kind of like it when my team gets beat back to the base and we have to fight our way out. Come back from that situation to win a few times and THAT is a tasty victory when the enemy thinks they've won and then in the space of a few minutes they're scrambling to get out of THEIR base!

Nuking would ruin this.

Just play the game and do you best regardless of the circumstance. Adapt and overcome.