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Shout out to Square Panties for making a complaint about ObiWon for killing a player called "loading hacks"

So that, I thought the person who received the "incident" is the person who needs to complain. In this case square panties was not killed at all. Obi Won Killed someone called "Loading hacks" so.. let loading hacks do the complaint SP LMAO.
Also if you step in at that door you are far away from spawn, and also with your gun ready to fire to the edge of that door and complain that you get killed for not being fast enough LMAO. Your gonna have to suck a lot of dick to get this complain trough.
So that, I thought the person who received the "incident" is the person who needs to complain. In this case square panties was not killed at all. Obi Won Killed someone called "Loading hacks" so.. let loading hacks do the complaint SP LMAO.
Also if you step in at that door you are far away from spawn, and also with your gun ready to fire to the edge of that door and complain that you get killed for not being fast enough LMAO. Your gonna have to suck a lot of dick to get this complain trough.
Loading hacks is Panties, also known as Fishy, who apparently has around 10 accounts. Panties did check the area with his scope before Obi took the shot, so I’d say it's inconclusive. If Panties hadn’t scoped out, it would have been Obi’s fault. Let’s move on. That doorway always seems to cause problems and is a bad design choice for the map—I've been shot through it so many times. Panties tends to make foolish reports, but when others call him out on his mistakes, he gets really defensive. It’s pretty amusing.
Loading hacks is Panties, also known as Fishy, who apparently has around 10 accounts. Panties did check the area with his scope before Obi took the shot, so I’d say it's inconclusive. If Panties hadn’t scoped out, it would have been Obi’s fault. Let’s move on. That doorway always seems to cause problems and is a bad design choice for the map—I've been shot through it so many times. Panties tends to make foolish reports, but when others call him out on his mistakes, he gets really defensive. It’s pretty amusing.
lol I know about the multiple accounts. I just think is hilarious he uses the wrong one to make a report. Ya also that report is not consistent. I agree with you


-bZ- Member
lol I know about the multiple accounts. I just think is hilarious he uses the wrong one to make a report.

The reports are for rule violations. The person reporting doesn't have to be a party. Rules should be followed, and any violation should be reported.

Why? So we can get the repeating offenders out of the server, if they keep repeating to break the rules. At least that is my opinion. If the repeat offenders are rarely or never reported due to the infraction being "small" or whatever, then there is no track record to base their behaviour/gameplay on. It's pretty simple, follow the rules, or play on a server where you don't have to abide by a few "fairplay" rules.

I have reported people in the past when I have witnessed rule violations, for example baserape in CQL. If you want an example, I have a pretty good one in this case, it's your own boy breaking the rules; attacking uncap again, surprisingly. Judging from the admin reply, not the first time. Judging from panties report, not the last.

Maybe you could tell your struggling boy to play the game instead of camp spawns and baserape?

Panties tends to make foolish reports, but when others call him out on his mistakes, he gets really defensive. It’s pretty amusing.

Aren't you the one crying (being defensive) over your boy being (called out) caught breaking the rules (in the past, and now)? It's pretty amusing.


How about, if any of you don't want to be reported, don't even come close to breaking the rules? Just don't? Instead of throwing a fit on the forums lmao. Just, don't? Camping that doorway is not necessary.

Or you could come really close to breaking the rules, or be breaking them, and risk being reported. Player's choice.

LMAO when a vehicle attack base that is not always against the rules, it depends on the specifics. For instance if you attack a vehicle that goes back to base to repair or is hiding at base but has been engaging already in a fight then he is not protected by the don't attack at uncap rule. SO, From the distance you were flying in the helicopter you just saw obi attacking base, but you just couldn't know specifics of what he was attacking or why. If you have in the rest of the video someone complaining then you have a case. But only from that small moment you cannot possible know why or what he was attacking at uncap.
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LMAO when a vehicle attack base that is not always against the rules, it depends on the specifics. For instance if you attack a vehicle that goes back to base to repair or is hiding at base but has been engaging already in a fight then he is not protected by the don't attack at uncap rule. SO, From the distance you were flying in the helicopter you just saw obi attacking base, but you just couldn't know specifics of what he was attacking or why. If you have in the rest of the video someone complaining then you have a case. But only from that small moment you cannot possible know why or what he was attacking at uncap.
This is why IMO the uncap rule should be reworked. It's too easy to get shot out of uncap and shoot back at the wrong person who then gets pissed for getting killed in spawn. Or the people who think flying/driving back into spawn makes them safe from attack and get pissed about it or end up drawing lock on missiles to the wrong vehicle that just spawned. I feel there shouldn't be any shooting in/out of uncap to avoid these situations.


-bZ- Member
It is easy to follow the rules by following simple RoE. If you don't know what is shooting out of spawn, don't shoot in.

I say that as I am probably the player with most engagements into the enemy uncap.

If they don't know the rules, let them cry and report. The admins will explain the (simple) rules.

This whole thread is a non-issue, for normal human beings
I’m trying to clarify my point, though it might be a bit unclear. People who report others for rule violations, like when someone seems to be baiting another player, should consider the context. If someone scoped out the area before another player made a shot, that’s part of the game and should be fair play. I’m not taking sides here, but it’s frustrating to see so many misleading reports when we should focus on genuine rule breakers and hackers.

Regarding past issues, for instance, Fluff.. Someone reported Doc and me for accidentally team-killing, which resulted in a 24-hour ban on Doc. While I think the report was unfair and lacked context, it’s an example of how these reports can be misleading.

You can’t break the rules like Panties did with Kosh, and then turn around and try to get others punished. That’s not how things work in real life, and it’s certainly not how it should work in the game. You’ll quickly learn the consequences when the tables are turned.
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-bZ- Member
Links? I am not interested enough to scour the forums for those topics.

You're talking about out of context. If you don't break the rules, violations can't be taken out of context. If you have an accidental TK, yeah, I guess it can, but I don't think any admin bans for a single accidental TK when there is no evidence of prior misconduct.

You can’t break the rules like Panties did with Kosh, and then turn around and try to get others punished. That’s not how things work in real life, and it’s certainly not how it should work in the game. You’ll quickly learn the consequences when the tables are turned.

Rules should not be broken, and violations should be dealt with fairly, no matter who violates the rules. In fact, I think any regular that is aware of the ruleset should be punished HARDER than random griefers. They _should know better_ than to grief.
Links? I am not interested enough to scour the forums for those topics.

You're talking about out of context. If you don't break the rules, violations can't be taken out of context. If you have an accidental TK, yeah, I guess it can, but I don't think any admin bans for a single accidental TK when there is no evidence of prior misconduct.

Rules should not be broken, and violations should be dealt with fairly, no matter who violates the rules. In fact, I think any regular that is aware of the ruleset should be punished HARDER than random griefers. They _should know better_ than to grief.
It seems like you’re missing the main issue here. The real problem is that kids are reporting trivial matters. For example, without knowing the context of the "panties" post, it's clear that it was meant to provoke Obi.

My point is that we shouldn't waste admins' time on minor issues and should instead focus on addressing actual rule violations. It's disheartening to see posts where people are just targeting others they don't like, like the "panties" post. We need to focus on more significant issues and stop the petty reporting—people need to mature.
Links? I am not interested enough to scour the forums for those topics.
Here is a video I have had saved for more than two years in hopes this would come up again. I searched my database of "offenders" and went through all videos until I could find it since this is a topic I am invested in (I do not like this person and want to get him banned).
I'm getting mixed messages here.


-bZ- Member
Its a lot easier to find my own posts on the forum, than to look through ALL posts submitted by anyone.

I can understand that with the levels of severe mental dysfunction in some (a lot) of individuals here, that can be hard to understand.

I'm getting mixed messages here.
I can understand that with the levels of severe mental dysfunction in some (a lot) of individuals here, that can be hard to understand.
We're all mentally dysfunctional, we're having arguments over a decade-old game that no one plays anymore.

Calling people dumb doesn't make you smart fluff, it just means you couldn't come up with a better argument. I think this is the point where you exit the argument claiming you don't have the patience/can't argue with dumb people right?
We're all mentally dysfunctional, we're having arguments over a decade-old game that no one plays anymore.

Calling people dumb doesn't make you smart fluff, it just means you couldn't come up with a better argument. I think this is the point where you exit the argument claiming you don't have the patience/can't argue with dumb people right?
The woke way of arguments


-bZ- Member
We're all mentally dysfunctional, we're having arguments over a decade-old game that no one plays anymore.

Calling people dumb doesn't make you smart fluff, it just means you couldn't come up with a better argument. I think this is the point where you exit the argument claiming you don't have the patience/can't argue with dumb people right?

The better argument is in the line above, the one you didn't quote.

Its a lot easier to find my own posts on the forum, than to look through ALL posts submitted by anyone.

But yeah, these threads I am replying to are definitely too mentally challenged


Beagle no one cares what you have to say you should go in the training/practice option in bf4 there a place wen you can learn basic thing like how different games modes work and what you should do to help your team, because frankly your one of the worst players here on bf4 your ''gameplay'' if you wanna call it that its borderline greifing your teammates dying 30-40 times c4 yourself its quite disturbing i know i know sometimes you will get someone and ''it was worth it''

i called you out tonight for switching team just for fun to make you react because frankly i couldn't give 2 fucks on what sides your playing then you responded by saying ''its to help the other team'' so its ok to switch as long its to help the other team lol but you gonna call me out wen i do it ? your just pathetic and i think your better than that i always said it
Beagle no one cares what you have to say you should go in the training/practice option in bf4 there a place wen you can learn basic thing like how different games modes work and what you should do to help your team, because frankly your one of the worst players here on bf4 your ''gameplay'' if you wanna call it that its borderline greifing your teammates dying 30-40 times c4 yourself its quite disturbing i know i know sometimes you will get someone and ''it was worth it''

i called you out tonight for switching team just for fun to make you react because frankly i couldn't give 2 fucks on what sides your playing then you responded by saying ''its to help the other team'' so its ok to switch as long its to help the other team lol but you gonna call me out wen i do it ? your just pathetic and i think your better than that i always said it
Beagle listen to this man he is the team switching expert