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Square Panties - Who threatens to ban people..

Someone needs to get their attitude in check. You’re not an admin, so stop trying to threaten bans. I’m posting this because Square Panties is threatening to report me just because I won a round. He claims to have multiple clips of me winning, but isn’t winning the point of the game?

So, Fishy, aka Panties, aka whatever—here’s the thread where you can share your clips of me dominating in Battlefield. Serlose and I never switch teams to win or quit when the going gets tough, unlike some players. With so many new players around, others sometimes switch to our team to catch a win. I’m not going to switch teams just to lose when we’ve worked hard to get our team to where it is. Often, we don’t even check scores or notice team changes because we’re taking a quick break. We don’t go on 10-game winning streaks; we’re just a solid squad of five who play well regardless of the team we’re on.

What really annoyed me was that after losing a round, we were winning the next map and Panties started complaining and threatening people. I’ve spoken with admins, and they all agree with me—being good at the game isn’t a reason for a ban, or else half the server would be banned. So, Fishy, go ahead and post your videos here so we can all have a laugh at your expense!


he was probably referring to the constant team stacking you guys are doing

what would you know about a tough going wen it rarely gets tough wen playing against noobs ? 5-6 level 140 dudes (regulars) is enough to make it unpleasant/unfair for the other team specially later at night wen there few 140 dudes out there and since all the good players are on your team

wen your team is stacking you shouldn't call anyone for switching specially wen your never the one on the weaker team

wen you say ''unlike some others player who switch'' are you referring to MARCMON who is constantly balanced to the other team because your team is stacked but will force switch anyways ?

i think there a lot of hypocrisy whit some of you regulars, on one hand yall claim to like and take care of the bz community but on the other hand making this a pain for others players to enjoy the game

some of the noobs were complaining last night and although its funny i can understand their frustration i don't call this winning from hard work but from simply stacking the lobby

i understand now why Neo did the disperse thing for bz1 its because we cant rely on regulars to balance the server its more often than not stacked on one side and before some of the others players get a clue to help the weaker team its often way to late wen there 200 ticket left
Ha, look who’s talking—Przz, of all people. He used to switch to our team just to win or quit when things weren’t going well. This is why we have these issues; people like him are part of the problem.

As I mentioned, players like Przz who switch teams for a better chance of winning mess up the balance and fun. They’re too worried about their KD, but who cares? It’s just a ten-year-old game!

We stick with the team we’re assigned to, and if it gets really unfair, we might switch. We’d rather play as a squad and lose together than break up the team.
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I said it before and i say it now, playing against your friends is way funnier than playing with them in the same team, and you stop stacking teams. Panties is right and stacking teams is not okay at all.
I saw you guys last night 15-0 each one in the winning team, when you guys switched after at the very last of the game you guys ended like 17-4, so… if is it hard to a 140 doing good when they’re rapping your base imagine doing good being a rookie.

i think there a lot of hypocrisy whit some of you regulars
If any of you want to face us, Serlose and I are ready to take you on. We don’t hide and we don’t switch teams.
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I go against my own and win.. get some. Screenshot_2024-07-26_015105-1.png
If the noobs would play the objectives, one good squad wouldn't have so much influence on a match. I'll assist when I can, but some matches are just full of idiots. A few weeks ago, two of us started a match, took all the flags, we both assisted, took all the flags and came back, and the noobs still bitched at us for team stacking. lol. While they sat on rooftops farming kills..... But, let's punish the good players by putting them on a 'blacklist disperse' to appease the bots....
I feel like I can never catch a break—I'm all about a challenge, but I remember we lost nine times in a row, and poor Toasty probably isn’t thrilled I’m bringing this up. Despite that, people still complain. All I want is to have fun, play some games, and enjoy a beer. Why does everyone have to make it so complicated? What’s next, are you going to complain that dB is always on top? Lmao.
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That was emotional damage…
he was probably referring to the constant team stacking you guys are doing

what would you know about a tough going wen it rarely gets tough wen playing against noobs ? 5-6 level 140 dudes (regulars) is enough to make it unpleasant/unfair for the other team specially later at night wen there few 140 dudes out there and since all the good players are on your team

wen your team is stacking you shouldn't call anyone for switching specially wen your never the one on the weaker team

wen you say ''unlike some others player who switch'' are you referring to MARCMON who is constantly balanced to the other team because your team is stacked but will force switch anyways ?

i think there a lot of hypocrisy whit some of you regulars, on one hand yall claim to like and take care of the bz community but on the other hand making this a pain for others players to enjoy the game

some of the noobs were complaining last night and although its funny i can understand their frustration i don't call this winning from hard work but from simply stacking the lobby

i understand now why Neo did the disperse thing for bz1 its because we cant rely on regulars to balance the server its more often than not stacked on one side and before some of the others players get a clue to help the weaker team its often way to late wen there 200 ticket left
Yeah you’re definitely right. I’m the guy not switching to the losing team. Only will do so if they have at least a small number of regulars that might turn the game around. Otherwise it’s a massacre that a handful of volunteers isn’t going to stop.
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If the noobs would play the objectives, one good squad wouldn't have so much influence on a match. I'll assist when I can, but some matches are just full of idiots. A few weeks ago, two of us started a match, took all the flags, we both assisted, took all the flags and came back, and the noobs still bitched at us for team stacking. lol. While they sat on rooftops farming kills..... But, let's punish the good players by putting them on a 'blacklist disperse' to appease the bots....
Went back and played cod 4

Then played bf4

Some of the players on bf4 literally move like bots. They seem to robotically move along predetermined pathways/waypoints, running past enemies, and staring at real players while they get shot down. That is why I’m always surprised these “bots” are real people lmao
Wait there's a blacklist for dispersing on bz1? Is that why darksquare and I always get switched? Even when it's just the two of us? I didn't realize in a 64 person match 2 people could make that big of a difference lol. Geez and bz1.5 got called the noob server
Wait there's a blacklist for dispersing on bz1? Is that why darksquare and I always get switched? Even when it's just the two of us? I didn't realize in a 64 person match 2 people could make that big of a difference lol. Geez and bz1.5 got called the noob server
Disperse was a trial for BZ1 and I think is removed now... sadly.
Wait there's a blacklist for dispersing on bz1? Is that why darksquare and I always get switched? Even when it's just the two of us? I didn't realize in a 64 person match 2 people could make that big of a difference lol. Geez and bz1.5 got called the noob server
Disperse is not running anymore, not since the all drama, back when TGiF, BSS and BB disperse was a thing. But still, 1.5 its a noob server…
So, where should we draw the line here? The main problem seems to be the server's auto-balance feature, which tends to put all the strong players on one side. How can Serlose and I play without constantly dealing with complaints? I didn’t realize that Serlose and I, who usually stay away from the winning team, were drawing so much attention. It seems unfair to be labeled as "stackers" when we’re not the ones choosing our teams, and others just follow us around.

How can we find a solution that lets us play the game as a team while also addressing the issues with balance and complaints?


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
The “auto-balance” is not based on skill whatsoever and all it does is move people accordingly so that there is an even number of people on each team. It prioritizes moving people that are towards the bottom half of the scoreboard.
The “auto-balance” is not based on skill whatsoever and all it does is move people accordingly so that there is an even number of people on each team. It prioritizes moving people that are towards the bottom half of the scoreboard.
And I think it prioritizes people who just died. A subtle but possibly impactful change could be to make it prioritize people at the top half of the scoreboard.


So, where should we draw the line here? The main problem seems to be the server's auto-balance feature, which tends to put all the strong players on one side. How can Serlose and I play without constantly dealing with complaints? I didn’t realize that Serlose and I, who usually stay away from the winning team, were drawing so much attention. It seems unfair to be labeled as "stackers" when we’re not the ones choosing our teams, and others just follow us around.

How can we find a solution that lets us play the game as a team while also addressing the issues with balance and complaints?
the problem is not the server-balance but your discord friends stacking everyone on one side, and don't act like yall are not choosing to play all in one team just drop the act already bro