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Square Panties - Who threatens to ban people..

I was going to be quiet and just watch this pan out but I have to say something:
You are the BIGGEST hypocrite here, talking about silentkilla and others unbalancing the servers and such, when you consistently switch to the winning team. One of the most recent games where you and I played on, was on Langcang dam: The game prior, my team dominated and so when I finally loaded into the next new one, I switched to the other team. My team proceeded to consistently hold A, B, and D, causeing us to start to win. You switched to my side when the game was more than halfway done. I CALLED you out in chat, and if I remember correctly, some of the bats crew was even on the losing team and they said something too, whether in chat or in discord. And this was just one instance. You do this all the time and anyone that doesn't play favorites can say this is true. I don't even agree with Silentkilla on everything and we fight sometime, but his, and the others, observations of you, are spot on.
It's funny you say something, but here you can see you stacking in a 12v12 while raping the server with the BATS crew. Nobody on the other team has a positive kd while u farm. The server also dies after this also... Should have stayed quiet


  • Stacking teams lel.png
    Stacking teams lel.png
    646 KB · Views: 28
Ah panties, saying now that bats rape the server, bold words coming from a farmer.. Keep digging yourself a hole, not even Neo will be able to save you from the grave. So, who on bats are you specifically referring to? Ain't no one scared of you, simmer down their buddy. We would rather unity but you poking the bear.
Enough said. * Poking the cat
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none of the OG players on Banzore that been here for years are buying this garbage its only in your discord echo chamber that i switch ever round ''consistently'' lol u moron

for the record i will switch teams wen the stacking is done on purpose like every time the soy boys are playing that's why i pay 10$ a month not to be stuck wen the game is rigged by bad actors claiming otherwise

listen i know yall mad because this shit isn't working but my claims are verified whit others regulars players that are not in my discord or even on my friends list and that should speak volume to anyone that has a brain
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It's funny you say something, but here you can see you stacking in a 12v12 while raping the server with the BATS crew. Nobody on the other team has a positive kd while u farm. The server also dies after this also... Should have stayed quiet
its like this every round farmerman need half the server on his side to be relevant dude was coordinating 2-3 armor to come kill me then beat his chest wen he got the kill like he won the lotto

dude been a cancer for the server for a while he's not donating he's team stacking and constantly talking shit
its like this every round farmerman need half the server on his side to be relevant dude was coordinating 2-3 armor to come kill me then beat his chest wen he got the kill like he won the lotto

dude been a cancer for the server for a while he's not donating he's team stacking and constantly talking shit
This is all false. Not even a little bit true.
I actually am by myself half of the time and spend about the same amount being on the opposite team. You're literally making up stuff at this point, and you're projecting calling me "farmerman", when almost all of you are at me becaause I called out. None of you would be so up in arms against me if I didn't say anything.
It's funny you say something, but here you can see you stacking in a 12v12 while raping the server with the BATS crew. Nobody on the other team has a positive kd while u farm. The server also dies after this also... Should have stayed quiet
Such a weak argument to show that photo as proof. It doesn't necessarily show "stacking" , as the game will 50/50 put us on the same team, and you took a photo of a game not finished, with the server not being completely full: Lots of reasons exist as to why that score looks that why. One is the opposite team isn't pushing objectives as a whole, while the winning team could be just holding the majority of flags, playing defensively. No one can say with such weak "proof" that you provided. Sometimes the opposite team is just not working together, and there are times we will be on the same side and barely win, or even lose at times.

Secondly, this doesn't show me farming. My score indicates I'm pushing objectives and not even a little bit farming. And who's name did you cover up? Who are you protecting?

Thirdly, you're the next biggest hypocrite after przzz, when you constantly farm, not helping the team, etc. After all, like you said: "farming is not illegal...", in your defense. If anyone starts to clear a server out, it's you or JL. Which, all we need now iisfor JL to comment so we can have the trinity complete.
its like this every round farmerman need half the server on his side to be relevant dude was coordinating 2-3 armor to come kill me then beat his chest wen he got the kill like he won the lotto

dude been a cancer for the server for a while he's not donating he's team stacking and constantly talking shit
I can think of the recent times I killed you and there was no "coordinating 2-3 armor" to come kill you. One time I can think of I was in discord with two other people, but they weren't with me in any armor. Still, I've killed you at times when you have had other armor around you protecting you. Lol it's crazy with what you're coming up with. I get on the opposite team and you'll often switch to my side from what I've seen.


Just because you talk about me and my clan, I’ll say something. Idk why you have a problem with BATS, You don’t even play in this server and you still complaining everytime.

First, your screenshot was taking after midnight and the server always go dead after that time but I guess you wanted to prove nothing , well good for you .

Second, saying that we stacked team and that we are causing bz1.5 to died it’s funny bc that’s not true.

I started playing bf4 in this server 1.5 and I play with newbies and regulars everyday

If my friends are there I’ll play with them. I don’t mind to go 0-26 and be the repair guy for my teammates. Bc no one will do it.

I don’t sit camping and do shit for the team. I always go for flags and trying to help the team. I can always count on my squad to have my back when our team have people sitting camping and not helping at all.

It’s to easy to point fingers at everyone lol.

So many time I had a noob gunner with no repair and the second we get hit he run away. So yeah when the team isn’t HELPING of course you going to lose.

We lost games or win games but at least I’m having fun with my friends. Thats the thing you can’t understand apparently.

You can stay in bz1 and cry over there .
It’s a fkg game at the end of the day.


-bZ- Member
It's funny you say something, but here you can see you stacking in a 12v12 while raping the server with the BATS crew. Nobody on the other team has a positive kd while u farm. The server also dies after this also... Should have stayed quiet

Lol panties to be fair bz1.5 empties pretty quick before midnight even its definitely not the BATS crew “killing” the server
Not for defending panties but after 1.5 guys go to 1 they usually vote for the shittiest maps on the list and they end up to kill the server, i know that because I’ve seen this plenty of times, now if we add that some people like stacking teams guess what happens next


-bZ- Member
This is all false. Not even a little bit true.
I actually am by myself half of the time and spend about the same amount being on the opposite team. You're literally making up stuff at this point, and you're projecting calling me "farmerman", when almost all of you are at me becaause I called out. None of you would be so up in arms against me if I didn't say anything.
We called you a farmer way BEFORE you even had your first post here on Banzore.


-bZ- Member
Just because you talk about me and my clan, I’ll say something. Idk why you have a problem with BATS, You don’t even play in this server and you still complaining everytime.

First, your screenshot was taking after midnight and the server always go dead after that time but I guess you wanted to prove nothing , well good for you .

Second, saying that we stacked team and that we are causing bz1.5 to died it’s funny bc that’s not true.

I started playing bf4 in this server 1.5 and I play with newbies and regulars everyday

If my friends are there I’ll play with them. I don’t mind to go 0-26 and be the repair guy for my teammates. Bc no one will do it.

I don’t sit camping and do shit for the team. I always go for flags and trying to help the team. I can always count on my squad to have my back when our team have people sitting camping and not helping at all.

It’s to easy to point fingers at everyone lol.

So many time I had a noob gunner with no repair and the second we get hit he run away. So yeah when the team isn’t HELPING of course you going to lose.

We lost games or win games but at least I’m having fun with my friends. Thats the thing you can’t understand apparently.

You can stay in bz1 and cry over there .
It’s a fkg game at the end of the day.
I do enjoy playing with Toast.
She is sometimes too aggressive, and we get blown up, but overall fun to be on same team.


I do enjoy playing with Toast.
She is sometimes too aggressive, and we get blown up, but overall fun to be on same team.
Im sorreeyy, im your bad luck
We called you a farmer way BEFORE you even had your first post here on Banzore.
Maybe you did, but it's baseless. The times I "farmed" was way back when I first started and I didn't play hardcore. Back when bz24 was up, there was not a single game that I played with you that you could legit say I was farming. I was always pushing flags to get points to get #1 on the server, which I did.
And it's not "we". This whole "hate on superman" started when I called out a couple of dudes (3 to be exact) for farming, and you dishonestly chimed in. They only called me a farmer cause I called them one. So many people, especially JL, have so many videos of me and not one shows me farming. Go touch grass.