Suggestion for high pingers on BZ #2

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Hey All,

As we all know everyone hates high pingers.. They stress the server out, and they're a big annoyance for everyone..

I know all y'all say that they keep server full.. to an extent.. During the day, sure keep them.. I don't play during the day and most of us don't as we work.

Now, to be fair, for weekends, during a specific time frame, say friday evening 6pm until 1 am EST. We could have a max ping of 130 (so jopes can play) and anything above be kicked. So thus server will be running smooth and doesn't have to do extra calculations, which stresses server out.

It gets really annoying having these 150-200 pingers in the server. They stress the server, and your shots don't reg on them and you get killed behind walls.. it really ruins the BF 4 experience for a lot of us that enjoy few beers, few joints and kick ass in game.

Everytime high pingers play, we all complain, it gets frusterating. So my suggestion with that time frame and only on weekends, even if it's just friday/saturday when server is PEAK, is a WIN.

Suggestions all???
I do not agree.
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This thread honestly comes off as you just asking for them to limit ping whenever you're on. lmao

I've personally not had the issue yet of the high pingers really being that big of an issue when I'm in the servers. *Knock on wood*, But I'd say having more people in consistently versus having a lag moment every once in a while is more worthwhile.
i'm speaking on Bz 2, sorry should of clarified that... I'm trying to make the server best for all of us, that donate and play there. As I said, I was trying to find a median and time so it works for everyone. As i stated PEAK server time not so it just benefits me. But then again when I play so do all our regulars soo...

Stonewall i never played with you or seen you, but you're obviously ignorant about high pingers and how they have an effect on the server.

I also stated at the bottom of the thread for people suggestions.. ALSO if you don't agree, tell us WHY..
This is already implemented, works when the server is full. Youll usually know the server is full when 3-4 people suddenly get the boot.
Yeah the limit is already pretty low during active times. Going any lower will definitely hurt the population. Our high ping friends play at all hours so if they get the boot during peak hours why would they try to come back during off peak?

It's just something we have to deal with.
Could you define the "low" limit? From what I am told and seen, the limit is 200? which is insane as it is. If it is lower, it must be broken :(
200 is reasonable? :oops: what are you smoking brotha?o_O 130 is reasonable. 200 is absurb mate.
Well if you play mostly #2, that would be the why you don't see me. Not to mention the other games I play.

I wasn't being ignorant to knowing that players like that can have an effect on the servers, I just merely stated I haven't had that issue with them yet. Least not to whatever level you have had.
Hey Neo, I can get RedKilla to send you code to auto kick the people hiding ping( ping masking) if you'd like? that would help Firedocs question above.
It seems you people don't seem to read full artlcles.. I'm not sure if its an american thing or not.. but if you clearly read my first post, you wouldn't reply with that Neo...

I said PEAK hours, I even put the key words in CAPS.. During peak hours the server is full, and if we kicked those laggers it would remain full.. I even suggested KEY times and when to implement it..
It seems you people don't seem to read full artlcles.. I'm not sure if its an american thing or not.. but if you clearly read my first post, you wouldn't reply with that Neo...

I said PEAK hours, I even put the key words in CAPS.. During peak hours the server is full, and if we kicked those laggers it would remain full.. I even suggested KEY times and when to implement it..
I read what you said. Sometimes I think "you people" whoever the heck you are, non-American I guess don't understand the hours and hours of work we put into this game to deal with cheaters, glitchers, toxic players, etc.

You don't understand how this works, you don't take into account the negative impact it will have. It's not as easy as "kick during peak times because there's plenty of players". We need more than just American players to keep the servers going and populated for more than a few hours a day.

Since I haven't been clear, we will not lower the ping kicker. Been there, done that, it doesn't work.

Why come on here with a suggestion and get offended when we tell you it won't work, and why it won't work?
ah fuck it, i give up. just delete thread.
Well ... I usually play with a ping of 165, and if they did what you propose, Silent_Killa613, I would be left out of the only server that I have been playing for years. I think it's great that you're a friend of Jop3s and consider that 130 ping is ideal for him to play with you and blah, blah, blah, but I think it's horrible that you leave out without caring a lot of people who play as much or more than you in the server for the fact that they kill you or that it is difficult for you to kill people with high ping, the same happens to me with those who have a ping of 30, and also I have fun without complaining. I hope your ISP never changes your latency (It only happens in underdeveloped countries like mine), because you are going to be difficult to play on many servers managed by people with your mentality (Respectfully).
Anyway .. To think ..
This conversation was already over, no need to drag it on boys. Already said I appreciate peoples' feedback, and I really don't mind people coming to us with ideas, just that we have lots to consider and aren't always going to implement every single idea.
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