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Swag & Panda

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40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Most people didn’t have the time for that and strongly disliked doing it. It also requires a larger admin team which comes with its own issues. The system we have now, while not perfect, works well enough from our testing. Everything has pros and cons.


Most people didn’t have the time for that and strongly disliked doing it. It also requires a larger admin team which comes with its own issues. The system we have now, while not perfect, works well enough from our testing. Everything has pros and cons.

Back in BF2’s prime I was part of an admin team for a server called FULLCONTACTWAR, and I basically ran the graveyard shift, and we had multiple admins covering the day shifts and night shifts. At our peak we had like 25 admins, and man the forum and teamspeak drama was nuts.

Y’all got a good system now, but there’s been a few times on the graveyard shift I wish y’all had an admin on bz3 and 6


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Would be nice to have 24hr forum/discord coverage at the very least. Currently we don’t have anyone up at night though. It used to be me but I finally fixed my sleep schedule.


Would be nice to have 24hr forum/discord coverage at the very least. Currently we don’t have anyone up at night though. It used to be me but I finally fixed my sleep schedule.
Yeah what helped us our server was located in Chicago, which at the time for some reason attracted a metric ton of euro players, a few of which I made admins to help with the coverage.

I still keep the same hours as I did back then but there’s just a severe lack of players in NA at the hose same hours, and I can’t think of any NA or Asia based player (that’s very regular) I’d trust with an admin role at night ☹️
I respect the attempt Covert…
I don't know if you were the individual Panda was talking about because I vaguely know "of" a few people that it may resonate with, but if it is, I wish nothing negative for you and I hope you find the help and happiness you need. You've always been super chill and personable with our interactions.
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