I am here to report DSK Mat9ball from the banzore server. My wife and I play in there a lot and honestly I am on the verge of not returning. I do like your servers and thank you for your hospitality but this guy and other DSK members of the past are so mouthy that it takes the fun away. He is constantly bitching and complaining about his team today he even went so far as to call us all "faggots". I have spoke to one of you admins in the past about this and he states that DSK players cause lots of problems but some of the admins are friends with them so we allow them to be here. I love the game but if the server is going to be ran where a player constantly harasses others then the fun is ruined.
Banzore 24/7 hardcore metro, locker and peal market.
Banzore 24/7 hardcore metro, locker and peal market.