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Vent: suspect players

Hi dudes good morning...I have noticed a weird trend. Lately there have been new people who are low rank, but straight out outperforming in k/d players with 3k-4k hours. I would like to straight up say their names but I am going to gather some evidence so a decision can be made. Here is the weird thing, when I spectate these folks their in-game movement is so inconsistent with their gunplay that it makes no sense. Usually when people get better at the game its a combination of improved movement + gunplay, not just one alone. I have seen this happen in Quake, UT, COD..pick any FPS game...Its frustrating because the legit players cant keep up with these fools! and leaves the legit players more baffled than anything else...e.g, how they got killed, and how the hell do some people kill you with a LAW when you are hammering them with a F2000 running around a corner, and they are just expecting you......Sigh....

Rant over!

I caught 2 players yesterday blatant, one of them was a regular in another discord server too. I'm also watching he who shall not be named but nothing obvious as of yet.
lol yeah man, the game already has few players, and when there is cheating it just helps accelerate the already dwindling community sadly! I have fun when I play with people who are good players e.g., you, justice, slickshoes, and many other regulars! but cheating to get the advantage is just unacceptable.. :(..its even worse when regulars cheat...breaks your trust man..


-bZ- Member
caught another one tonight, mfs gettin brazen out of nowhere. Just cause you use walls doesnt mean we wont notice you and record your ass slippin
look at this dude ... plays on server 2....23% headshots ratio with glock 18....1651759520645.png

overall acc...28% lol...what a legend! Even the best bf4 players have acc between 21-24%...but this is a fake natty! claiming to be natty



-bZ- Member
I've noticed an uptick in suspect players recently. A few I have my eye on. The problem with some of these players is that some of them are sweaty, but seem to be using some sort of cheat. It took us years to get uncleho, so it can be difficult to really nail someone without loads of video. Speaking of which, if I can get enough chores done I'll start working my way through my spectated matches.


-bZ- Member
If I rerolled with a new account and started sniping someone would inevitably accuse me of cheating.

And that's my most likely suspect here is most of these players are just returning to the game. Maybe you should ask them what their old player names were...maybe they'll tell you.
If I rerolled with a new account and started sniping someone would inevitably accuse me of cheating.

And that's my most likely suspect here is most of these players are just returning to the game. Maybe you should ask them what their old player names were...maybe they'll tell you.
Good Point, but you can look up linked accounts on BF4DB. This player whose SS I posted has no linked accounts, with 109HRS....while I have 4k+ hours. So it is kind of hard to understand when people with 100 hours can track you through walls vs someone who has 4k hours and still cant develop those tingly senses...maybe I am getting old lol...
I've noticed an uptick in suspect players recently. A few I have my eye on. The problem with some of these players is that some of them are sweaty, but seem to be using some sort of cheat. It took us years to get uncleho, so it can be difficult to really nail someone without loads of video. Speaking of which, if I can get enough chores done I'll start working my way through my spectated matches.
Yes, I called uncleho out
I also called out Nukem
I also called out Vinnoy
all of them were eventually banned, when you play the game long enough you understand what's possible and what's not..e.g., it is possible to kill people using their footsteps when they are 3-10 feet away from you in-game, it is not possible for them to follow you though thick FLIRD smoke, or from a distance of 25-30 feet...

but if people hack thats their choice, if they have fun playing with hacks so be it. From now on I will stop calling people out as it impacts the server, and everyone gets into a frenzy - so its better if I don't say anything in-game..lol. Sooner or later they will get caught - so I should just enjoy my game.


-bZ- Member
Good Point, but you can look up linked accounts on BF4DB. This player whose SS I posted has no linked accounts, with 109HRS....while I have 4k+ hours. So it is kind of hard to understand when people with 100 hours can track you through walls vs someone who has 4k hours and still cant develop those tingly senses...maybe I am getting old lol...

A skilled cheater will take steps to make sure his accounts are not linked. But they might be arrogant or prideful enough to let slip their original name if you ask. Then we can check the various lists and ban accordingly.
Lol no evidence of nukey cheating in this game. He allegedly cheated in bf 3 when he was 12 lol.. so, stop accusing the man of cheating without evidence..
Lol no evidence of nukey cheating in this game. He allegedly cheated in bf 3 when he was 12 lol.. so, stop accusing the man of cheating without evidence..
yup, I am done calling ppl out. cheat or no cheat, its a choice they make..and its not my job to catch them...or comment on how people prefer to play
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Christmas man
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Nah fuck that. If you're making a difference with your cheating, we'll find ya. The community needs to help in policing because there's not enough manpower without it.
Basically this, more eyes the better, I can cut through and ban 50 morons in a sitting and there will be 50 more right behind em. It’s a never ending battle but to have a game with one of the lowest hacker counts, it’s well worth it.

Thanks all!