Hi dudes good morning...I have noticed a weird trend. Lately there have been new people who are low rank, but straight out outperforming in k/d players with 3k-4k hours. I would like to straight up say their names but I am going to gather some evidence so a decision can be made. Here is the weird thing, when I spectate these folks their in-game movement is so inconsistent with their gunplay that it makes no sense. Usually when people get better at the game its a combination of improved movement + gunplay, not just one alone. I have seen this happen in Quake, UT, COD..pick any FPS game...Its frustrating because the legit players cant keep up with these fools! and leaves the legit players more baffled than anything else...e.g, how they got killed, and how the hell do some people kill you with a LAW when you are hammering them with a F2000 running around a corner, and they are just expecting you......Sigh....
Rant over!
Rant over!