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Where admins

not a joke, they left :(

Yeh I guess so???

Look alls I know is that they kinda seemed to be on their last straw. Not sure if they Left because of the commitment on the moderation side or if there was some internal disagreements. Admins like everyone else eventually just move on. The same thing happend on my old 360 clans and cod 4 server a long time ago…Everyone just goes their own way as usual…

Whatever the case is I just hope we get some more updates moving forward on the future of Bz, Especially for the donators. If moderation basically falls by the wayside then the donators need to be informed about it.


not a joke, they left :(

Yeh I guess so???

Look alls I know is that they kinda seemed to be on their last straw. Not sure if they Left because of the commitment on the moderation side or if there was some internal disagreements. Admins like everyone else eventually just move on. The same thing happend on my old 360 clans and cod 4 server a long time ago…Everyone just goes their own way as usual…

Whatever the case is I just hope we get some more updates moving forward on the future of Bz, Especially for the donators. If moderation basically falls by the wayside then the donators need to be informed about it.

i don't believe moderation is gonna fall by the wayside, but it will most likely get backed up since there's less admins to go around and deal with them. And while it seems like ayone can be a BZ member, it's gonna take a lot of built up trust to give someone else control over bans and such - aka I assume it's gonna be some time before other members are allowed to step up and help with bans/unbans.
We know we’re a bit behind, we’re working on it! :)
You could start by not driving away donators by banning them from the discord for no other reason than hurting your pride... talk about a power trip. Calling me autistic for attempting to apologize for the shitty meme you didn't like, then ban me when I say I wont be spoken to like that... if the other admins have your mindset then no one should be surprised that things are going downhill.

You could start by not driving away donators by banning them from the discord for no other reason than hurting your pride... talk about a power trip. Calling me autistic for attempting to apologize for the shitty meme you didn't like, then ban me when I say I wont be spoken to like that... if the other admins have your mindset then no one should be surprised that things are going downhill.

mobi is good, mobi had nothing to do with it
mobi is good, mobi had nothing to do with it
Im fairly certain it was him, it was someone within his circle at least. I would go check but that is not possible anymore. Its no biggy, just something I wanted to get off my chest for a while. I still love bZ and plan on playing every night, minus the donations :cool:


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
You could start by not driving away donators by banning them from the discord for no other reason than hurting your pride... talk about a power trip. Calling me autistic for attempting to apologize for the shitty meme you didn't like, then ban me when I say I wont be spoken to like that... if the other admins have your mindset then no one should be surprised that things are going downhill.


So I figured out why you were banned. You posted a “poorly drawn fetish image” in one of the text channels, which broke the discord rule of “no NSFW memes/images in text channels”. As for who banned you, I’m not sure who did that, I don’t have deep enough access to see, I can’t remember if it was me or not since it was a few months ago. But yea maybe if you didn’t break the simple rules, you wouldn’t have been removed lol.


-bZ- Member
And thus we now know why I tend to avoid Discord. This is because I do not own a filter and I say shit all the time without thinking about it. Autism for the win!

At my job this means I often get sent to project meetings where my management is counting on me to savagely call out bullshit and kill the project. Then they can say, "Well, yes, Peter is rude but he does have a point..."

It also means that while most everyone else has to work in the office every day I only have to be in two days a week and then no one cares when I leave early. :cool:


-bZ- Member
Discord bans don’t happen often, it’s usually only bug troublemakers.

My general avoidance of Discord is directly related to why you do not perceive me as a pain in your ass.

You're welcome! :cool:

Seriously, if I run into a decent squad and we're getting shit done then I'll happily join up and participate. I just have to avoid the banter because I tend to say shit that even the typical gaming crowd will blanch at.

In this vid the blue Ford is your Discord channel. Clint is playing me. Hal Holbrook is the admin/moderator.

My general avoidance of Discord is directly related to why you do not perceive me as a pain in your ass.

You're welcome! :cool:

Seriously, if I run into a decent squad and we're getting shit done then I'll happily join up and participate. I just have to avoid the banter because I tend to say shit that even the typical gaming crowd will blanch at.

In this vid the blue Ford is your Discord channel. Clint is playing me. Hal Holbrook is the admin/moderator.

I’d most likely be right there with you… XD
So I figured out why you were banned. You posted a “poorly drawn fetish image” in one of the text channels, which broke the discord rule of “no NSFW memes/images in text channels”. As for who banned you, I’m not sure who did that, I don’t have deep enough access to see, I can’t remember if it was me or not since it was a few months ago. But yea maybe if you didn’t break the simple rules, you wouldn’t have been removed lol.
Thanks for the response. Yes I acknowledge that, but I was given a warning, not an immediate ban thats the key. I was told not to post stuff like that again, which I eagerly heeded. After the warning, I attempted to apologize, and thats when I was insulted by the admin, and when I said I wont be spoken to like that, thats when I was banned. What I say is true and I would post screen shots but I cant. I was given a fair warning and I apologized, and then insulted after the attempted apology by spiteful admin , so I defended myself and said I wont be spoken to like that, after that I was banned. Its the fact that the admin banned me after standing up for myself that bothers me. Going back on your warning because you don't like someone who stands up for themselves. Why even insult me after an apology. Why go back on the warning after I stand up for myself? Its a power trip plain and simple, whoever it was was not used to pushback like that I guess. I urge you to pull screenshots for me and post them here, because what I say is true.