Where Yall get your Ammo


-bZ- Member
Just got a Ar-15 about a month ago and got a couple of 20r boxes but was looking buy alot more in bulk(~1000r). Any suggestions on where to get the best deal?
Even if your AR will shoot steel without being damaged (high-end ARs), many will still have trouble cycling it when the gun heats up.

I have a Daniel Defense M4v9 base gun which is a mid to high-end AR and it shoots it fine for a while, gun gets good and hot then it has trouble extracting the casings from the barrel. Brass doesn't have this issue.

To be honest I thought I'd get this stuff and be cheap for plinking but I've swapped over to full brass now. Only have maybe 5-800 rounds of steel left to slowly work my way through. I generally start seeing cyclic issues 60-100 rounds in. After first failure to extract I start shooting brass for the rest of the day (after ram-rodding my barrel to extract the spent shell casing).
What I like to see, stock pile that shit. bZ!