-bZ- Member
Your group needs to create an 8−10-page project design document that includes the following:
Title page including course name, project name, student names, and date
Design of the data structures and algorithms to support the situation
Description of the design of the data structures mapped against the requirements of the application
Rationale for the choice of data structures with attention to efficient use of system resources
Justification of your choices based on effective use of system resources and suitability to the task
Review of the functions or methods included to support the manipulation of the data through the data structures provided in the design
Source code:
Your group does not have to write a complete application, but sufficient code should be provided to demonstrate the implementation as described.
Include C# implementation of the data structures and functions/methods to support the necessary functionality:
Structures must all have variable declarations to support at least 1 instance of the structure.
Structures must all be initialized with sample data using appropriate methods (e.g., insert()).
Structures must all be used by at least 2 methods or functions in the application. If the structure is implemented as a class, then the class must include at least 2 methods for manipulating the structure.
Note: Your code does not have to have any user interaction. It must only demonstrate code that would achieve the implementation requirements listed above.
Include in-code comments describing the major parts of the implementation, specifically pointing out the required implementation points above.
Please add your file.
Individual Portion (30% of grade):
Your supervisor requires that each individual substantiate his or her participation in the project by each writing a summary document. No sharing between group members is allowed for this portion of the assignment.
Include a double-spaced project summary of 3 or more pages including the following:
a description of the design and operation of the group's project in your own words
a description of your individual contribution to the project
a synopsis of the contributions of other group members
Title page including course name, project name, student names, and date
Design of the data structures and algorithms to support the situation
Description of the design of the data structures mapped against the requirements of the application
Rationale for the choice of data structures with attention to efficient use of system resources
Justification of your choices based on effective use of system resources and suitability to the task
Review of the functions or methods included to support the manipulation of the data through the data structures provided in the design
Source code:
Your group does not have to write a complete application, but sufficient code should be provided to demonstrate the implementation as described.
Include C# implementation of the data structures and functions/methods to support the necessary functionality:
Structures must all have variable declarations to support at least 1 instance of the structure.
Structures must all be initialized with sample data using appropriate methods (e.g., insert()).
Structures must all be used by at least 2 methods or functions in the application. If the structure is implemented as a class, then the class must include at least 2 methods for manipulating the structure.
Note: Your code does not have to have any user interaction. It must only demonstrate code that would achieve the implementation requirements listed above.
Include in-code comments describing the major parts of the implementation, specifically pointing out the required implementation points above.
Please add your file.
Individual Portion (30% of grade):
Your supervisor requires that each individual substantiate his or her participation in the project by each writing a summary document. No sharing between group members is allowed for this portion of the assignment.
Include a double-spaced project summary of 3 or more pages including the following:
a description of the design and operation of the group's project in your own words
a description of your individual contribution to the project
a synopsis of the contributions of other group members