WTF - Who just booted me?

Just layin there... snippn' from afar. Walking in a few rounds downrange. Bout to get a headshot and BOOM. Killed in action. Booted by an Admin.

Why the fuck did you kick me douche? I can't seem to find out which piece of shit Admin did it. So man the fuck up and give me a good reason. I waited 30 minutes to join that server asshole.


Well that's one way to make an entrance. It was likely some form of automatic kick but don't expect an unban now.

Enjoy your kick/ban if that's how you're gonna act.

Out if pure curiosity I looked this up. You were kicked for being AFK and are not banned.

Chill out and stop acting like a cock and you're welcome to rejoin and play.
0/10 would not recommend