Banzore - BF4 - Leaderboard (Combined Stats) :P

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More like strong squads should be kept together but on opposite teams. So if you guys see us playing on one side then get to the other side instead of joining our team.
You'll do anything but stack the teams won't you? You do realize you morons can play on opposite teams and still sit in a call together right?
More like strong squads should be kept together but on opposite teams. So if you guys see us playing on one side then get to the other side instead of joining our team.
you guys don't like competition that is clear, why not having 4 good players on one side and 4 on the other ? i don't get what's the problem ? you guys claim not to care about KD or points or anything stats related but always stacking one side talking about contradicting yourself this is pure comedy at this point
Getting mad at me editing my posts whilst editing your own is peak autism.

Imagine being this self unaware.
Bro, I edit a letter.. you edit your whole comment after you read what I respond. LMAO thats cheap, so are you.
its just sad your ready to die on that hill dude, its a dumb hill to die on
Alrite mate, I respect your opinion. I'm not gonna argue with ya. We have had our fun lets keep it like that. Peace
Hey pzZZZ, for the love of god, could you read your 6299 emails in your inbox?

And no need to search the EA forums for "How do you find friends in Battlefield". I can be your friend if you want! Haha! :p
let me read those emails and thanks for letting me know i wonder who wrote this much :cool:
He can't help himself lmao. He really thinks he's proving something. The only thing he's proving is how fucking retarded he is, and how easy he gets baited lmao.
LMAO this delusional woke has more comments in this thread than any of us and still believes hes on the baiting team... lol I dont think you know how it works!
YES! Fishy is back! your neurons must be at overload again....
here fishy fishy fishy fishy
Lmao, this is jokes, thanks for giving me a good laugh.. Przz, your only buddy is Lax aka Puppetfoam, Yugotbanz,Neptune Racoon.. This dude is a joke, look at the way he acts in-game and on the forums. There are some sharp people here, and I’m sure they’re having a good laugh at the nonsense you guys are spouting, especially Przzz, lmao.

Rambo, don't waste your time on these immature kids who have no life, one still lives at home. The other one is unemployed at 42.

Przzz is a compulsive liar, always saying things like "I don’t switch to the winning team" or "I don’t quit." At least Howie has the guts to admit he switches to the winning team, and we all get a good laugh out of it.
Lmao, this is jokes, thanks for giving me a good laugh.. Przz, your only buddy is Lax aka Puppetfoam, Yugotbanz,Neptune Racoon.. This dude is a joke, look at the way he acts in-game and on the forums. There are some sharp people here, and I’m sure they’re having a good laugh at the nonsense you guys are spouting, especially Przzz, lmao.

Rambo, don't waste your time on these immature kids who have no life, one still lives at home. The other one is unemployed at 42.

Przzz is a compulsive liar, always saying things like "I don’t switch to the winning team" or "I don’t quit." At least Howie has the guts to admit he switches to the winning team, and we all get a good laugh out of it.
Oh look, the alcoholic "all I talk about is the bar" autist is back. Literally 9/10 of your posts on discord were about beer, bars, and being drunk lmao.

Imagine being this delusional. Literally the only people that can stand your retarded ass are the dipshits you sit in a call with every day. I guarantee if you asked the average 1.5 player what they thought of you, you'd get some pretty mixed opinions.

Also, "you live at home". Yeah dude, I live at home LMAO. Listen, you're not going to believe this, but I also eat food and drink water as well.

Good god you're fucking retarded.
Oh look, the alcoholic "all I talk about is the bar" autist is back. Literally 9/10 of your posts on discord were about beer, bars, and being drunk lmao.

Imagine being this delusional. Literally the only people that can stand your retarded ass are the dipshits you sit in a call with every day. I guarantee if you asked the average 1.5 player what they thought of you, you'd get some pretty mixed opinions.

Also, "you live at home". Yeah dude, I live at home LMAO. Listen, you're not going to believe this, but I also eat food and drink water as well.

Good god you're fucking retarded.
Dude all you do is run your mouth.. I wish you would of met up in Tdot, you wouldn't be talking no more smack to anyone with a broken jaw. And yes, I am an adult and drink beer.. Not that it's any of your fuckin' business.. I only drink once a week, and I already have a degree. I'm also in the process of completing my MBA... Anything else kiddo?
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no one cares what you go to say silent dipshit your as relevant as my last winter snow boots give it up already whit that nonesense
no one cares what you go to say silent dipshit your as relevant as my last winter snow boots give it up already whit that nonesense
Ha.. You really want to go there buddy? Where's your friend LUNITA that you always ask about.. It's really strange, you even found out it was a tranny and you still wanted to get with it.. pathetic loser.
Oh look, the alcoholic "all I talk about is the bar" autist is back. Literally 9/10 of your posts on discord were about beer, bars, and being drunk lmao.

Imagine being this delusional. Literally the only people that can stand your retarded ass are the dipshits you sit in a call with every day. I guarantee if you asked the average 1.5 player what they thought of you, you'd get some pretty mixed opinions.

Also, "you live at home". Yeah dude, I live at home LMAO. Listen, you're not going to believe this, but I also eat food and drink water as well.

Good god you're fucking retarded.
he just finished his shift at the bar he's gonna talk about everything except what the topic is about, i been here long enough to know literally no one likes him none of the admins and no one outside his discord lets be honest here
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