BF4 Server Rules (2020)

RE: "Notable items:
  • If you fire from uncap, you're fair game for the enemy to return fire."
When I fire my mortar from our Uncap and the enemy come into our Uncap and destroy my Mortar, then they die (from being in Uncap for 10 sec) and then Re-spawn and return to Uncap and keep attacking me in Uncap (while I'm no longer firing from uncap)....

When i explain to them in chat, to stop attacking the Uncap because I am no longer firing from uncap (you just destroyed my mortar, then you repawned and I'm no longer firing from uncap) and that the "Notable items" condition are no longer active. (Simplified Notable items condition: If you do A, they can do B...also, if you are not doing A, they can't do B)

and further explain that they are clearly just attacking the uncap, and that is against server rules (2: ATTACKING UNCAP IS NOT ALLOWED (Conquest Only) Don't attack the enemy's uncappable base (main base). If they fire out you can return fire.)

***They (incorrectly) claim, they can keep attacking the Uncap (even thought they are no being fired upon from the Uncap), until I die.

This is not what the "Rules" say, they are mis-educated and making up rules that are not listed ANYWHERE in the "Rules". I've even seen BZ members and BZ Admins agree in chat...How say you (forum admin)?
Does that mean the entire team is fair game, what if I cant tell where the Ucav, bullets, or mortar etc is coming from and I end up shooting innocent solders leaving the base who have nothing to do with me being fired upon and I still continue to do it over and over because I'm being fired upon and I don't know who's doing it but I want to kill that player.

Will I be EXEMPT from a ban or warning?

This is a gray area.

Here's a great example <iframe width="560" height="314" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This person is hiding with mortar in an area on Pearl that most people don't even know about. we all know this happens in multiple maps and upsets players on both teams.

People get reported for attacking base when they're being fired upon and have no clue where it's coming from so they shoot everyone they see at base thinking it's the shooter. Still "exempt" even though they "thought" they killed the shooter?
It's quite simple. There's no need to try and over complicate things. If you don't understand very simple rules perhaps you should play elsewhere.

The rules haven't changed for many years and there's never been confusion about this by someone who's actually read them. I'm not sure why it's so hard for you to understand.
I wrote the rules. That situation is covered. There's your "source".
So, some of the rules that are enforced are NOT written, and I'm supposted to KNOW to ask You about "secret" Unwritten rules...Ok, that makes perfect sense....NOT! What other secret Rules should I ask for....Oh, wait i don't know them, they are a Secret and not written in Rules Forum, bit wierd.....Solution, just write ALL the rules you enforce so we all can READ them, thank you kindly.
Once you've fired out, you're fair game. Doesn't matter if the mortar is dead or alive. You used it, so until you die you're fair game.
Your answer does not agree with your written rules, specifically; "Notable items: If you fire from uncap, you're fair game for the enemy to return fire.", the rule says you can only return fire into Uncap, IF you are fired upon from, if you are no longer fired upon from Uncap, you can't "Return" are now breaking (2: ATTACKING UNCAP IS NOT ALLOWED (Conquest Only) Don't attack the enemy's uncappable base (main base). If they fire out you can return fire.)

Please, don't get upset at me just because your rules were witten poorly and don't accurately describe the rules you actually unforce, thank you kindly!