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I've got a great video for everyone here :p Proving Superman is a bitch and runs away from every fight lool. This video shows him bail on his AA and darts off running to avoid dying Lool. He ended up dying, lol ofc, he is shit, and he gave us the Aa. (Thanks for the AA btw) We ended up winning easily cause of his dumbass lol. Around one minute you can see the man shit his pants
Just a fun video ya know
I've got a great video for everyone here :p Proving Superman is a bitch and runs away from every fight lool. This video shows him bail on his AA and darts off running to avoid dying Lool. He ended up dying, lol ofc, he is shit, and he gave us the Aa. (Thanks for the AA btw) We ended up winning easily cause of his dumbass lol. Around one minute you can see the man shit his pants
Just a fun video ya know
This doesn't prove that I "run away from every fight". AA vs tank? Running away from a tank in a AA makes one a bitch? No. It's called being smart and trying to stay alive.

And no, go ahead and post the whole video, and the battle report, because you died while camping your spawn, AND you lost, from what I recall. I at least pushed up while you hid near the back. This video literally starts to show what I've said you do: sitting in the back, camping near spawn.
Also, whether you won or lost that round, really has nothing to do with the AA, but with capping flags. AAs will get 70 to over 100 kills and still lose the game due to not taking flags, which I've seen happen with you lol

It's funny, because JL liked your post, and you both hate me cause I called you both out for camping near spawn: this is literally why you both hate me so much. To be fair, JL is worst about it, but the main point is you guys will farm kills and still not help your team, and/or lose the game.
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The number one rule of the AA is you don't leave the AA.
Yea, I usually do die with it, but this time I rocketed it, thinking it would blow up. I would then keep fighting. Still, this doesn't show what he claims, outside of him getting the AA. He still died and lost, from what I recall, while hiding near spawn. He needs to post the whole vid.
Everyone watch the video closely and sees that he is a liar lol. There is no way in hell he rocketed the thing he repped and ran like a bitch. I shot it twice, doing 70ish dmg and a law hit for 20 ish dmg( All in the video, btw :p). he did rep it a bit before running off with his pants down. Also, cross-eyed was in our squad, and he can contest that we had it the whole game lool. Cry more SuPeRMAn. The video show u are a liar already lol

And since you wanna show a different match, I WILL GIVE EVERYONE THE REAL MATCH WHERE YOU GOT SHIT ON LOOL, AND THE CHAT FROM THE VIDEO ADDS UP LOOL. Continue to lie lie lie

Everyone make sure u witness him on the bottom of the leaderboard suffering and crying cause I have his aa LOOL


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He deleted his original post and picture about me not doing great hahahha
Took him less than a minute of me posting how funny what a dumbass
I've got a great video for everyone here :p Proving Superman is a bitch and runs away from every fight lool. This video shows him bail on his AA and darts off running to avoid dying Lool. He ended up dying, lol ofc, he is shit, and he gave us the Aa. (Thanks for the AA btw) We ended up winning easily cause of his dumbass lol. Around one minute you can see the man shit his pants
Just a fun video ya know
So I found the exact report, and while your team did win, it wasn't because you took the AA. I remember we got the AA back and we lost cause people didn't hold/cap flags like before. That's how it goes with zavod.
He deleted his original post and picture about me not doing great hahahha
Took him less than a minute of me posting how funny what a dumbass
No, I deleted it because there were two games zavod of the same day, and it wasn't the correct one. Here is what I posted:


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You didn't get the AA back, @CrossEyedPilot, because I remember him complaining to me about u in the squad, lol. You never got it back how much are you going to lie. You still lie about shooting a rocket at your aa LOOOL bro the video shows where the rocket came from and it came from c no u LOL. Just continue to lie and nobody will trust u and many already don't lol
You're fighting a worthless argument and showing everyone how worthless you are and how you will lie about a simple thing, lol. You are no elite and should just play like Howie acting like you don't care cause you already suck
You didn't get the AA back, @CrossEyedPilot, because I remember him complaining to me about u in the squad, lol. You never got it back how much are you going to lie. You still lie about shooting a rocket at your aa LOOOL bro the video shows where the rocket came from and it came from c no u LOL. Just continue to lie and nobody will trust u and many already don't lol
Go watch your video again and slow it down (1:09). The rocket from c missed and right after that, you see a rocket it from the right (me) that caused it to catch fire.

Edit: there were two rockets from c, that both missed, and you can see a rocket hitting it from behind the building, catching it on fire. I wasn't lying and have no need to. I explicitly remember shooting a rocket at it and reloading before dying.
You're still being misleading though, saying I "I always run away" and trying to use this as proof.
And I don't care what crosseyedpilot says, i think I remember you were in a btr at the end, and the AA isn't the main reason a team loses or wins a game on zavod.
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The rocket didn't miss, lol. But i love how you keep rewatching yourself run away like a bitch knowing you messed up several times loool
The rocket didn't miss, lol. But i love how you keep rewatching yourself run away like a bitch knowing you messed up several times loool
Anyone can see that the 1st rocket hit behind the aa, and the 2nd hit the building. The 3rd rocket is from me and you can barely see it, but it is there because the aa caught fire.
I have nothing to gain from lying about this lol
I was reloading when you rolled up, else I would have turned and fired as you came around the corner.
If anything, the one you shot hit the building, and the law is known to have late hits. Clearly, it shows you hitting the building and the law hitting a little late. Show more evidence otherwise case it is closed bud Laws are known to sometimes hit late
Why would a law hit a building when it's locked also, huh? Didn't hit the pipes you said building and that's where the explosion is.... so yea you hit the building
If anything, the one you shot hit the building, and the law is known to have late hits. Clearly, it shows you hitting the building and the law hitting a little late. Show more evidence otherwise case it is closed bud Laws are known to sometimes hit late
Why would a law hit a building when its locked also huh?
No, that is not what your video shows. That 1st rocket was either an rpg or smah, and you can see the explosion in the background, and the trail of smoke even as you drive up to it.
The 2nd rocket from C hit the building, you can see the explosion. The 3rd is barely noticeable, but it immediately caught it on fire and there was like 3 health on it when you started to repair it.
To everyone else wasting their time watching us idiots argue over this, you can slow the video down and clearly see what I'm talking about.
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