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These are privately run servers therefore you play at the servers' owner's pleasure.
Like any business the owner has the right to refuse service.
Sure, the owner is at home, but I think he also has an interest in being respectful to his most valuable players... right? How could it possibly be helpful to treat a good player like shit? :p
And here is a photo of him repairing it. It's right around 3 or 4 in health.
Ok. The fact remains that you bailed on the AA. It was a dumb move and I am going to stand by my previous statement that it was selfish. You tried to get away from the tank that was killing you because you wanted to survive instead of admiting that you were defeated and just accepting the death. Sometimes the most skillful thing one can do is to acknowledge when they have lost.

You're getting worked up over nothing though. If you didn't have such a high opinion of yourself then you wouldn't feel the need to futilely defend yourself. Just acknowledge that this was a bad decision - we all make them in this game - and laugh about it : "Haha, yeah I bailed on that AA, SquarePanties. It was the wrong choice but I thought I could get away. Oh well, on to the next game!"
Ok. The fact remains that you bailed on the AA. It was a dumb move and I am going to stand by my previous statement that it was selfish. You tried to get away from the tank that was killing you because you wanted to survive instead of admiting that you were defeated and just accepting the death. Sometimes the most skillful thing one can do is to acknowledge when they have lost.

You're getting worked up over nothing though. If you didn't have such a high opinion of yourself then you wouldn't feel the need to futilely defend yourself. Just acknowledge that this was a bad decision - we all make them in this game - and laugh about it : "Haha, yeah I bailed on that AA, SquarePanties. It was the wrong choice but I thought I could get away. Oh well, on to the next game!"
What you're saying has nothing to do with the main issue. Painties made claims that didn't check out. Those claims is what the main discussion is about.
It's just a game and most of the times, when I have to bail, the aa does get blown up.

And selfish has nothing to do with it. I don't need to hear your bad take on ethics. It's a subjective opinion to say it is selfish.
Lol, the only claim I made was you ran away from your aa like a bitch lool and gave it to me. Once again, thanks for the AA noob. He was so afraid of dying that he couldnt stick with it and ran with his tail between his legs. The VIDEO clearly shows that. And that's all in my original post :)
Lol, the only claim I made was you ran away from your aa like a bitch lool and gave it to me. Once again, thanks for the AA noob. He was so afraid of dying that he couldnt stick with it and ran with his tail between his legs. The VIDEO clearly shows that. And that's all in my original post :)
No, it doesn't show all of that, but whatever.
Respect goes both ways.
Exactly! Respect goes both ways.

If the one who was insulted had asked for it by doing something wrong in the first place, he would not have sought revenge on the servers afterwards. The backlash only occurs if the lack of respect (or call it what you will) was not justified.

And in this case, there is a risk of escalation.

When it is a nice old guy like me who is disrespected for no reason, he will go on the forum to make little jokes to annoy and laugh at his discontent, all while remaining polite and within the limits of what is acceptable.

But for a bad guy, he will go and attack the server(s) of the offending admin.

It's as simple as that! We move forward! We move forward!

Now, we know the reason and the why of the attacks.

Indeed, respect goes both ways, otherwise the lack of respect also goes both ways… that is unfortunately the attack suffered.

It is not more complicated than that.

If you respect people, you get respect in return, but if you shit on their head you get shit in return. In other words, you will be attacked in return and that is exactly what happened to us.
*level 140
Fyi, anyone who thinks I "farm" soldiers, much less level 20, is an idiot. You can spectate me anytime, and I am almost always on a flag. AA is an exception and I'm only in spawn with it when the enemy has all, or almost all, of the flags.
I've noticed that many, if not most, of the haters in here attacking me, are level 140s that I've slaughtered. Keep crying.



-bZ- Recruit
Yall are all toxic as hell.

I’ve never been anything but playful, fun, and defensive of my friends. I have never farmed, never maliciously griefed (I say this because of my recent ban, my ONLY ban) never int tkd, been mean, or ever conducted myself in a manner as being hostile to ANYONE who I didn’t perceive as being hostile towards me or my friends. I actually wanted to contribute MORE to this community in the last few months, with my attempt to become a member, becoming more active on the discord and forums, donating, and generally trying to get along with everyone here. I even wanted to become an admin to help möbius because I thought he seemed a little stretched thin when Swag and Panda left, but now I completely understand why they did and agree with it.

I’ve assisted and squadded up with new players, taught them the game, the server functions, everything. Helped a member on the discord who PMd me about car troubles fix his shit. I saw this as a nice little outlet, with what I perceived were cool dudes, who were good at a game that I enjoy.

BOY was I wrong. Since I made the mistake of ever coming onto this forum, Ive contribute way too much time defending myself and unintentionally putting a target on my own back by sticking up for some dudes I played with first.

EVERY single person who is a part of this shit, myself included, should take a look back and realize how meaningless this is, and how fucked up and asinine this entire drama is. “This guy doesn’t play a 10 year old game the way I PLAY the 10 year old game.”

I’m being labeled as a griefer now, which is amazing to me, so now I say this. Good fucking bye. I’m getting way to involved with this, and it’s actually making me mad, which is fucking retarded because none of you matter in the slightest bit, and are not worth putting any more time or effort into communications with. I’ve taken my 3 day little forced hiatus, and realized that actually putting forth effort to defend myself or care about what any of you think about me is autistic behavior, and I will gladly remove this shit from my life and focus on my other hobbies or just spending time with my family.

Fuck every single one of the hostile people on this server, you know exactly who you are.
Yall are all toxic as hell.

I’ve never been anything but playful, fun, and defensive of my friends. I have never farmed, never maliciously griefed (I say this because of my recent ban, my ONLY ban) never int tkd, been mean, or ever conducted myself in a manner as being hostile to ANYONE who I didn’t perceive as being hostile towards me or my friends. I actually wanted to contribute MORE to this community in the last few months, with my attempt to become a member, becoming more active on the discord and forums, donating, and generally trying to get along with everyone here. I even wanted to become an admin to help möbius because I thought he seemed a little stretched thin when Swag and Panda left, but now I completely understand why they did and agree with it.

I’ve assisted and squadded up with new players, taught them the game, the server functions, everything. Helped a member on the discord who PMd me about car troubles fix his shit. I saw this as a nice little outlet, with what I perceived were cool dudes, who were good at a game that I enjoy.

BOY was I wrong. Since I made the mistake of ever coming onto this forum, Ive contribute way too much time defending myself and unintentionally putting a target on my own back by sticking up for some dudes I played with first.

EVERY single person who is a part of this shit, myself included, should take a look back and realize how meaningless this is, and how fucked up and asinine this entire drama is. “This guy doesn’t play a 10 year old game the way I PLAY the 10 year old game.”

I’m being labeled as a griefer now, which is amazing to me, so now I say this. Good fucking bye. I’m getting way to involved with this, and it’s actually making me mad, which is fucking retarded because none of you matter in the slightest bit, and are not worth putting any more time or effort into communications with. I’ve taken my 3 day little forced hiatus, and realized that actually putting forth effort to defend myself or care about what any of you think about me is autistic behavior, and I will gladly remove this shit from my life and focus on my other hobbies or just spending time with my family.

Fuck every single one of the hostile people on this server, you know exactly who you are.



Yall are all toxic as hell.

I’ve never been anything but playful, fun, and defensive of my friends. I have never farmed, never maliciously griefed (I say this because of my recent ban, my ONLY ban) never int tkd, been mean, or ever conducted myself in a manner as being hostile to ANYONE who I didn’t perceive as being hostile towards me or my friends. I actually wanted to contribute MORE to this community in the last few months, with my attempt to become a member, becoming more active on the discord and forums, donating, and generally trying to get along with everyone here. I even wanted to become an admin to help möbius because I thought he seemed a little stretched thin when Swag and Panda left, but now I completely understand why they did and agree with it.

I’ve assisted and squadded up with new players, taught them the game, the server functions, everything. Helped a member on the discord who PMd me about car troubles fix his shit. I saw this as a nice little outlet, with what I perceived were cool dudes, who were good at a game that I enjoy.

BOY was I wrong. Since I made the mistake of ever coming onto this forum, Ive contribute way too much time defending myself and unintentionally putting a target on my own back by sticking up for some dudes I played with first.

EVERY single person who is a part of this shit, myself included, should take a look back and realize how meaningless this is, and how fucked up and asinine this entire drama is. “This guy doesn’t play a 10 year old game the way I PLAY the 10 year old game.”

I’m being labeled as a griefer now, which is amazing to me, so now I say this. Good fucking bye. I’m getting way to involved with this, and it’s actually making me mad, which is fucking retarded because none of you matter in the slightest bit, and are not worth putting any more time or effort into communications with. I’ve taken my 3 day little forced hiatus, and realized that actually putting forth effort to defend myself or care about what any of you think about me is autistic behavior, and I will gladly remove this shit from my life and focus on my other hobbies or just spending time with my family.

Fuck every single one of the hostile people on this server, you know exactly who you are.
dude kills himself 80 times ruins the game for his team but calls himself playful and fun and is calling out ''hostile'' people bro this is getting retarded by the minute
if you off yourself 80 times its time to go touch grass or consult whit a professional you wont find help here
These people would never survive MW2 or any cod before Ghost Lobby. They would all cry like a bunch of softies. By the way, I don't know why everyone is so hell-bent on not being a farmer, lol. Everyone does it from time to time. As long as you don't kill the server and win by a landslide, everything is fine... It is best to switch if they are all capped and have no chance. Then, you can continue doing good. don't switch last second also
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-bZ- Member
Yall are all toxic as hell.

I’m being labeled as a griefer now, which is amazing to me

Griefs and brags about griefing. Shocked when he's labeled a griefer? How many times have you beat your record, or attempted to?

I will gladly remove this shit from my life and focus on my other hobbies or just spending time with my family.

Please do

EVERY single person who is a part of this shit, myself included, should take a look back and realize how meaningless this is, and how fucked up and asinine this entire drama is.

Fucked up? This is peak entertainment

Fuck every single one of the hostile people on this server, you know exactly who you are.

Poor guy. Words hurt his feelings :(

Nevermind his own actions, preventing a player from getting into the server (by wasting a slot), while he gets a suicide record, griefing the 63(+2) other players in the match.

I’ve never been anything but playful, fun, and defensive of my friends.

Before you go, please post another essay that I can read when I wake up. Bored out of my mind the last few weeks, this is a really big mood booster.

Good night, americas
dude kills himself 80 times ruins the game for his team but calls himself playful and fun and is calling out ''hostile'' people bro this is getting retarded by the minute
if you off yourself 80 times its time to go touch grass or consult whit a professional you wont find help here
He didn't ruin the game for his team. You have no idea what you are talking about, and are making yourself look like a fool. Not a single soul, except granny panties, had a problem with it. It was hilarious. We had friends on both sides and he was on the team that won by quite a bit, and everyone was having a good time.

How about this? How about you work on yourself before criticizing someone else. Since you constantly switch to the winning team all the time. Like you did last night on langcang dam, abandoning your team.

Griefs and brags about griefing. Shocked when he's labeled a griefer? How many times have you beat your record, or attempted to?

Please do

Fucked up? This is peak entertainment

Poor guy. Words hurt his feelings :(

Nevermind his own actions, preventing a player from getting into the server (by wasting a slot), while he gets a suicide record, griefing the 63(+2) other players in the match.

Before you go, please post another essay that I can read when I wake up. Bored out of my mind the last few weeks, this is a really big mood booster.

Good night, americas
He didn't grief anyone, get over yourself.
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