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Since you speak often on context here is the correct quote: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers"
Thank you, I did say "or something like that", so this wasn't really necessary, but it is still good to be accurate.
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That's not how it works. Being "defensive" can also happen because of false allegations and the hatred for lying. Your conclusion is deeply flawed... "abc" logic comes from simple minded people. Besides, having a conversation and defending oneself does not mean one is "defensive" in a negative sense. It's the same reasoning that says "if one responded to insulting statements, that one is 'triggered'".... it's bad reasoning. It's not even about my "skill level", it's about the false statements that are made individually in here about me. I will admit when I'm wrong and have before.

The "everyone" who knows that I am not, are literally the ones I've been killingconsistentlyy and they are being butthurt about it. Every single one that attacks me here I've killed more, some way more, than they've killed me. Except maybe you... I don't know who you are ingame, unless it's the same name as your banzore profile. Which in that case, I can respond with: "I don't even know who you are".
This long essay doesn't reveal me to be defensive: it's simply an explanation to counter stupid conclusions and accusations.
Hey Supes, what happened to make everyone gang up on you like they enjoy doing? Ive only been playing bZ a couple of years and whatever it was happened way before my time!
It's FRIDAY.. Stop your yapping over stupid shit.. Go outside touch some grass, get some VIT D from the sun, go grab some beers, and play BF 4 with mates.. Who cares if you win or lose, as long you having fun with friends. I play in both servers and i'll get cocky and say I kill it at BZ 1, BZ 2 and BZ 1.5 respectively. At the end of the day, it's a 10 year old game, never seen so many people bitch and whine like y'all got no lives lol..
Hey Supes, what happened to make everyone gang up on you like they enjoy doing? Ive only been playing bZ a couple of years and whatever it was happened way before my time!
Sigh. It's a long story. And it's not as many as it seems, just a bunch of consistent players, some pro, some not so, that I killed or called out for farming. It was initially just two, but it has grown due to biases, bad takes, envy, and some bad actions on my part. It's a nasty issue with issues. One I called out for farming I didn't know who it was nor his name (at the time) and he is...popular here.


-bZ- Member
I take it you've never heard the phrase "insults are the tools of losers" or something like that? I was literally speaking to that concept when you said you wanted resort to ad hominem attacks. I was trolling you; it doesn't mean you are an actual loser (though one can argue you are for how you play the game).

Who is changing the narrative now?

You didn't "call out my own actions". You painted a false narrative using past and rare actions. You're still doing it.

So, you didn't grief your whole team? Never done it? I am shocked that you doubled down on your shit take.

Spoilers for everyone other than AutismPrime: He did.

I wouldn't be surprised. I play the game regularly, almost nothing surprises me about the game. You GREATLY underestimate how much I am spectated and I know when I am.

Your schizo illusions are relevant to what, exactly? Every time there is a spectator, they must be spectating you, right? Not any of the other 63 players on the server, nah nah. You are not the main character, you are a trash griefer that ruins the game for everyone else, and so is some, if not all of your group.

You haven't proven anything. You just gave an opinion, even baseless at that, as we rarely play with each other.

Here's the proof of my claims:

SuperAutismPrime griefing his whole team:

Your buttbuddy griefing his whole team: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-squarepanties-about-player-slicknicklol.20395/

It's my opinion, and the truth. Maybe your 3rd personality can convince your 1st personality that you're a griefer. I see JL posted a bunch more evidence as well, cool shit.

I didn't answer your questions because they are based on a false narrative. You're terrible at this.

You are choosing not to answer because you refuse to admit that you have been ruining the game for everyone, multiple times. Your character is trash, it shows through your actions.

So much yapping.
My favourite activity is arguing with retards online

And you know it @Mobius.jpeg
Who is changing the narrative now?

So, you didn't grief your whole team? Never done it? I am shocked that you doubled down on your shit take.

Spoilers for everyone other than AutismPrime: He did.

Your schizo illusions are relevant to what, exactly? Every time there is a spectator, they must be spectating you, right? Not any of the other 63 players on the server, nah nah. You are not the main character, you are a trash griefer that ruins the game for everyone else, and so is some, if not all of your group.

Here's the proof of my claims:

SuperAutismPrime griefing his whole team:

Your buttbuddy griefing his whole team: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-squarepanties-about-player-slicknicklol.20395/

It's my opinion, and the truth. Maybe your 3rd personality can convince your 1st personality that you're a griefer. I see JL posted a bunch more evidence as well, cool shit.

You are choosing not to answer because you refuse to admit that you have been ruining the game for everyone, multiple times. Your character is trash, it shows through your actions.

And you know it @Mobius.jpeg
Still doesnt fit your narrative, because you're ignoring context to make me out to be something I'm consistently not. I literally admitted that I shouldn't have done those and explained what happened. Not a single one of those videos accurately portray what you claim.
JL LOOOOOOVES posting videos that are clipped to only show my fault while protecting the person that tked or grief me. I already stated all of this and said to you recently why I griefed or tked someone. Again, your questions will go unanswered because they are misleading/deceptive because of a bad narrative. You're still a bad lawyer.


-bZ- Member
Still doesnt fit your narrative, because you're ignoring context to make me out to be something I'm consistently not. I literally admitted that I shouldn't have done those and explained what happened. Not a single one of those videos accurately portray what you claim.
JL LOOOOOOVES posting videos that are clipped to only show my fault while protecting the person that tked or grief me. I already stated all of this and said to you recently why I griefed or tked someone. Again, your questions will go unanswered because they are misleading/deceptive because of a bad narrative. You're still a bad lawyer.


Ill answer this. I have NEVER ruined the game for EVERYONE. Ever. Only one or two individuals that tked or griefed me.



I'm out until someone else fires up some fresh content we can yap about. AutismPrime is getting boring. Rooting for some buttbuddies to come call me out with some shit takes.
What? People are still arguing about this, but its so simple, if you dont want us regular players "farming nuubs", you only have to ban the top10 of this server, or maybe the top20... but please stop insulting players ! :p

You could also specifiquly write that this server is for NUUBS ONLY, like a practice server for lvl 60 and less for exemple... :p
Yea, you're ignoring the context there. He was trying to set a record and did it when his team was winning. He never actually griefed anyone and was doing it to be funny and both sides thought it was hilarious. Grannypanties was the ONLY one that had a problem with it. And, technically, looking at the rules, it wasn't griefing. By this logic, every suicide is griefing your own team. I know the admins ruled it was and slicknick made very clear that was not his intention nor did he think he would be violating that rule. He apologized and if you actually would turn off your bias and look at this fairly, you would see this is not a typical griefing report, especially since it concerned someone who follows the rule strictly. Slicknick is not me and I'm not him and we don't always agree each other, but at the end of the day, you're using a report of person to continue with your false narrative.
After being insulted by an admin for no good reason (it was the first time I heard about the concept of "farming nuubs"), I started to understand why the network was attacked.

So I repeat my question: Did Neonardo finally make his apology letter, if yes, where did he publish it? Because, I really can't wait for the situation to return to normal and for the evil hackers to put an end to these vicious attacks... :p
A question for you:

All stats merged (BZ, AARP, TBG, etc.) imagine that you are in the top 5 in North America, and have been for several years, in the top 100 of the world, that you are also the #1 repairer in the world in a vehicle-oriented game, therefore the one who helps other players the most, that you also often help to populate a less frequented server
and then, suddenly, a guy that you see very rarely (and barely #99 on the network where he is admin) comes to tell you that you are doing something wrong on one of the servers, that if you don't stop you will be banned and that this is your last warning...


How would you react to being treated in such an insulting way? :p

BZ combined stats #8
AARP deleted their stats since I start playing on BZ but I was #1 there for many years
TBG I was #1 there also, but now only #8 cause I'm not playing there since 2 years...
I am aware that my level is mainly due to my time played, but it still remains valid.
They should rather kiss my feet for the luck they have to have me on their network rather than have me insulted by the first of the underlings. LOL

P.S. I'm kidding, dont start to collapse. :p
Yea, I usually do die with it, but this time I rocketed it, thinking it would blow up. I would then keep fighting. Still, this doesn't show what he claims, outside of him getting the AA. He still died and lost, from what I recall, while hiding near spawn. He needs to post the whole vid.
You rocketed your own AA after it had been shot by a tank and it didn't blow up. You had plenty of health available to at least try to get away from the tank with the AA. This was a terrible decision and gave one of your team's most powerful assets to the enemy in the process. I don't know you from a hole in the wall. Maybe this was just a one-off mistake, we all make them sometimes., but it looks like a pretty selfish mistake from the single video provided.
You didn't shoot it at all. I just rewatched the video. Approximately 71 damage was done by the tank. A rocket hits it at an oblique angle doing at minimum 16 damage, bringing us to 87 damage. Had you hit it with a rocket it would have destroyed the AA no matter what angle it hit it at. Why are you lying?
You didn't shoot it at all. I just rewatched the video. Approximately 71 damage was done by the tank. A rocket hits it at an oblique angle doing at minimum 16 damage, bringing us to 87 damage. Had you hit it with a rocket it would have destroyed the AA no matter what angle it hit it at. Why are you lying?
Trust me, it's a worthless argument. He will never admit he's wrong and a pussy for running away, lol
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