Can Banzore be the 1st to setup Multiple Game servers and Modes ?

Do you think Battlefield 4 Can be therapeutical ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Having an Epiphany last night while playing a game online.
There was a realization that even in some games, there is no respect.
To gain the Respect you want, you must First and foremost give the Respect!
It's a two way street, but only if you are willing ...

I was told by a very intelligent person;

There is No 'I' in 'TEAM'

P.T.S.D. AND Battlefield 4

Theory and or thoughts on this are:
Nnot fully understanding 'how' P.T.S.D. works or effects ones mind, however placing that Soldier back into the situation not of having his battle buddies dying around him or her, but more so as to keeping their skills they have worked on, been trained for active, rather than inactive in one way or another.
It might be considered as Indian Giving (Basically give something to someone, then take it away).

By placing a trained soldier in a game suffering P.T.S.D. and allowing them to re-integrate the skills they are trained for it allows the person to feel useful again.
A form of therapy, by not allowing a trained soldier to use the skills they are trained for only make the soldier feel useless ...

Just a theory ...

We should set up multiple BF'4 servers, there is Government grants which can be fully utilized and are at our finger tips.
These grants can be used for therapeutic relief.

Think it's time to start helping those that need it the most.
Whatever you say there Sigmund Freud. Fact of the matter is,- the mind bends and twists in order to deal with the harsh realities of life.
Sometimes the mind bends so much it snaps into two.

I met a guy who was pretty fucked up. He was a Padre in the army, overseas he had to do 'last rights' on chunks of meat.... you think about that. PTSD is just a weaponized trigger term for a war on returning veterans so our rights can get taken away and that we are somehow 'unfit' for civilian life and gun ownership. That shit is disgraceful and they think we're stupid.
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No disrespect either, how many of your own would you give up on? just throw in the towel? a guess and only a guess would be NOT One! You would do almost anything if not anything to save your Brother or Sister after being discharged, let go, thrown to the curb, or basically shat on by your higher ups. Something known as Respect.
Am terribly sorry for how society treats those who serve.

Am hoping or trying to help those that need something that will get there skills put to good use or at least rather than have the feeling of not being useful.
And am trying not to use I or me as even that makes a statement however when someone feels useless, it will eventually make that person useless both body and mind.
Having been there not in the P.T.S.D. state of mind, but rather a depressed state of mind. No its not the same thing and it should not be classified as the same thing, however once a person is P.N.R. that person is in serious trouble and from what has been posted in groups on Facebook with posts and threads of [Pvt.Whatizpickle] (sorry a fictitious name) has threatened to Redeploy his or herself. A call for help goes out, it goes viral within a millisecond and everyone of you do whatever you can to help him or her. Have seen it.
-Jackson, that group on Facebook you were added to does this, the groups are small but are open for more. There are so many groups on Facebook that are Military themed (if you will).

Maybe it won't work having multiple servers, but it's worth a thought ...
There was a statement made in game last night coming from myself.
It was "Its about time I see some respect"
Immediately upon saying this and am sorry but myself being a hunt and peck type of guy, never did learn to type using a keyboard. People started in on the comments.
I left the game due to the comments, did come back after a few minutes but is not the point ...
Was going to finish up with that statement: "Not respecting myself, but respecting each other".

This is going to sound rather section 8, but it almost felt like the cheating ended for at least one of the games played. The team also appeared to come together as one.
You keep talking about respect like it's something that you, and everybody else, is entitled to. It's not.

Respect is something that's earned, and it is something that's warranted, but around here and in most of my daily life, nobody ever refers to "respect" as a thing. It just is. Just like nobody needs to tell anybody to be a human. You just are, or you probably can't read this sentence.

I'm not sure where you're going with these posts, but if you intend on finding some public funding for our servers, I would respectfully suggest you look for another community. It's not that we don't want to help those that do get some benefit from playing these games, but we do quite well on our own without the help of public funding, and we probably don't want to meet whatever requirements they would need.

You sound like a nice guy, and you're trying really hard. I'm not sure what you're trying really hard to do, but just relax and play some video games. We're not trying to save the world here. We're just trying to get through the day to day and enjoy good friends while doing it.
No, I rightly do deserve respect, because I haven't earned any respect, But You Do! (But at the same time, do NOT deserve any respect!)
Respect is earned, Not given even for what this idea is based on, the initial thread. You could maybe, nod your head with an acknowledge that some of us on the outside are truly trying to find an alternative to the medication, even with playing a computer game based on what and why the Soldier suffer PT.S.D. that might be an alternate way to re-establish a community of resources rather than putting it as side and let the V.A. handle what they clearly do NOT have under control!

although am trying to make up for it, what someone such as ordinary civilian see's literally from the outside looking in see's, and seeing how not just the US Military go thru, but rather what all coalition forces go thru with the extreme disrespect, uncalled for attitudes no man or woman should have to come home to be treated like garbage, There are fewer than what it should be that take an interest other than using Soldiers as guinea pigs for new and upcoming medication, supports or at least tries to show support.
Yes, having heard of what the V.A. does as per online resources, its not what our Trained Men and Women need that suffer something as traumatic as (not going to say it, have said enough)

The old saying of:
[Can't fix stupid] Can be fix because having a memory of an image on Facebook that said something to the effect of:

No 'T' in Can

And the truth of the matter is:
Having joined this BF'4 server and not asking permission as being able to play on the server even though the game and some servers depend on individual players, it is still a sign of {Disrespect}

We the few are trying to make up for what society hasn't. And not being able to change the world on my own, if other civilians see that a non-military minded Civvie. someone somewhere will want to do join in.
which is how we do these things on the outside, similar to be given an order within the same context, but not as demanding ...
And it's not going to happen overnight, would be really nice if it did, but it won't!

Would it help to call anyone on this server that has a rank outside of BF'4 regardless of status of rank.
to call you Sir or Ma'am?
Am trying to Show respect, Not receive any!
And who says your name has to go on any of the documents someone on the outside being a civilian would need to be able to qualify for a Government Grant, but your servers could be used (permission granted) something that might benefit your name as well as your community?

If the idea is to weak and or feeble minded, no harm no foul.
I'm not saying your post was in poor taste. Just giving you some food for thought.

We need to be open for debate on any issues and ideas. We need not only stifle controversy among our readers--We need to welcome it. However,- this route is not feasible for our future expectations in how to grow, shape, build our community. Like CR8Z said, a couple good folks playing some video games. I refer to my previous comment, some people just want an escape from reality and ordinary stresses. We intend on that aim. As well as providing (hopefully) in the future some goal oriented playing and development.

We need to fucking roll games bro.... and fuck. Soon our forums are going to have the dankest memes. So stick around.

It's about having the dankest memes
I apologize if I offend you.
yes, you absolutely correct on respect being earned and just given and it usually rarely given to a civilian. The kind of Respect one earns in the military differ from the Respect one earns on the out side.

And no Disrespect on the following question, however would be nice to clarify to why exactly bZ's servers have a message of "Spare a few Dollars" if your server('s) spambot messages.
It's your servers, don't let someone on the outside tell you how to run a server let alone the messages the server display, but for someone not of military or basically a civilian joining a game. And this needs to made clear, NO Disrespecting you or the clan. Out here we see said words as begging.
use Google search

And to be 190% honest with you to the core, it makes the Clan appear to be struggling.

Do yourselves a favor; lose the spare change speech.
if you look into the initial start of this thread, e.g. "Government Grants" Use it for your own benefit. -Not Mine-
Believe it or not, even the Government hand out monies for pretty much anything;
-Business startup
-Business R&D
-Personal use (Up here in the great white north believe something was posted on a government owned web page about a free government grant upwards of 10+k, don't take my word for this one as memories can be deceiving at the best of our times.)

Some of us are still human whether its the military or those that support the military ...
1. Never apologize it shows weakness.
I apologize if I offend you.
Not offended.

The kind of Respect one earns in the military differ from the Respect one earns on the out side.
What are you talking about? These are video games. Several members are current or retired military, but we are not the military. We play video games and have fun.

And to be 190% honest with you to the core, it makes the Clan appear to be struggling.
We're not.

Do yourselves a favor; lose the spare change speech.
You don't know what you're talking about. We are a community based group and we don't exist without the community. We are not-for-profit enterprise. Every dollar we earn is spent running the servers and everything else we do. We appreciate our community, and we appreciate their contributions. NOTHING is mandatory, but it doesn't happen without all of us.

if you look into the initial start of this thread, e.g. "Government Grants" Use it for your own benefit.
The subject of this thread is, "Can Banzore be the 1st to setup Multiple Games servers and Modes?". The answer to this is yes, we already do, and so do many other clans. Your comment about government grants has already been addressed. We don't want them. We, as a community, support ourselves.

Can Banzore be the 1st to setup Multiple Games servers and Modes?Some of us are still human whether its the military or those that support the military ...[/QUOTE]
I don't know why you keep bringing up the military? We aren't the military.

With all of that said,

CRZ8... it is obvious this guy is either a troll or mentally handicapped. You didn't have to go and prove it. But I respect that..... I'm beginning to like you more and more. However this guy has yet to make any idea that would be remotely considered a rational thought. Don't waste your time with the sons of bitches.