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Cheating in BF4 - An Overview


-bZ- Member
Pay attention to the smoke kills when you watch on monitor.

Smoke kill on delta on propaganda, or on delta on hammerhead? On propaganda its two kills in the smoke? Any good player would shoot in the smoke, that is where they are. Or rather, you can't see any enemies, why not shoot free bullets into or through the smoke...

Yeah the flying seemed like simple map reading, but even so I still dont understand how pilots can be so precise with attacks from max ceiling when refering solely to map.

Translating the map position to 3D position is pretty easy on most maps. The harder maps are the ones that obscure vision so you have a hard time to see them in the 3D world. i.e Giants of karelia and sandstorm on oman

I have an interesting clip of him gunning for me in the AH, he got a shitload of kills, and I didnt get a single driver assist point. In all the hours of gaming, that is the ONLY time that has ever happened, and the only time that KROW has gunned for me. Some sort of visual glitch? Maybe. Coincidence that it happened only with KROW? Sure. Giga-sus? You betcha.

This has been a bug or intended feature forever. Whenever I have a gunner in helicopters especially, neither of us get squad points after a while. I am not sure if we don't get squad assists at all, or if we do, but it doesn't pop up. Point being this has been a thing forever in BF4

If he was truly not running any hack whatsoever I couldnt care less because he was an absolute shithead when he was raping uncap unprovoked on Sunken Dragon a little while back. Multiple uncap kills over two days on several people and his response was "lol fuck you, waaaaah you're trying to get me banned". No, faggot, I'm not, that's why I warned you multiple times, asked you to stop, and didnt report until you kept doing it the second day.

He might stop now that he got a 7 day ban for it. Even if he doesn't stop, he will be stopped by more bans lol

Also, if you know eyes are on you and maybe you really are the best player in the world, maybe tone down the gape every once in a while? Is a game even fun anymore if you're the absolute best and there's no challenge in gameplay and you just steamroll the entire player base? Did he ever assist to help losing team? He's a punk bitch 20 year old kid, pale as talcum powder, only child, the bratty kind that causes shit then points the finger and makes the irritated look like the bad guy for reacting. We all know the type.

Nothing of value was lost. This is a wrongful conviction I support.

So what you are saying is that you are corrupt and like to use ad hominem on people you don't like? Seems like peak humanity right there. Some people try to be better than the average mouthbreathing shit human


-bZ- Member
The real issue here is bad players that refuse to use effective counters against good players in vehicles. Engineer is the best class in the game. Scar-H SV + G18 + MBT law + AT/AA mines/repair tool, it counters everything in the game lmao

Smoke kill on delta on propaganda, or on delta on hammerhead? On propaganda its two kills in the smoke? Any good player would shoot in the smoke, that is where they are. Or rather, you can't see any enemies, why not shoot free bullets into or through the smoke...

Translating the map position to 3D position is pretty easy on most maps. The harder maps are the ones that obscure vision so you have a hard time to see them in the 3D world. i.e Giants of karelia and sandstorm on oman

This has been a bug or intended feature forever. Whenever I have a gunner in helicopters especially, neither of us get squad points after a while. I am not sure if we don't get squad assists at all, or if we do, but it doesn't pop up. Point being this has been a thing forever in BF4

He might stop now that he got a 7 day ban for it. Even if he doesn't stop, he will be stopped by more bans lol

So what you are saying is that you are corrupt and like to use ad hominem on people you don't like? Seems like peak humanity right there. Some people try to be better than the average mouthbreathing shit human

accuses people of baseless ad hominem, implies he is better than general population

The real issue here is bad players that refuse to use effective counters against good players in vehicles. Engineer is the best class in the game. Scar-H SV + G18 + MBT law + AT/AA mines/repair tool, it counters everything in the game lmao

throws in some baseless ad hominem, reminds us he is a piece of shit and always has been

lmao this guy
Man ive always been with Krow, he seems legit to me and reminds me to those pro players we saw years ago in any battlefield title. Most of what fluff is saying is true, you can shoot through the smoke if you have some photographic memory that give you angles and positions where they will be, i regulary do that on metro and thats why i can break the red line.
iiKano has the same ability or he is even better than Krow in tanks and his tvs? Man… i learned to avoid tvs with that guy.

If we look at the past the skills of the players were beyond the “avarage ”good” players” of today.


-bZ- Member
Man ive always been with Krow, he seems legit to me and reminds me to those pro players we saw years ago in any battlefield title. Most of what fluff is saying is true, you can shoot through the smoke if you have some photographic memory that give you angles and positions where they will be, i regulary do that on metro and thats why i can break the red line.
iiKano has the same ability or he is even better than Krow in tanks and his tvs? Man… i learned to avoid tvs with that guy.

If we look at the past the skills of the players were beyond the “avarage ”good” players” of today.

My skills on BF2 were waaaaaaaaaaaay better than my skills on BF4 these days.

Those were the days before I discovered my deep and abiding relationships with men like Captain Morgan, Jack Daniels, Johnny Walker, a St. Pauli girl, &etc.
eh krow is no better or worse than kano, neo, twinguns etc - all of whom are skilled. in vehicles the single most important thing is having as good engineer co-pilot

ie, the engineer that knows just when to pop out and put an RPG/MBT up your ass followed by immediately repairing friendly, or hop out and start to repair tool the enemy tank if it goes for the ram scoop (which I invented btw) etc

if the only variable is a skilled engineer co-pilot with two +/- reasonably matched opponents and you're the one without the engineer, youre dead. good engineers are rare


-bZ- Member
Someone else to pay attention to is EggSalad3000.

Has a near miraculous penchant for knowing exactly when people will turn a blind corner.
Most competitive players on ANY console game (as krow was by his own admission) use a Chronos (or Chronos Zen), that is literally what it is made for. It's a whole separate piece of hardware undetectable by any anti-cheat. While it's not a straight 'aim-bot' or ESP it allows you to script all of your actions and can even adjust your aim for you. It also works on PC.

You download packages for it depending on the game you are playing, I am not going to link them but you can easily look it up. Some packages include things like:

In-Game Soldier Sensitivity, Aim-Assist, Anti-Recoil, Burst Fire, Flash/Laser Mod, Auto Spot, Minimap in Hardcore mode, Quick Scope, Auto Sprint and Hair Triggers.

This is what is going on in the video, also I think the airplane part is about the speed not the map. These devices can control your airspeed for you as well.