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Complaint Handled Complaint from Clems about player Muldep

Who are you reporting? Muldep

Date of incident Oct 31, 2020

Which server were you on? BZ #7 Hardcore Rush

Describe the incident several times tonight on multiple maps Muldep would join our squad, join on one of us and drop c4 around us and on the mortar tubes, run away and blow up the c4. He killed my squadmate with his pistol, and ran up to me then changed his mind. I don't know what his problem is other than disliking others playstyles, so he results to griefing, which on a hardcore server can be deadly.

How many days have I been banned? I did it because he, with his mortar, killed me (TK) about 3 to 4 times, I was pissed. Since he killed me several times (not intentionaly), i tought if i ended his mortar was ok, seems its not hahaha. Apologizes
How many days have I been banned? I did it because he, with his mortar, killed me (TK) about 3 to 4 times, I was pissed. Since he killed me several times (not intentionaly), i tought if i ended his mortar was ok, seems its not hahaha. Apologizes
There are server admins for a reason, have a problem with somebody? record it, upload it to youtube, make a report post here with the link in the comments to said video and WE will handle it. Do not take matters into your own hands it never works out for the vigilante's.
Gave you a week. I think its fair as you have quite a history of Teamkilling since playing on our servers.
And i didnt killed nobody, it was just the mortar, i didnt killed your friend at least not intentionaly, maybe on a rush he had been hit
Gave you a week. I think its fair as you have quite a history of Teamkilling since playing on our servers.
I have problems on locker only, is the only history of tk i got, but all tk's is not on porpouse, everytime ppl run in front of me or get exploded by explosive ammo. Im a good player and always behave.
I got sometimes kicked due that, but its always not intentionaly tk, and as i know its no against the rules.
I wouldnt worry about it. If it becomes an issue just let me know. Id rather just move along. Spent enough time on this haha.