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Complaint from Ron about player MisterRoberts

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In-game Name MisterRoberts

Date of incident May 7, 2017

What game were you playing?


Describe the incident That server is run by Bios individuals who like to call people ASSHOLES because things don't go there way. Banned because I supposedly TK'd on purpose. In the past I got teamed killed its just ignored. So put the server IN the place the BZ PLAYERS LIKE TO CALL PEOPLE.


-bZ- Member
Bwahahaha sorry I missed this one. You seem very "triggered" Ron. Though I was not in there today, I have seen you tk in game before and it did seem intentional. This type of unban request does not get high approval ratings. You might want to rethink your approach. Or maybe not.


Your Daddy!
Staff member
Senior Admin
You have changed your in game name 15 times, but your infractions on the server will still follow you.


I am the Admin who gave you a !Punish. I got several complaints about you for teamkilling... I expected you to at least get a warning but granted your previous infractions you are now under a 1 week temp ban. I further recommend the ban stay in place until it's time is fulfilled unless my superiors state otherwise. Any future disruption of the BanZore servers will result in you being banned forever. Have a good day sonny.
"Have a good day sonny". Now I know why your server is run by name calling, disrespectful A Holes. You're the Head MF'r in Charge... Have a good day SONNY !!
I am the Admin who gave you a !Punish. I got several complaints about you for teamkilling... I expected you to at least get a warning but granted your previous infractions you are now under a 1 week temp ban. I further recommend the ban stay in place until it's time is fulfilled unless my superiors state otherwise. Any future disruption of the BanZore servers will result in you being banned forever. Have a good day sonny.
"Have a good day sonny". Now I know why your server is run by name calling, disrespectful A Holes. You're the Head MF'r in Charge... Have a good day SONNY !!


Clearly you are missing the point. I do not see a bright future for you on our servers, however that future will be determined by you and you alone. I hope you (get over it) and act like a mature adult in the hope you will become a productive member of the community. Sadly history has shown players with your conduct often do the opposite. You will come to discover my superiors are far less forgiving than I am if that is the case. IF you had presented yourself as an adult you might of had a chance at getting the ban removed, but so much for all that I suppose.
Clearly you are missing the point. I do not see a bright future for you on our servers, however that future will be determined by you and you alone. I hope you (get over it) and act like a mature adult in the hope you will become a productive member of the community. Sadly history has shown players with your conduct often do the opposite. You will come to discover my superiors are far less forgiving than I am if that is the case. IF you had presented yourself as an adult you might of had a chance at getting the ban removed, but so much for all that I suppose.
For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.
This means that for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction. That is to say that whenever an object pushes another object it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard. It's clear to me that the server is not worth further comment.


You're Never Right!
I will make this short and sweet, you clearly don't agree with our rules and thus being said that it will be easier if I just perm-ban you right now and be done with you. I'm sorry you can't agree to how we regulate the environment not just for you, but for EVERYONE to enjoy.

Vegetaa called it when he said that his superiors would decide what to do, so that is exactly what I'm doing. I certainly hope you have a better time gaming wherever you end up, but it won't be here.
Clearly you are missing the point. I do not see a bright future for you on our servers, however that future will be determined by you and you alone. I hope you (get over it) and act like a mature adult in the hope you will become a productive member of the community. Sadly history has shown players with your conduct often do the opposite. You will come to discover my superiors are far less forgiving than I am if that is the case. IF you had presented yourself as an adult you might of had a chance at getting the ban removed, but so much for all that I suppose.
Further communication is neither necessary nor wanted. Remove my email from your list!
I will make this short and sweet, you clearly don't agree with our rules and thus being said that it will be easier if I just perm-ban you right now and be done with you. I'm sorry you can't agree to how we regulate the environment not just for you, but for EVERYONE to enjoy.

Vegetaa called it when he said that his superiors would decide what to do, so that is exactly what I'm doing. I certainly hope you have a better time gaming wherever you end up, but it won't be here.
It had nothing to do with the rules. Everything to do with the ASSHOLES running the server. I said not longer email me!!
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