Frankly I wish the USA never got involved in any of the European wars.
This speaks to how little you know of our history. See, just because we might have ignored Europe did not at all mean that Europe would ignore us.
When the brand new USA tried to expand to the Mississippi the British and the French did what they could to contain us. It didn't work. When France sold the Louisiana Territory to the USA both Britain and Spain tried to intervene to stop the deal. The fucking Spanish even sent a hit squad to try and kill the Lewis and Clark Expedition but the dumb fucks got lost and then went back to Mexico. The US still found out about it.
The War of 1812 came close to being a war waged by the US against both Britain and France. Both countries were seizing American ships and sailors on the high seas. When confronted the French demurred and agreed to respect the US flag when displayed on our ships. The Brits initially told us to fuck off, that we were their colonies, and they'd do whatever the fuck they wanted to on the high seas and in our waters.
The Brits also wanted the war because the Royal Navy needed the white pine forests of Maine for ship masts. Far cheaper to steal the resource than to pay for it, right?
By the time the Brits figured out that this was not their brightest idea the US had already declared war. The war ended in an overall stalemate and return to
status quo antebellum but with the exception that the punishment handed out by the US Navy taught the British to leave our ships alone.
When the USA and Mexico went to war over the US annexation of Texas the British again contemplated entering the war to seize New England and to attach it to British North America. The Dutch spoiled this bit of intrigue by letting the Americans know about it and our coastal forts were prepared for war. See, after the War of 1812 the US invested in coastal fortifications that were adequately manned in most circumstances but then fully manned when needed. The Royal Navy didn't feel like fucking around with American gunners again so this plan never happened. Thank you to our friends in Holland.
During the US Civil War both Britain and France sided with the Confederacy and both considered joining the war on behalf of the Confederacy. Both openly supported the CSA during the war and openly provided arms to the CSA. The rapid Union buildup of ships, guns, and troops were a sobering reality for these European powers and they elected not to get directly involved.
During the course of the war the US Navy rapidly advanced naval warfare and introduced iron clad ships, naval rifles, and early mines and torpedoes.
At the end of the war and on into 1867 the US Navy was the largest navy in the world. The several ironclad warships of the US Navy were also a match for the entire wooden Royal Navy. The Royal Navy embarked on a modernization effort after the US Civil War. Their biggest anticipated adversary being the USA.
In the period 1865-1914 both the British and the French considered the USA to be their primary adversary.
When the US went to war with Spain in 1898 it was partly because of difficulties between the US and Spain and also due to internal problems within Spain. The Spanish were butthurt that no one cared about their fallen empire. Once again the British and the French contemplated war to seize the Spanish holdings, the Dutch told America about it, and America acted first.
The Germans in 1899-1900 made plans, did recon, and made preparations for the invasion and occupation of Long Island and New York City in a possible gambit to force the USA to cede the former Spanish territories to Germany. Germany gave up on the idea when German spies were caught nosing around and US defenses were bulked up.
In 1912 the US Navy was building far superior naval guns in comparison to the European navies. An accident at the Washington Naval Yard in Washington DC (where naval guns were made) was attributed to British saboteurs. A fact that was not disclosed to the papers but one that was acted upon by the US government. This contributed to Woodrow Wilson's determination to stay out of World War One when that flared up in 1914. During the initial years of that war many American military leaders wanted to enter the war on the side of Germany and then to put an end to the
British and French threats once and for all.
The US entered the war on the side of Britain and France and then foolishly disarmed in the years leading up to the next great war. US disarmament in the 1920's and 1930's was a contributing factor to German and Japanese militarism and eventual acts of war against the USA.
After World War Two we finally figured out that the best way to put an end to the European threat was to keep them more or less disarmed, create NATO mostly with the intent of preventing another intra-European war (this has worked), and for the US to maintain military dominance.
You want the US to pull out of Europe?
Let's say we do.
The European Union
will federalize and form its own military. That military,
and I guarantee this, will view Russia, China,
and the USA as its principle adversaries. The EU will build enough nukes to kill everyone. I'd do it if I were them.
Within twenty to thirty years after that the likelihood of the US engaging in a major war with the EU will be at least equal to the likelihood of war with China or with whatever's left of Russia.
So the least costly thing to do here is to maintain NATO as it is. Keep the US in Europe to prevent the Europeans from slaughtering each other and also to keep the Russians out of Europe.
Elsewise it'll be on to World War Three and Americans will fill up some new graveyards on the French coast.
No thank you.