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Square Panties - Who threatens to ban people..


-bZ- Member
Because comment 1: "No, both teams are denied the AA cuz you don't die on uncap". This pisses me off, Nobody can use the AA. Campers don't kill enemy aircraft neither die.
But enemy jets, ya they don't give a fuck about you, they are having a blast.

Last time I played Paracel Storm I stole the AA from the enemy twice when they were repairing and both times got it to the Chinese uncap. Enemy jets and helis attacked me in the uncap repeatedly. Including jetrams of which two attempts succeeded. A couple of their guys were even firing rockets at me from the nearby island to no effect because the fixed AA kept shooting them.

I ended up 32 and 2.

Keep in mind that's 32 of their aircraft I killed and not infantry on foot.

While these morons were jerking off trying to kill me my team seized the flags and won the round.


-bZ- Member
You want to put C4 On me? Not even in your wettest dreams about me, the only one who can pull that off is Beagle. Thanks but try again fuckface.

Sounds like a challenge. Remember this and don't come back to this forum and whine because bad old LongTrang keeps blowin' up ur ridez. :cool:

You gone be mah new hobby, mah brother! ;)


Last time I played Paracel Storm I stole the AA from the enemy twice when they were repairing and both times got it to the Chinese uncap. Enemy jets and helis attacked me in the uncap repeatedly. Including jetrams of which two attempts succeeded. A couple of their guys were even firing rockets at me from the nearby island to no effect because the fixed AA kept shooting them.

I ended up 32 and 2.

Keep in mind that's 32 of their aircraft I killed and not infantry on foot.

While these morons were jerking off trying to kill me my team seized the flags and won the round.
nice contrary to what people think the AA isn't ''godly'' it takes practice to play whit properly but i digress
Sounds like a challenge. Remember this and don't come back to this forum and whine because bad old LongTrang keeps blowin' up ur ridez. :cool:

You gone be mah new hobby, mah brother! ;)
This other two morons should learn to behave more like you, like functional adults, instead of whinny ass babies.
Challenge accepted Long, the same goes to you, don't come crying here after I blow your ass up, you better stay in uncap since you love it so much there.
schizo guy making up shit xD
Here, your boyfriend can explain it to you, he speaks your dumb shit moronic language.
The rule has always been that you can shoot from uncap, and you can't attack without them shooting first since its creation in 2020. Old BZ did not allow AA camping, but it was under different admins then, and the servers were shut down. Neo, assault, and I all agree to allow people to camp in base cause it happens a lot already and mass reports would happen
So as you can see there was a time where AA was not allowed camping. But all the woke cry babies like yourself had to step in to make it more "inclusive" to your lack of skills
By the way when SP states: Neo, assault, and I all agree to allow people to camp in base cause it happens a lot already and mass reports would happen
That means shit because hes a nobody with no jurisdiction to bz rules and regulations... so yeah. That


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I do believe he used to be an admin here for a time.


-bZ- Member
using myself as an example is waaay too selfish but sadly i have to (i dont like to act like this), but im just one of the 5 people that actually use the !assist command to help the weakest team, and i dont care if we end 0-300 if i do my best, yes i talk shit about how they use their time (more specifically how they choose their classes).
Most of you know that i can be a douchbag playing metro, im annoying as fuck giving orders to the team in general, but still im going to switch even if we dont have a chance to win, if i believe that i can make a difference i will play on it. Every grain is helpful to the greatest major.

(I wrote this drunk as fuck the other day, but i had a point lol)
I do the same thing. Love being the underdog!!


-bZ- Member
A farmer is a non-aggressive player who sits on the safe side of the map and at the instance of danger, retreats back to uncap. A farmer is a selfish, k/d player who thinks the heli or tank won't just respawn in a minute and will spend longer going back to uncap than just going out in a blaze of glory and waiting for it to respawn. A farmer rarely caps flags. A farmer doesn't play as a squad. A farmer sits on rooftops and thinks he's helping by getting some kills. Are you a farmer? Your flag capture rate is 1 flag every 18.26 minutes. Mine is 1 flag every 3.69 minutes. You are a farmer.
I like farmers cause i like corn . Lol i however am one of the most aggressive tank whores in BF4. I try and crush ass every second of the game and cause a much chaos and destruction to the other team as i can. I love playing with and against prime, silent, square, etc any of the high end players ( whiney ass bitches hehe) that need their shit pushed back into their ass ha!! Sometimes i crush them sometimes they crush me. The point is it takes all kinds of players. Do i camp? Hell no, i like non-stop action, but others do. It is what it is. Do i like the little scrubz that hide outside of their spawn then run back in after they fire on me? No but I'll fucking keep engaging until they stop shooting at me or die ( i prefer the latter). So let's stop crying about the bullshit and get to throwing lead and artillery at each other like we fucking mean it. ❤️


-bZ- Member
So as you can see there was a time where AA was not allowed camping. But all the woke cry babies like yourself had to step in to make it more "inclusive" to your lack of skills
Shooting from spawn always was and always will be a scrub ass move. I was an admin for years in bZ and it was never allowed for that reason "scrub as fuck". Allowing it because of low admin presence seems a change based on necessity rather than it being a " cool" move. So having said that, it is what it is. If it's in spawn i go after it. Though i don't like it, it seems like a prudent move to avoid constant reports etc. Personally i love taking the AA out into the fighting following a squad tank and raping the helis etc while also shredding infantry, but hey, that's just me. Don't sweat the small things. Let's wreck some shit!!
Shooting from spawn always was and always will be a scrub ass move. I was an admin for years in bZ and it was never allowed for that reason "scrub as fuck". Allowing it because of low admin presence seems a change based on necessity rather than it being a " cool" move. So having said that, it is what it is. If it's in spawn i go after it. Though i don't like it, it seems like a prudent move to avoid constant reports etc. Personally i love taking the AA out into the fighting following a squad tank and raping the helis etc while also shredding infantry, but hey, that's just me. Don't sweat the small things. Let's wreck some shit!!
Good to have you back Slash, been a minute! Hell, you'd be a great admin as you're like me, don't got time for BS. I'll be on tonight to make snowflakes melt xD


-bZ- Member
Good to have you back Slash, been a minute! Hell, you'd be a great admin as you're like me, don't got time for BS. I'll be on tonight to make snowflakes melt xD
I'm in Florida i fly out tomorrow morning back to Washington state. I'll be on probably tomorrow or the next day. Recovered from surgery then my mom had a heart issue. I swear dude it never ends lol. See you soon