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Swag, explain.

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FluffMuffin was the biggest antagonist of "baiting" that I have ever seen. But, he was a BZ member so of course he was protected, don't mind the $2k he gave them either... but I've seen people bait as much as he did and got punished while he got away Scott free. I even called them out on it before. I can't remember who the member was and I don't really give enough of a fuck to go through searches to find out but I asked about baiting and I was told something to the effect of "people can rest assured and be in their uncap unmolested" and whatever they said and I asked if I did something similar, I was responded with "you know better, if you do something like that you'll be banned" or some stupid shit.

I can't tell you how many times I witnessed, called out, and showed fluffmuffin baiting in uncap but no one cared but if anyone else was in their uncap and got shot or killed in similar circumstances it was "baiting." So sick of the double standards and all of the BZ bullshit. Swag and some others are a big component of why I left.
When are you going to grow up and be a productive member of society? Or does BZ just give admin to teenyboppers with no future?

Bold of you to assume such things. If only you knew, too bad for you that I have no obligation to explain my life to you.
Keep me in your head, you must live a sad life to fret over these small things.
You're the one making false accusations and "rules" which should have been created from your own BZ member from way before I joined. Hypocritical and double standards.
Because you're a whore and enjoyed his money. Roger.

If you legitimately enjoyed fussymuffy, then you have more deep seeded issues.

The fact that that I brought his bullshittery to BZ LONG before I became a member about his baiting and his nonsense but it went wildly ignored, yet when others do it now it's considered "baiting" and now you claim it's a rule put in place because of "me" says a lot.
Why wouldn’t I enjoy his donations? He single handedly kept our servers online for months.

He was fun to play with and wanted to win.

Him donating did not give him a special status in regards to our rules, if you think so, you should seek some continuing education courses to freshen up your critical thinking skills.
Your brain hasn't fully developed to obtain critical thinking skills.

Take a census on fluff. You would fall in the minority.

So because he "kept our servers online for months," did that make you and the other admins look the other way when he was "baiting" and doing other nonsense?
And if you think some lonely norweiger fag giving you money is keeping your servers alive, you're laughably mistaken.
Your brain hasn't fully developed to obtain critical thinking skills.

Take a census on fluff. You would fall in the minority.

So because he "kept our servers online for months," did that make you and the other admins look the other way when he was "baiting" and doing other nonsense?

No, it didn’t. Do I need to repeat that again for you to understand?
No, it didn’t. Do I need to repeat that again for you to understand?
You're not saying a whole lot of anything. Especially pertaining to why this thread was created. Because you know... you have no obligation to explain your life to me... even though I asked a straight forward question that you're unable to answer so far.
So my money wasn't keeping the servers going? So the other donators weren't keeping the servers going? It was this one fussymuffy that was keeping everything going and that's why he got the golden ticket?

You didn't ask, but that's what you said. Do you need me to quote you?
I didn’t say that though. Why are you such a retard?
You’re always trying to twist words and start conflicts where there doesn’t need to be one.

Every donation helps; however, he single handedly supported our servers for a few months.

Is the above really that hard for you to understand? I know the military has lax standards but I expected better.
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