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Swag, explain.

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-bZ- Member
Swag, you and Panda's contempt for the community is in large why I left in the first place. Sure, you'll be a shiny whore while in discord and be everybody's friend, but in the forums you have such contempt for everyone and it's sickening. Without us, the regulars, and the people who donate (not singular BZ fags) to BZ you wouldn't have the power trip you're clutching on to.
Since you want to drag me into this, so be it. I'll be blunt and frank.

I have no contempt for the community as a whole, if I did, I wouldn't go out of my way to help people on the forum, in-game, in voice chat or with their technical issues or questions in general. I volunteer my time freely and expect nothing in return. I don't even know why you bring up donations either, none of us admins get a cent nor touch the funds. This is an unpaid volunteer position to help the community.

I do however have a hatred for the following:
• Those who expect special treatment and want special protections (see next bullet).
• Those who think they are above the rules by running to a senior admin to get unbanned after serving 1 hour of their 1 day ban for attacking uncap despite others serving the entirety of their punishment in previous cases.
• Those who harass other community members based on their sexual orientation or preferences. (btw great job using hrt as an insult when it doesn’t effect you personally, it really shows your entitlement and lack of awareness).
• Those who think jokes about rape are funny. (see attachments)
View attachment Covert8645.mp3
• Those who go out of their way to try to start a report war with someone because they're a petty drama whore, with no actual evidence and from a third party perspective no less.
• Those who break rules and try their hardest to make up a BS story when caught (Really? An enemy is standing in your uncap throwing ucavs/suavs?)

Those above are the things I hate and yes, you Covert, are someone I have contempt for because you are every single one of those. You are the worst offender and some of the above are specific to you. If you want to twist words, so be it, but that doesn't make what you say the truth. Every day I hold back and bite my tongue when dealing with the stupidity that comes out of mouths of people like you, but I'm done with that. You contribute nothing to the community other than starting drama and creating stress for those of us still trying to keep things running smoothly.

And you know what, despite my strong dislike for you, I still answer your reports/complaints promptly without bias. I still act neutral with you while in vc. When you were being disrespectful towards myself and Swag in-game, I was in spectator handling reports and could've easily muted you for the round (something well within my rights as an admin) but I let you spew your aggression freely (it will be posted below in case you forgot). I have been so lenient in regard to your constant lies and slander but you're so unaware of that and now, I've had enough of your bullshit.

As for your response, I don't care how you feel, I don't care about your perspective and I won't see it because I will have you ignored by the time you finish reading this.

I am tired of your infantile attitude. This is an adult community. Act your age or leave.

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Welp I'll just say I'm a considerable doner here (monthly) and not a member but a key part of our society here. Swag, I'm really not impressed with your approach and candor towards Covert's impeccable service to our country and sacrifice to this nation for all of us that you just discounted with your words on this forum. You may think it's BS but it's really not and honestly pretty low. I've known Vert for 10 + years in gaming community and honor is always evident. Speaks his mind when bullshit happens however you bringing up your bullshit military service comment for this man was not in good taste. He's been through a hell of a lot of pain & suffering over the years for (you guessed it) you. Regardless of where this lands I hope Y'all understand my thoughts here. Thanks for reading and thinking of the regulars that matter in this community. I was # 2 man in our rTr community, been through this all for 10+ years (so I understand running high-capacity communities & servers), and this is why I'm here enjoying gaming with the people now with our friends. You should give Covert better consideration however I agree that he can be "spouty" with his comments and passion.


LMAO you clipped a soundbite of me? HAHAHAHHA!

Yeah. Rape can be funny. 9/11 can be funny. ANYTHING can be funny. Depends on your sense of humor. lol a soundbite about rape being funny is hilarious, because it can be the best joke out of any bit.

I never ran to a "senior admin to get unbanned" after serving 1 hour. Neonardo was in-game during that time and he was in discord too. He saw that I got "banned" and kicked from the server and he said "what the fuck, covert?" and I told him and he said that was bullshit and automatically brought me back in. I had no intervention with that whatsoever. SOOOOO stupid of you to bring in Neonardo into this, but now that you have, good. Fuck you.

I literally have no idea what you're talking about with your other bullet point rants.

I'm the worse offender? Then ban me. You're full of shit and you can't do it. You don't act neutral, you act like a whipped puppy that got it's balls neutered because you're a pussy.

Yeah, you're a shit child. You and swag both. Shitty children. If I was SooOoOoOo bad, then I shouldn't have been allowed in BZ in the first place, and if I was such a bad member, I should've been kicked out then... but that never happened. I left because you and your conjoined teenybopper twin, Swag, held such contempt and had such double standards and hypocritical viewpoints you were unbearable to be in the same community with.

Yeah, it's an adult community, do you even qualify? Act my age, kid.



I don't mean to take sides here, just commenting with my complaint about farming reports from 2022. I think that farming reports is really dumb and should be a non issue. I personally like playing with Covert, enjoy the banter, and enjoy the team play when i am in the discord or playing in squad.

Yeah, Covert can have flamboyant moments, edgelord comments, and thoughts in bad taste (at the wrong time), but overall, i see him as one of the most active members of the community. I would like to see admin and covert alike agree to disagree and continue to play in the one community that is left. I was around for the Angrycuban saga and the fall of MiG and i would hate to see another minor issue divide a already fragile community. I am a monthly donor, but not a member. I also try my best to due my due diligence and attempt to weed out cheaters from the ranks of fresh accounts that join this game. From my perspective, this is a trivial matter that can leave a bad taste for everyone involved.

@Covert - please just play nice with the people who attempt to do their best at ruling this online herd of cats and allow us to continue to play in a nice server. This is a private thing, but for your sake and the communities, just please keep it civil so you dont get banned and we can continue to play together. there is always another day, and there is always another round in the battlefield. Fren <3

@BigBadBagOfSwag -
"Laugh all you want @Covert, that ruling is because of you."

This kind of calling out in a report is on the line of the unprofessional edge. making jabs at an already spicy situation between an admin and a player. Thank you for your continued help with the community and i see the work that you put in. Please let reason dictate your future moves and let us all let cooler head prevail

@PandaExpress293 - I have no beef with you at all. your words are succint and it was pretty on the money. I dont care about coverts overt actions when it comes to name calling and all the other deplorable allegations, but that is my personal take, and everyone has one. Thank you for remaining unbiased when it comes to report, and professional in demeanor. cooler heads when it comes to the longevity of the community, and i would hate to see people divided over specific players.
If I contribute nothing to the community then give my money back, panda. The majority of the money I've donated was when I was deployed in Afghanistan to get ping protection. So go ahead and give that back since it didn't contribute to anything and since it was worthless and wasting my fucking time.

You admit that you hold me in contempt. You're supposed to be neutral as an admin. Yet you just admitted that you're not.

Anyone that has an adverse opinion of you is an "infantile attitude." You don't like what I have to say? Cry in your safe space.

I brought countless numbers of cheaters, rule violators, and others to your attention and did your job for you... You know, for the better of the community so they're not a cancer to the rest of us. You and your shit friends have such contempt for the regular players in bz1 you can't even hide it and you've already admitted it. It's sad. I've been an admin too, with Raider, in rTr. Don't think that I don't know what it's like and I don't know what the bullshit is, but you're too ignorant to see that you and your shitasses are the problem. It's refreshing to see that you and your admin buddies have already made up your minds and your decisions and have no accountability.

Atrocious behavior on you and your buddy's behalf. Yeah, I say off-the-wall stuff and I make lots of jokes, but it's all in good fun and within the rules. Rarely do I get into serious mode. The things I type and the way I speak in discord at the same time are completely different most times. Discord regulars can attest to that. Want to try to hem me up with a soundclip of talking about rape jokes being funny? It's a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard.

You were too coward to even get into discord that day when Neonardo unbanned me because you knew you fucked up. I didn't intervene in that, you fucked up, Neo corrected it, and that's it. There were plenty of other players that were witness to that as well. I never asked to be unbanned, I never mentioned it, the only thing I said was probably something along the lines of "what the fuck" when I got kicked, then Neo intervened. Nothing more.

You haven't said anything to me in discord in months, and you're rarely on there to begin with so not much to miss. I would hardly call that "neutral," more like lack of opportunity.

Panda, Swag, neither one of you lead BZ. You've brought up massive components which should have been addressed years ago but neglected to. You two hold such contempt for me and other regulars it's baffling. I think Neonardo should come in and fix all of your teenage angst bullshit. If I was such a problem, I should never have been allowed in BZ (which was unanimous if I'm not mistaken and that was rare from what I was told). When I was on my way out, I was told "awww man, any reason why? everyone loves ya as far as i know" If I was such a shitty member, I should have been kicked from BZ. I wasn't. I left on my own terms because of you turds. Your accusations don't hold up to the truth and what happened.
Not when you and other admins contradict each other and then threaten people with bans if they do the same thing others are doing that is claimed to be perfectly fine and they should be protected in uncap unmolested blah blah blah but if I did it... it would be baiting.

"common sense"

But, come on... you mentioned "I know the military has lax standards but I expected better." so come out with it. Do you have something against disabled veterans? Why the jab at the military/veterans? Would really enjoy your elaborations on this.

Nah, just with you.

What's wrong with Starbucks?
It’s common sense.
Yeh ngl, I’m trying to read through this whole thing to see if there is a good answer to what baiting is… I was under the assumption that players could loiter in spawn for an unspecified time limit with full protections. I assumed a player endlessly driving in circles would be greifing but now we have baiting? So…
Nah, just with you.

What's wrong with Starbucks?
Chargebucks my guy, chargebucks… Their coffee bags (mocha and green apron blend) aren’t to bad. I drink it all black anyway and the quality just isn’t there unless you grind the beans yourself, it’s ok but not great.
Yeh ngl, I’m trying to read through this whole thing to see if there is a good answer to what baiting is… I was under the assumption that players could loiter in spawn for an unspecified time limit with full protections. I assumed a player endlessly driving in circles would be greifing but now we have baiting? So…

Chargebucks my guy, chargebucks… Their coffee bags (mocha and green apron blend) aren’t to bad. I drink it all black anyway and the quality just isn’t there unless you grind the beans yourself, it’s ok but not great.
Ah I gotcha, I only get coffee there less than a handful of times a year. I usually stick to local coffee shops instead if I’m in the mood for it.
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