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Swag, explain.

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If you stick around a little longer, im sure we could expect a different out…cum

Thank god for banzore forums. That old dog has been shooting out cobwebs for years now.

Frank Castle

-bZ- Member
1) No
2) only targeting frank since he camps in uncap all game to UCAV and mortar. Waiting for him to fire out or do something but he clearly knows and was baiting me to do something. He literally uploaded to YouTube and posted a report in the middle of that match.

3) doesn't really matter if he is baiting me to kill him. If I kill him, which I did a few times and got a temp ban for, then I am in the wrong. But him baiting also puts him in the wrong and he should have received some punishment.

Since im still in your brain and talking about me trying to get me banned somehow let me talk some:
I dont bait, i just prove that you are breaking the rules.
Theres a reason why theres some reports against you attacking uncap. After your temp ban yet you did again that got you perma ban: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-nyanpasuyeti-about-player-gyat_rizzler.20063/

Doesnt matter if is me playing or not thats something you do to anyone who camps in uncap or not.
Thats it.
If im doing something wrong pretty sure the admins will let me know in the report.
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Please fluff come back, i miss you, i really do, we barely have competition since you left…


-bZ- Member
What ever happened to Fluff? Feel like he left BZ when KROW got popped for hacking
he did leave. that was his line in the sand. KROW's cheat use was poorly explained and even high hour regulars dont understand how he was banned when watching the gameplay.
The “proof” that krow was cheating was a video in 360p showing how he kills people with his HMG in the tank
3 things:
1) Fluff is autistic.
2) Krow was one of the most horrible drivers I've ever seen yet knew where everyone was. It was like watching your grandma winning a rally race every round. Definitely a cheat.
3) Even though Fluff is autistic he was right about the BA and BF4DB being a mafia. One of the BA members in particular is clearly emotionally unwell and these people should not be trusted.
3 things:
1) Fluff is autistic.
2) Krow was one of the most horrible drivers I've ever seen yet knew where everyone was. It was like watching your grandma winning a rally race every round. Definitely a cheat.
3) Even though Fluff is autistic he was right about the BA and BF4DB being a mafia. One of the BA members in particular is clearly emotionally unwell and these people should not be trusted.
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