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Swag, explain.

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I'm not twisting words, it's literally what you said.

From the retard himself "Why wouldn’t I enjoy his donations? He single handedly kept our servers online for months."

Are you really going to bring my service in to question here? You are fucked up beyond belief, kid.
Which means you're not accounting all of the other donators. You're saying this one BZ piece of shit that only you and a select few like is the only thing that has kept the servers going and not any other donators. You're a piece of shit.
Thank you, anything else you’d like to add?
Swag, you and Panda's contempt for the community is in large why I left in the first place. Sure, you'll be a shiny whore while in discord and be everybody's friend, but in the forums you have such contempt for everyone and it's sickening. Without us, the regulars, and the people who donate (not singular BZ fags) to BZ you wouldn't have the power trip you're clutching on to.
It’s common sense.
Not when you and other admins contradict each other and then threaten people with bans if they do the same thing others are doing that is claimed to be perfectly fine and they should be protected in uncap unmolested blah blah blah but if I did it... it would be baiting.

"common sense"

But, come on... you mentioned "I know the military has lax standards but I expected better." so come out with it. Do you have something against disabled veterans? Why the jab at the military/veterans? Would really enjoy your elaborations on this.
Go ahead, Swag. I dedicated my adult life to service to my country. 15 deployments. Comment on, criticize it, asshole. You are way more fucked up than I am, kid.
Go ahead, Swag. I dedicated my adult life to service to my country. 15 deployments. Comment on, criticize it, asshole. You are way more fucked up than I am, kid.
Did you really dedicate your life to your country? Or did you dedicate it to the big corporations and arm dealers that profits off silly little men like you in stupid wars between clowns?
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