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Sacred geometry is everywhere, from the old world to the new one, D.C. to wall street. Religions aint shit beside occultism.
Problem here is you can’t convince a atheist G-d exists…. They view all religious text as fairy tales while putting their FAITH in various scientific theories that can’t be fully tested… Which makes them really no different from a religious cult. Only difference is they don’t have rites and rituals….

Most Satanists are just Atheists taking a piss at Christians, knowing Christians won’t do anything about it. They don’t believe in Satan or else they would be confirming the existence of a higher power, such as G-d. The Atheists literally get their kicks from unknowingly/knowingly acting satanic. They put their faith in man, taunt religious folks, they believe they can become G-d, they believe man can create heaven on earth, and most are moral relativists(basically classic liberalism). They don’t seem to mess with Islam and Judaism all that much. I guess it’s because they rightfully fear retribution from the two most violent Abrahamic religions to date? So instead they pick the low hanging fruit and target modern Christians. When attacking or defending their beliefs they resort to gas lighting about how Christianity is the most oppressive religion despite the overwhelming number of examples proving otherwise. Their true reasons for disliking Christians mainly stems from their present day social and cultural views that are antithetical to traditional western (N. America/European) morals/culture. In a comical way they tend to abandon their most prized beliefs of critical thinking, science, and rationality to further their pursuit of destroying Western Values, Morals, and Culture…. In the long run they are their own worst enemy, a massive death cult, and most don’t even know it… No point in helping them…. Let their insane ideas die with them as generation after generation of G-d fearing religious folks have their ideas live on…
I can understand agnosticism. There is no shame in admitting that you don't know what to believe. I myself lean towards agnosticism ; I don't consider myself one per se but I also don't consider myself a Christian since my beliefs differ too distinctly from traditional Christian theology. Atheism on the other hand is nonsensical to me given the lack of provability. While the existence of a god or gods ( I'm not capitalizing shit ; fuck off with that shit ) may not be provable the lack of existence is equally not able to be proven.

The problem with "Science" ( capitalized to indicate its status as an institutional establishment ) is that it has become an institution and a system of belief and ideology rather than a methodology. If you go against "Science" then you are labeled bad for no other reason than because you don't abide by the "consensus". Questioning anything that "Science" has deemed to be solved is tantamount to heresy for many of its followers. Examples of this are any questioning of the "consensus" on climate change ; and the possibility that genetics and intelligence can share some level of correlation : see what happened to James Watson - one of the discoverers of the double helix structure of DNA - for how readily they will clamp down on anything suggesting that. Instead of using science as a means to gain knowledge these people use it as a means to suppress the expansion of thought.

Entire fields of science have been destroyed by this political correctness. Just look at how radically anthropology changed in the post-war era : humans are no longer considered to be distinct variations of a single far-ranging species having adapted to multiple different environments and are now a considered a monolithic race of one hominid with zero measurable differences between populations separated by thousands of years of isolation from each other. The rules and conventions of taxonomy are completely disregarded when it comes to Homo sapiens and any suggestion that different races of humans ought to be better classified as distinct sub-species will be met with immediate declarations of racism and prejudice, as I am sure I am bound to encounter here myself.

Science is dying because people are using it as a tool to control the thoughts of others. Unfortunately for us so many of our technological advancements of the past three centuries have been the result of the application of the scientific method and I fear that a possible reaction to this continued politicization and transformation of science into "Science" will result in a knee-jerk rejection of anything scientific and a regression of human technology and progress.
That's because just like in the USSR science has been co-opted by dogma. Case in point:

Indeed. This all goes back to academia having been infiltrated by communists for over a century at this point. When you point to "Science" and academics as your beacons of morality you inevitably give way to public policy being dictated by them. So the logical path for a communist/collectivist takeover of the Western liberal world is to target the source of their ideology : the academic circles. If you control the source of their ideological framework then you don't need to bother with wars and revolutions. The people will gladly give away all of their rights and powers if the people they gain their moral foundations from tell them that it's the right thing to do.

Ironically, the most successful way to promote communism is not to form a monolithic collective polity but to instead create a radically decentralized network of disparate groups and affiliations connected only very loosely by ideology. It's not a small, secret cabal of malicious comic book villains who will create the "New World Order". It's a plethora of unaffiliated groups of regular people who will destroy the individual in the name of the collective. We only have ourselves and our indifference to blame for this.
Indeed. This all goes back to academia having been infiltrated by communists for over a century at this point. When you point to "Science" and academics as your beacons of morality you inevitably give way to public policy being dictated by them. So the logical path for a communist/collectivist takeover of the Western liberal world is to target the source of their ideology : the academic circles. If you control the source of their ideological framework then you don't need to bother with wars and revolutions. The people will gladly give away all of their rights and powers if the people they gain their moral foundations from tell them that it's the right thing to do.

Ironically, the most successful way to promote communism is not to form a monolithic collective polity but to instead create a radically decentralized network of disparate groups and affiliations connected only very loosely by ideology. It's not a small, secret cabal of malicious comic book villains who will create the "New World Order". It's a plethora of unaffiliated groups of regular people who will destroy the individual in the name of the collective. We only have ourselves and our indifference to blame for this.

So the logical path for a communist/collectivist takeover of the Western liberal world is to target the source of their ideology : the academic circles.
We have to be careful about who are we listening to, the problem that came with globalization is that we have to listen a lot of stupid people and the PC stuffs, “every opinion is valid” my ass, stupid people should shut the fuck up, as Fiodor Dostoyevki once said "Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles.".
We have to be careful about who are we listening to, the problem that came with globalization is that we have to listen a lot of stupid people and the PC stuffs, “every opinion is valid” my ass, stupid people should shut the fuck up, as Fiodor Dostoyevki once said "Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles.".
I agree but pride month is a thing sooooo… Looks like the retards run the show….
We have to be careful about who are we listening to, the problem that came with globalization is that we have to listen a lot of stupid people and the PC stuffs, “every opinion is valid” my ass, stupid people should shut the fuck up, as Fiodor Dostoyevki once said "Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles.".
Critical thinking is a lost art these days.
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