no one cares, but again, I love conquest, been playing it for 20 years, so theres something to it. That said, i switch, (try anyways) to switch not to the winning side, but from the team where out of 32 players, maybe 3 are playing conquest. When your side has one flag, and most of team is not even attempting forward movement, I dont want any part of that. For me, it is not fun. I think the ultimate goal of conquest, for me, is not to get 2 or 3 flags, its to get every muthafucken one of them. you know, conquest. Although keeping the majority of flags against a strong enemy, is fine, of course. But the end goal is total destruction of the other side. Chain Link MIGHT be a better option for the non conquest players perhaps. Actually, now that I think about it, it would be worse. So, think what you want, but I switch not to win, but to play conquest. some teams just dont wanna do conquest. And thats cool, But i just dont want to play with them. I also know some might say, well then go get flags howie. Yeah. ok. One guy shows up at flag, and i get 1 tank, 2 lav's a helo and 4 guys gunning for me. I'll take a few out with me, but getting the flag is a lost cause. Another thing is, sometimes I do get the flag by myself, and get shot. respawn and the flag I took is already changing. You, know, cuz my teams not playing conquest.

Ok so in summary, I want to play conquest. I dont care about winning or losing. I just want to play a team based game of conquest. And that had disappeared from this game for the most part a few year ago.