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Weapons preferences and dislikes


-bZ- Member
Greetings Banzore!

So what is everyone's weapons preferences and more importantly what weapons are most frowned upon? For example I quickly learned that using Infrared Scopes are a big turnoff lol. What is FLIR? I see a lot of people complain about that too.

Why do so many people complain about the DMR's? I mean in actuality, DMR's are probably the most difficult weapon to use. You have to hit an opponent with multiple shots to get a kill, unless head shot. Seems to require the most skill to successfully use.

How the hell do so many people use the SNIPER RIFLES from the hip? I notice most players are running around like wildmen with sniper rifles and fire off shots very quickly while they are running and end up with one shot kills. How is this possible?

Thanks for any input



You're Never Right!
DMR's are easy to use for most people from what I've seen...you want a challenge, try the Phantom Bow ;)

I'm not great at the game and get scoffed a lot for holding back, but that is my game style since I'm not very good with most of the weapons


Power Tripper 9000
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
These are some of my favorites, 1616255566548.png
FLIR is just 'Foward looking infared' or just thermal, you have that and IRNV which is just night vision, not as bad as the thermal site but still hated :p Any sniper questions ask @RogaineFoam lol


-bZ- Member
Hi Surge,
In response to the sniper thing it's mostly just being hard to hit and quickly scoping and shooting the person before they kill you. Rogainefoam is our resident mad man that runs around on the team deathwatch server hopping around and killing people but he knows what he's talking about.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin

Sniping is one of the mechanics that makes BF4 shine over all other games in my opinion, while also being the least forgiving. Compared to other games, BF4 allows you to instantly scope in with 100% center of screen accuracy. This means that you are able to hit people reliably before the reticle on the scope, or even the scope is pulled up high enough to see the enemy through it! For casual players, sniping allows the flexibility to hit targets at all ranges, enabling the player to reach out and kill any target they see, no matter how far away. Funny enough, the hipfire on most sniper rifles is exceptionally poor in this game past 10 feet, meaning that most players either get lucky hip fires or are scoping in and then instantly firing.

Overall, the SRR61 and M98 are the most reliable for sweaty sniping due to better "hidden stats" that are applied when spam jumping around like a madman. The MBT Law is also one of the best anti personal weapons for when aiming just takes too much effort..

Just for fun, I've attached an old video of mine to show you how one can get the best out of the sniping mechanics that are in BF4. The immense flexibility of sniping is what has kept me coming back to this game time and time again over the years. :)



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