Ylohx - way too good for no haxx


I vastly underestimated how much of a life you don't have. Bro has an entire profile, of Superman. If that isnt obsession, I don't know what is. Bro has all of his stats memorized, documented chat logs, memes, the whole nine.

Do you want me to talk to him about sending you feet pics? Would that complete your full documentation of Superman Prime???
@JL1834cx I will invite you to our discord, then you can REALLY collect that hard hitting superman prime journalism. You can get INSIDER knowledge to the conversations we have. You can hit on superman in a private setting, confess your TRUE feelings.
everyone can look at your report history and see that you quit when your team is about to lose and you stay when your team wins.. keep making up lies about how your computer "won't load the next map", if that were the case you would be quitting when you win also.
This is false. My report history is full of wins and losses and the main page is glitched as it only shows losses. And yes, I have quit when I win also. The problem with you is not only your obsession, but you don't know enough to be conclusive about much of what you're saying. Please don't stop...you're making yourself into a fool and we're enjoying it.
what do these numbers mean? you can try bullshitting, but if you look at the stats you're nothing but lies.


and before you bring up hours, you will never make up these gaps in the next 504 hours of your scrub level gameplay.
Oh this is easy to explain:
1) you don't have a life
2) you farm with the lmg
3) you sit on the rear flags defending them so you can retreat into spawn.
4) you join the team and games you know will give you the win. We've seen this every time with you, long before I called you out and you started spectating me.
It's the same thing over and over with you. "StAtS dOn'T lIe" yea, and they don't tell truth of how someone plays... like with you. You obviously know how to play and you're are protective of your stats, hence why they are the eay the are. Most of us don't just play in tanks and don't abojt stats like you do.
how many times are you going to post the same line? you really are gargling his nuts, and you lie just as much.

I understand why you rely on staff shell now, this is honestly painful
Lol you posted one video, but most videos won't show him mossing like that. You know lag exists right?
Awe, you killed me....after I had taken damage fighting pretty much everyone else there. And where were you? Oh that's right, near spawn, like usual.

Oh, and this is false. You were up top where you could hit me and I couldn't hit you. You're hardly on the offensive, so you wouldn't know....seitch positions and see what I'm talking about.
lmao kid can't even tell who he is in videos and wants everyone to believe he knows when he sees a hacker.

sorry I wasted everyone's time reading all this shit, clearly he is mentally deficient, and I will no longer be replying to anything he posts.

Lol I'm telling you JL and Superman just need to fuck and get it over with. Post butt nut clarity will solve their issues.
yeah you're on the ignore list.
Lol I'm telling you JL and Superman just need to fuck and get it over with. Post butt nut clarity will solve

lmao kid can't even tell who he is in videos and wants everyone to believe he knows when he sees a hacker.

sorry I wasted everyone's time reading all this shit, clearly he is mentally deficient, and I will no longer be replying to anything he posts.

yeah you're on the ignore list.
Thank you! We all are glad for this!